Show-down with elder at the kingdom hall

by Hobo Ken 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    @ scotsman - good point. However, Ronnie was seriously rattled after this conversation and the 2 JCs that followed.

  • ninja

    too true don cameron said...."once the bell has been rung"......

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    We listened to the podcast last night.

    Hats off to you HK for not losing your cool, especially when RH asked "why are you getting so Aggressive?". Anyone with a half a brain could not fail to see that you had every right to be livid and to sock him one!!!!!

    I loved his "I'm not going to answer that question as you've caught me on the hop" (to the question of who supplied him with the gossip about the teacher/son incident), IOW "sorry but I can't answer because right now I can't think of a good enough excuse or lie that won't sound like I'm lying or wont be something I'll get in trouble for". Sheesh.

    Pathetic and weak. I almost feel sorry for the man. If he wasn't such a weasel.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken

    >luo buo to

    I know what I believe about Jesus but he can decide for himself if he wants to argue against the Bible itself.


    Well said. It can get you very fired up eh?

    Thanks for your solidarity. Down with the Watchtower!

    >Sweet pea

    Thank you for your kind sympathetic words , to Lorraine especially. This has hit her hard. Iv'e known for many years that the Watchtower Society was teaching falsehoods but Lorraine has that realisation plus all the shunning baggage. It's a tough deal for the "weaker vessel".......

    >scotsman, Ninja and Password.

    I agree partially that men like him and my brother may never leave the WTS but at least they got to hear why WE all left.

    It will bother him and Paul in their quiet moments for the rest of their lives......


  • scotsman

    I'm not having a go at anyone here but what does rattling Ronnie accomplish? He's a nobody unless you acknowledge his position within the Witnesses.

    I probably shouldn't post here as I've been out too long and have seen regular waves of people leave the Witnesses trying to leave and make a point at the same time. Leaving is the point, and i think that leaving while having a fight with them is more individually damaging than just walking away. You loose your family and friends either way, the fighting is exasperating and there's little evidence to suggest that it's productive in freeing others. Walking away and living a fulfilled life seems to be as successful in drawing others out. I know you are praying for the local Witnesses PP, and presumably feel that's more powerful than arguing about 607?!

    Controversially I sort of agreed with Ronnie that, from a JW perspective, altering your belief in God/Jesus is worse than sexual immorality. They see recovery from immorailtyas possible, it being a human frailty, but there's no turning back from disagreeing with their concept of heavenly hiearchy. A change in thought is that great terror of 'apostasy'. It irritated me tremendously that when I left expressing my disbelief in god, they left me alone, but 12 months later when they thought I might be immoral they chased after me, when disbelieving in god was surely the greater 'sin'.

    I was publicly marked too, on my last ever meeting, and could have viewed it as humliating to have my life described but not named from the platform. Instead it made me realise that there wasn't anything I could do from within the monolith and that people I had known all my life were about to mistreat me. It was momentarily horrific, but fundamentally liberating.

    Hope it works out that way for you too Hobo K and IKA.

  • JustHuman14

    I will hear this later on. I GOT my judical commitee on tape!!!

  • happpyexjw

    Frankly, I am appalled that anyone on this board would criticize the way Ken and Lorraine have handled this entire situation. They have kept their composure while under tremendous pressure and have made their exit with their dignity and integrity in one piece - no small thing in my opinion. It's oh so easy to listen to something like this and pick it apart in every little detail from the comfort of your own home. It's quite another to actually be in the situation and "under the gun", having to think and respond under pressure. Everyone has to choose their own way to make their exit. For these folks this was the right way. Who knows - their handling of the situation may well have opened Ann's eyes and made it possible for her to escape too.

    To imply that Ken had to come to Lorraine's rescue and confront the elder because she either wouldn't or couldn't do it, is hogwash. She obviously has the courage to stand up for herself. What is wrong with a husband or wife standing up for their mate? I say good for both of them.

    Ken and Lorraine you have guts, intelligence and integrity and we thank you for sharing these podcasts. These turkeys are no doubt shaking in their boots, knowing that they have been exposed for the liars and ruthless lackies they are. Good for you!

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken


    The impact is being felt I assure you. It's noticable that local JW's are posting on this forum and on my blog.

    Regarding Ron , you are right in the grand scheme he is a nobody but not within the Oranisation in this country.

    If he has some kind of attitude change or slows down because of persistent doubts and thinks back to thses events then this WILL affect others who look up to him. Plus the local elders are aware of my blog and the recordings so that will have an unsettling effect on them and him in particular.

    You are right about seeing it happening time and again and you are correct that the biggest thing is in fact leaving.

    I notice you describe it as "regular waves" of people leaving. What effect do waves have on a shore? They errode, and eventually over time cause a change in the landscape. Little by little they will be weakened. Also don't forget the internet is a massive weapon that ex jW's who left in the 70's and 80's didn't have. Can you imagine if Ray Franz left the GB just now and used the platform of the net to air a digital record of it all and have a website exposing them?


    Well done. If you want to share it I'd personally like to hear that.


  • Yizuman

    Is there a transcript for this since I am deaf?

  • passwordprotected

    @ happpyexjw - extremely well said.

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