Jesus.....God or God's son?

by digderidoo 280 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • allelsefails

    Outlaw - I have found a lot of information saying the translation of YHWH to Jehovah was basically guesswork, but nothing that shows that it is a mistake. It seems there is no evidence to support how it should be translated. How do you think God's name in the OT - YHWH - should be translated into English. Just curious.

  • mdb
    1 Samuel 16:7 is useful to remember in cases such as these. Hebrews 4:12-13 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17 also apply in discussions such as this.

    Great passages!

    There is no Jehovah..There may be a God.....But..There is no Jehovah.

    Couldn't be more wrong (YHWH is God), but you like all the rest of mankind are entitled to your opinion. One day we'll all find out won't we? Theoretically, if you're wrong and hell is the place for you because you denied your maker, you've got a big problem. Do you want to take a chance like that?

    That's a huge risk to take and a choice you'll never be able to change once this life is over (kind of like jumping off a 500ft cliff - no going back). All creation testifies there is a God so man is without an excuse. What excuse are you going to give the Lord when you stand before Him and He says, "Here I am, now you believe. Give Me an account for your life"?

    I say this because you claim that there MAY BE a God. I'd make certain of what you believe here because you're playing with eternity. If God doesn't exist then what's the point of life? Really.

  • allelsefails

    Spike - saying Jehovah is the final authority on whether Jehovah is his name or not is silly.......... 1 Samuel 16:7 selcting King David Jehovah sees the heart. Hebrews 4:12-13 all things are open and exposed to God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture inspired of god ... etc. None have anything to do with our discussion here. ...... PS - When Paul? wrote "all scripture" he meant ONLY the Hebrew scriptures he had available at the time. Most likely he was referrring to the Septuagint which included several books we now consider apocrypha. So do you agree with Paul that those books are inspired? He certainly was not talking about NT books.


    Allelsefails..I have no idea how Gods name should be Translated..

    ....My best Research says,it`s never been done.....No one knows,what God`s name is..


  • allelsefails

    Outlaw - Thanks. thought I was missing something - it happens a lot :-) So if in Hebrew God's name was YHWH - and we have no idea how to "accurately" translate it into English - why not Jehovah or Yaweh? .......... I agree with the info I read that JWs are wrong to suggest use of the name "Jehovah" is vital for salvation. The NT shows over and over again that Christians are to call on the name of Jesus for salvation and forgiveness, and to be witnesses of Jesus to the ends of the Earth. They diminish Jesus by putting Jehovah in these roles.


    Mdb..You can`t prove there is a God..

    I can`t prove there is`nt a God.

    What is your Point?


  • mdb
    They diminish Jesus by putting Jehovah in these roles.

    Technically, they're the same person (Jesus is YHWH), but because they don't see that I see your point. The Son definitely has a specific role which should not be diminished or given to the Father (not that it shouldn't be given to God). They also should never have put YHWH into the NT because the name is not Greek (it's Hebrew) and is never found in any of the original manuscripts (Lord = Kyrios). A very poorly taken liberty to support unbiblical doctrines.

    "Kyrios" (or "Lord") is replaced with Jehovah in the NWT in many places concerning God the Father, but not consistently. Otherwise, passages like Romans 6:11 would say, "... Jesus Christ our Jehovah (Kyrios)." That just wouldn't do for the WTS.

    Mdb..You can`t prove there is a God.. I can`t prove there is`nt a God.

    God has proved His existence through His creation. There is ZERO possibility that the balance of life and this universe came into being without a powerful, all-knowing creator. Even the best of scientists acknowledge that. For example, they are finding that even the simplest cells (or so they used to think were simple prior to microboilogy) are actually very complex. It really is impossible for there not to be a God and if that's true, we all might want to find out what it is He wants and how we should live. Even your conscience tells you when you do something wrong. Why? Who put that there and who made absolute truth that we all know good from evil? I can't make you believe anything, but I can tell you what I know is true.

    My point? You say you're not sure if God exists and I'm just telling you He does.

    I don't think I've ever seen a thread go off in so many directions.

  • reniaa

    Hi Allelsefails

    DO you accept deut 6:4-5?

    Deuteronomy 6:4-5

    4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God, is one Jehovah. [a] 5 Love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

    and here Jesus's own words....

    Mark 12:29-30 (New International Version)

    29 "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord(YHWH) our God, the Lord(YHWH) is one. [a] 30 Love the Lord(YHWH) your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' [b]

    According to Jesus we cannot be wrong by putting Almighty God Jehovah above him since he does himself.


  • allelsefails

    Reniaa - I have posted on every Trintarian thread. I don't believe in the Trinity. I believe that Father gave life to Son otherwise it is a meaningless description of their relationship. However Jesus is definitly to be worshipped, obeyed, prayed to and is of the "same nature as God" He is God's only begotten Son He is not God, but he is able to funtion on his own abilities, merit, and intelligence. He is your ruler he is the one you are to be a witness of not YHWH. That is why YHWH is not found anywhere in the Greek Scriptures. It is not necessary. JWs accept that the Bible has been alterd many times, but insist that God has kept everything you need in the scriptures - that is why God did not see fit to keep his peraonal name in the Greek Scriptures. I believe the Truth is somewhere in the middle. Jesus is God to mankind because he created us and is our Eternal Father and Saviour. But the Father gave him that position as every scripture that describes their relationship confirms - Father gives Son his name, authority, position not that the Son has them from infintite times just that God has given him these things.



    My point? You say you're not sure if God exists and I'm just telling you He does

    ...........I don`t have a problem with that..

    ..I`m just asking you,to prove it..

    ..Do you have a problem with that request??


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