Show-down with elder at the kingdom hall

by Hobo Ken 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    Can we change the name of this thread to "Show-down with passwordprotected and slimboyfat at the internet forum"?

  • slimboyfat

    Show-down? I'm in costume already.

  • passwordprotected

    Leather chaps and ten gallon Stetson?

  • iknowall558

    My my ! You go out for a couple of hours and look what happens. lol.

    Slimboy --- I know you'll already know this if you've listened to the podcasts, but the settings of the conversations were Shepherding Calls. The elders knew we were struggling with things, and as they saw it, we had 'doubts'. It takes guts in the first place to air what these concerns are in the presence of two elders, as you know that eyebrows will be raised. You never know how they're going to react. You just immediately think that they'll be thinking you are an apostate. Matt and I didn't see ourselves as that and still don't. In fact, one of the elders piped up during one of the visits that he was shocked at what we were saying and felt like leaving.

    How on earth does that let people feel they can freely go to the elders with questions without being judged? As for Ronnie, what he heard from us was nothing that he hadn't heard before, although he made out it was. There is already a recording of a conversation another ex-witness had with him about practically all of the same things Matt and I brought up. Ronnie made out he didn't have much thought or knowledge of the subject and would need to go "and check it out". You will know also that he, or any of the other elders, barely gave an answer to any questions we asked them. His motive for being there, in my opinion, was to extract as much out of us as they could in order to 'deal with us'. He didn't really help. The second shepherding visit consisted of Ronnie, and Matt's brother Paul, also an elder. They both said some really hurtful things to us and did nothing in the way of answering any of our questions. They just wanted to know if we still stood with the belief of the F&D slave and how deep our 'apostasy' was. I was asked several times if I had read or passed on any 'apostate' literature. He was determined to get me to answer, but I managed to dodge confirming any suspicions he had.

    This is evident when you will hear the judicial recordings, as both these two elders (Ron and Paul) were instrumental in having Matt D/F. The both stood up as witnesses to testify against him. They used the information they gleaned from the Shepherding visits, as testimony that Matt was an apostate. As far as I am aware, Shepherding visits are confidential. Matt and I spoke to them freely on this basis. How devious and hurtful their actions were.

    Matt saw fit to record everything to show the hyprocrisy of JWs and their rules. The recordings are living and breathing, and go against everything that their July Awake preaches. All we did was question and fail to agree on everything they teach. They chose to cut Matt off from his family for not accepting their doctrine or belief system, and fully expect that his family have nothing to do with him. So their wispy words in the Awake mag are not applied in Matt's life , but nor are they applied in the life of his Family who are still in. He didn't have the freedom to choose his own beliefs and keep his family close and nor do they. Their beliefs require that they banish Matt from their lives because he doesn't agree with them any more. How on earth is that fair or just for any of them. This is happening/happened to people in their thousands within the org. This is their most recent BIG FAT LIE that they cannot possibly cover up or hide as its in print and already distributed.

    We can't help if people recognise who Ron is. You can choose to listen in or not. We are not forcing anyone to. But just to get it clear about "identifying" people. What do you think happens when a person is marked ? We were 'identified' and spoken of as apostates well before we both officially left, as were PP and his wife, and also Ninja. We were already being judged and our characters were brought down. People were shunning all of us to some degree........not because we had personally offended any of them, but because the elders had set the lead. This was the reason Matt challenged him in this recording because he had run ahead, slyly, while we were on holiday, to get my mum to have nothing to do with us. He had also went to see Matt's mum and dad to get information from them about anything "apostate" he had been saying to them. He even asked them to testify against him.....which to their credit, they refused. His brother had no problem though...........

    All we are doing is 'identifying' the unjust way people are treated when they start to think for themselves. I think it comes across loud and clear in the audio. At the appeal meeting, Matt had to sit in front of 3 Elders and 3 Circuit Overseers as well as the two Elder Winesses. That was EIGHT ELDERS IN TOTAL. So of course it was a dramatic way to leave. It was not of our choosing that it happened this way. This was the choosing of the 'shepherds'. They were determined to get Matt out no matter what it took. He fought them all the way and I'm proud of him for that.

    They are too used to people cowering before them because of the control they have. Matt didn't make it easy for them. Why should he have? I for one don't give a toss how Ron and the other elders feel about the podcasts. People need to know what happens. As far as I am concerned, it is in the interest of the public to know how a religion such as this has two faces and can wreck peoples lives.

  • iknowall558

    How did I get to listen in to the meeting ?

    I managed to get a hold of the phone number for connecting to meeting. I tried it three times and only got through on the third attempt. It felt a bit strange hearing all the stuff again and lots of familiar voices. Anyhow, by the Sunday the code had been changed and I've been rumbled. They don't want certain people to listen in apparently. Dont really understand that as it's a public meeting and I could bodily walk in and sit down on a chair. It was curiosity more than anything, and just wanted to see if I could because the CO is coming in the next couple of weeks. I would have been interested in what he had to say. Realised quickly that I'm not missing anything.

  • scotsman

    Jesus, Ronnie Hunter will be loving this attention!

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken


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