Aug. 15th WT- "Jehovah Only Loves Those Who Obey the Governing Body "

by flipper 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Ummm.... is the GB getting nervous and uneasy on losing their power ?

    Maybe its because their little fraud game is being exposed to the degree it has recently.

    Their self devised and propagating kingdom in actuality was a working business in disguise.

    Their proclamation that JC had arrived and started to set up his kingdom on earth was

    a self designed kingdom that they sat on themselves and began ruling over it.

    Oh the things men do with the power of god in their hands.

    Men on a hunt for power find it through a god that never existed except in the imagination of ignorant men and the corrupt.

    The money involved is just the additional topping on the cake

  • flipper

    VILLABOLO- Yeah, I hear you. She would fit good with that description.

    HEAVEN- Exactly . I think the membership numbers are declining . That's why the GB puts out this desperately controlling information.

    METATRON- Very good points you bring up ! I was promised I would not raise children in this system when I was 16 in 1975 ! Well- Now they are 24, 22, and 20 ! If that's not a fraud I don't know what is ! Decent people would be ashamed of falely promising these things and not fulfilling them. But the WT societies conscience is seared as you say . They really don't care.

    TRUTHSETSONEFREE- Exactly. More koolaid for the dubs to swallow.

    THE ALMIGHTY HOMER- I truly believe the GB is getting desperate because their fraud is being exposed and they are losing members . Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Definitely

  • WTWizard

    Who gives the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger the right to demand worship or have you destroyed, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger?

    For an organization that claims zero tolerance for idolatry, they sure demand a lot of worship to the hounders and to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    They labeled themselves with this with the intension to validate themselves as receivers of the holy spirit,

    above and apart from any other Christian based organization. Unfortunately it was a false identity for the simple reason that they never told the truth starting

    from C. Russell and onward and of course they commercialized these false truths to the public, which is even worse.

    Exposing these fraudsters puts a black mark over them as it should.

  • Hoping4Change

    When I was young I learned an important lesson; "Respect is earned, not granted". Just exactly what respect has the GB earned (and then demanded). Certainly they do not have a good history of providing proper 'food at the proper time''; some of the most grotesquely imperfect food given then have given certainly was never, ever proper. Second, (for Reniaa), certainly you aren't suggesting that just because someone claims authority, the Bible thereby justifies and endorses blind, unquestioning following of authority, no matter what they should happen to instruct or say? If anything, Jesus taught (through his actions) to question leaders, to make leaders (authority) answer for their behavior, and not be afraid to standout against 'accepted authority' when their position and actions are an insult to Jehovah God. Yet, the GB and leadership of the WTBTS teach you to NOT follow Jesus' example by saying "Do not question us. Do as we say even if we are wrong because Jehovah uses imperfect people (us) or else we will make sure to make your life a living h3!! by insuring that the most important Christian ties (those of family) will be poisoned and corrupted so that you will not get to expereince them anymore (at least not until you obey us again). (oh, and by the way, never mind those men behind the curtain)"

    Good grief!

  • flipper

    WTWIZARD- Nobody gives the right to the Fitful and Disgruntled Slave holders to demand worship ; they brazenly assume that right for themself ! In a very conceited way I might add.

    THE ALMIGHTY HOMER- The WT societies claim to be influenced by the " holy spirit " is certainly self glorification on thir part and the epitome of disrespect to any " God " if there is one. Ridiculous.

    HOPING 4 CHANGE- I agree respect is earned, not granted. The WT society has disrespeced it's members by handing out mind control information which insults anyone's intelligence. They are arrogant as you said, don't want to be questioned, it's just " shut up and listen , or else " by them to their followers. And like you said- If members DON"T listen then they are cut off from their families. Certainly not the example of Jesus to be sure ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • free2beme

    ... and the governing body demands you drink the punch and speed your way to the new system of things, my brothers!

    Honestly, what about the aliens from the million or so possible worlds of life out there. This green blooded folks are just screwed.

  • flipper

    FREE 2 BEME- I'm sure the governing body will continue serving out the kool aid to JW members as the years go by ! Don't know what will happen to the aliens though ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • hubert

    This is a keeper, Mr. Flipper.

    They are starting to go "hard line" now. They are losing too many j.w.'s. This was discussed before, and now it's time to tighten the reigns.

    This is a good thing, actually.

    Many j.w.'s will be leaving this org. because of this. They just proclaimed themselves not Jesus, but God himself.


  • hubert

    I'm actually hoping that the GB make all j.w.'s wear white robes, and also sell flowers, kind of like the Moonies used to do.

    The only thing that would be missing after that, is communal living. Wouldn't that be a riot?


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