Religious Fundamentalist Terrorist Strike Again?

by Justitia Themis 129 Replies latest social current

  • PEC

    My post did show up, so I reposted.

  • journey-on

    jeeprube....laws get changed by radical means sometimes. Slave laws were changed by radical means. Sometimes it's the radical lawbreakers that keep an issue in the forefront, thus, creating debate and causing the issue to be examined and analyzed on a new and different level. I'm not advocating this method by no means, but, history does show that laws have been re-examined and changed in the climate of radical protest that sometimes turns violent.

  • beksbks

    Unbelievable. What a bunch of hypocrites. Every single "pro lifer" here has in so many words said the killer was justified.

  • beksbks
    I see this murder as a hate crime, not terrorism.

    PEC, the difference is that in terrorism, the violent actions are hoping to facilitate a change in the victims beliefs, behavior etc. This is exactly terrorism.

    The right has called people who spike trees in the Redwoods Eco terrorists. This is the same idea, only far and away more heinous. Again, I am sick at the hypocrisy of the christian right in this country.

  • Robdar


    Unbelievable. What a bunch of hypocrites. Every single "pro lifer" here has in so many words said the killer was justified.

    What are you smoking? I am pro life and I never said the killer was justified because he isn't.


  • beksbks

    But Rob, you are different. You fit no mold. I was speaking of the usual suspects, hence the " "

  • Robdar


    But Rob, you are different. You fit no mold. I was speaking of the usual suspects.

    Well, okay. You've mollified my ego and I feel better.

    I love you again.

  • beksbks
  • Brocephus

    Looks like beksbks is going to pic up the name calling torch that Keyser and Dinah dropped.

    Justitia you are correct, Dinah did take the bait and I am glad I made my point. Not to humiliate anyone but to get the debate going from a e-lynching to a discussion. Also if I would have called each opponent in Speech or Debate class a "prick" and sat down I would have failed and ultimately been dismissed from college. In the boardroom? I don't know what business you work in but anyone in my profession (banking) would not be taken seriously if they just resorted to name calling with anyone who disagreed with them. We expect facts, reason, and hopefully numbers to back up arguments in my profession.

    I am very impressed with everything I have read over the last 3 pages. I find journey-on's slave analogy interesting. Didn't JOHN BROWN go around killing slave holders and slave auctioneers before the civil war? He attempted to start the Civil War and a slave rebellion at Harpers Ferry to abolish something he saw as digusting. This is a good analogy for this reason: The question isn't is slavery or abortion morally or legally correct. The question is when a man finds something that digusting and horrible what obligation or right does he have to stop it? For the record, yes John Brown was a nut like the shooter of the Doctor.

    Finally people are expressing their thoughts. I guess it's time I express mine.

    Personally, I think the professional pro-life harassers are not helping their cause. While I don't think a woman has a right to electivley abort a fetus as that fetus has a right to live in my opnion. The fetus didn't choose to have unprocted sex or sex at all. I can't imagine making a fetus responsible for my lack of self control. In a life or death case of the mother, that is different and must be a decision for the family and the doctor to make. But abortion as contraception is disguting to me and wrong. However, the only way to reasonably change this is through the legal system. Killing abortion doctors is murder and insane in my opinion. However because I can understand the shooters motivation and feelings doesn't mean I condone his actions. How many people understand why John Brown did what he did, but he was a mad man and wrong.

    And on a personal note, I fully understand the consequences of making abortions tougher to get. I lost a relative due to a "back room" illegal abortion. That was her choice and she knew bleeding out was a possible consequence. It makes me very sad that it happened but doesn't change what I think is wrong or right. If my brother died robbing a bank I would be sad but I wouldn't say bank robbing is ok because of a personal tradgedy.

  • beksbks
    Looks like beksbks is going to pic up the name calling torch that Keyser and Dinah dropped.

    Name calling?

    Bro, you appear to be a very self satisfied type who loves to hear him self talk. Do you ever post short and concise? Or does that defeat your purpose of massaging your own ego?

    You sound familiar somehow.............

    I feel far more generous toward John Brown than the weak minded loser who gunned down the doc in his church.

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