I'm pretty agnostic currently. If there IS a god he is going to have to make himself known to me personally.
Do You Consider yourself an Atheist / Agnostic / or Christian? Reasons ?
by flipper 83 Replies latest jw friends
Wow ! Lots of responses , hard to respond individually , everybody has their takes, I respect them all ! Shamus view of Dolphin worship - think I'll leave that one alone ! I don't want that much notoriety . LOL! Thanks for the thought- but I don't want to start my own cult . Hilarious. Keep the responses coming ! It's very interesting and I think good and educational for all on the board to be able to voice their opinions on why they feel the way they do ! So thanks ! I'll respond a bit later. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Rationally, I'm agnostic, because there isn't any sure way of knowing God does or doesn't exist. Heck, we can't even be absolutely sure about our knowledge of the material.
Practically speaking, I'm atheisitc in that all the gods and stories about them are undeniably fashioned by ourselves. If you take the time to study the history of beliefs, say, you can even find a few examples of how some of these gods formed/changed over ttime. IOW, human conception.
Morally, I'd like to say I'm liberal (NOT fundie) Christian. I find portrayals of that kind of Jesus and his treatment of others appealing in that they're heavily humanistic. But since that take really doesn't require any aspect of the supernatural, and since most Christians also stress the Trinity or the Ransom which I simply don't buy, I'd probably have to say I'm more accurately a Christian sympathiser.
MIDGET SASQUATCH - ( Love your name ! ) It sounds like you are very reasonable and have thought your position out thoroughly. That's good ! It's important to feel comfortable with whatever position we have taken in life. I too am agnostic, just can't find evidence God exists. I also thought Jesus was cool in his thoughts on things- but I think he was just a wise cat who enjoyed helping people ! Been lots of those people throughout time. Good thoughts
I am a Rationalist (to steal the title from Bill Maher). I look at evidence and make informed decisions.
Evolution and Science have given so much evidence to us. Religion would mock it, but it's pretty much a done deal that Man came from lower lifeforms. The details will get refined. The origin of the universe is a more tricky one, but there is sufficient evidence that things came about in a certain way. There is no evidence of Sky Daddy. Show me some rational evidence and I will look at it. (No anecdotal evidence though)
Certainly, there is ample evidence that the Jews were not slaves in Egypt who left after devastating plagues. Ample evidence that the world could not have had an earthwide flood, or that mankind all has a common ancestor within the last 6000 to 7000 years. There is even ample evidence that David ruled a little city nation that was fairly insignificant and the people were still worshipping many gods. The 10-tribe kingdom was never part of his rule and nobody ever lived under the Mosaic Law prior to Babylonian captivity.If you must label me as Atheist, then do so. I prefer Rationalist.
I'm an atheist intellectually but a cosmic pantheist like Carl Sagan at heart.
I don't believe in god(s) for the same reason I don't believe in fairies and leprechauns but at least the universe is right in front of you instead of playing hide and seek games with your mind.
I've re-invented myself into a biblical scholar of athieism. How's that for a paradox?
Or failing that I'm a worshiper of the great god Thor! All kneel to his might thunder or be smote with his hammer of power!
The reason's that I'm not christian is that I am not a moron. I can look at a book clearly written by some of the dimmest human minds to ever troll the gutter of human suffering and say 'wow, there's a load of shit...' I mean anyone who looks at the bible ands see's god is clearly suffering from some sort of aneurysm or mental illness. I used to try to be understanding, I used to try to explain to people the errors and mind numbing idiocracy inherent to that book of lies and BS but you know what? Life is too short, you want to be an ignorant slut do it on your own time.
OTWO- Good points you make Mr. Rationalist. I too feel that many religions are so superstitious they mock ANYTHING they don't understand. I don't know HOW we got here- but it doesn't bother me NOT knowing. I'm just concerned with the here and now and making a positive difference for people. But Science certainly DOES give us a lot.
VILLABOLO- Carl Sagan was pretty cool. A very interesting scientist. Good views. And yes the universe is right there isn't it ? Very beautiful.
SHAMUS 100- Biblical scholar of Atheism. I like the sound of that !
MKR 32208- You worship the great God Thor ? Cool ! I read " Hammer of the God's " biography about the rock group Led Zeppelin ! Great biography ! Any connection ? I agree life is too short to base all our hopes on the Bible- especially when it's too difficult to interpret accurately. Too many religions with too many confusing takes - in my opinion
I am agnostic because I do not see enough evidence in any of the religions I have examined that have enough convincing evidence that would make me believe them to be true. When I left the JW's, I placed the same burden of proof on anything else religious that presented itself before me. I wanted to avoid jumping on another religious bandwagon that may make more sense than the JW's, but be equally untrue. As much as the everlasting life promises sound good to me, I don't see any credible evidence to convince me to accept them. I wanted to avoid looking for something to believe or join just because I wanted it to be true.