Religious Fundamentalist Terrorist Strike Again?

by Justitia Themis 129 Replies latest social current

  • sammielee24
    Would you shoot a man about to hurt your child?

    Sure....but as far as I know that doctor was minding his business and was in church. He wasn't out there abducting or hurting anybody's kid. There's a huge leap in a doctor sitting in church and a molestor grabbing your kid off the street - kill the doctor while he is peacefully minding his own business and it's murder - protecting your kid when a molester tries to grab him on the street is quite another. Quantum leap from one scenario the other. sammieswife.

  • sammielee24
    Do you think it is Murder to shoot someone trying to stab your mother to death?

    Again - invalid argument. Someone trying to shoot my mother is a personal attack - I defend my mother....I can see my mother and see her attacker if I am with her. If I'm not with her and she is attacked, then do I have the right to go out and murder her attacker? The doctor practices his medicine according to the law - if you don't like a doctor's diagnosis and he can't save your mother - do you have the right to go out and shoot him? I don't think so.

    The doctor was doing nothing illegal and the killer should be caught and prosecuted - not for insanity but for cold blooded murder. sammieswife.

  • sammielee24

    Just for the record..late term as a miniscule amount of the number performed...and the majority of people oppose these if at all avoidable...there are 30 million babies in the world living in squalor and poverty...5 million will starve to death - crying as they do so from hunger...whose rights do we ignore when we throw food in the garbage every day or bury medicines that are outdated and that would help impoverished kids? Energy could be wisely used to help those babies...sammieswife.

    According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, an abortion-rights research group that conducts surveys of the nation's abortion doctors, about 15,000 abortions were performed in the year 2000 on women 20 weeks or more along in their pregnancies; the vast majority were between the 20th and 24th week. Of those, only about 2,200 D&X abortions were performed, or about 0.2 percent of the 1.3 million abortions believed to be performed that year.

    And contrary to the claims of some abortion opponents, most such abortions do not take place in the third trimester of pregnancy, or after fetal "viability." Indeed, when some members of Congress tried to amend the bill to ban only those procedures that take place after viability, abortion opponents complained that would leave most of the procedures legal

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    But I will never feel sorry for a man that killed 60,000 babies

    Sorry Brocephas, but that's a strawman response. You posted that it was "reckless" for him to live/practice in an area in which his values differed from the norm. Using your logic, no one would ever mount a reform movement and all of us would be lemmings to our local social norms.

    No one asked you to feel sorry for anyone.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    To suggest the dr would have been safe in a big city is silly. We've had violence towards abortion doctors and the clinics here in Kansas City. These happened back in the 80's and early 90's. We still have protests outside the Planned Parenthood offices.

    So true Rodbar. My office is located next to a Planned Parenthood building. Four days a week, we have Bible thumpers outside the office praying loudly on the street, marching back and forth on the sidewalk with signs (including in front of OUR office) and harrassing PP clients. PP must have escorts just to get people safely from the parking lot to the building.

    Several times, I have had to evacuate from work because of bomb threats.

  • PEC

    Let's talk about late term abortion. The anti-choice would have us believe, that the majority of abortions are late term. Sorry I can't buy that.

    Can anyone point me to a neutral source of this information?

    The only reasons I can see for a late term abortion are, to save the life of the mother or if it is known that the baby would no chance of any quality of life.

    Why would anyone wait 4 or more months to have an abortion as a birth control measure?


  • journey-on

    Take the bible out of the equation. This is not entirely a religious matter.

    IMO, you cannot sit in judgement on either one of these men.

    One man believes that because the law says killing a growing fetus in the late stages of development is okay, he is justified. Is he? Lots of laws in the past were wrong and against the moral fabric ingrained in humanity. But because of the cultural times, laws got passed and stayed there for decades until our culture realized how wrong and cruel they were. Abortion is one of those laws, IMHO, and one day we will recognize it. Until then....well...there will be people that take it to the absolute repugnant extreme and perform these horrid procedures, and certain kinds of men and women that continue to think for one reason or another that it's perfectly justifiable.

    Then, the other man is so repulsed by the brutality and inhumanity of it, that he says, "the law be damned. Who is going to stand up for the right of these lives to go forward? The life growing inside the womb surely can't stand up and speak out for him/herself". So in his mind, he targeted someone he feels killed 60,000+ innocent lives and killed him so he couldn't kill anymore. In the interim, he sacrifices his own life and liberty.

    Both men are "wrong" and both men are "right". Both are extreme actions and on far ends of the moral/ethical spectrum. The debate is deeply complicated.

  • stillajwexelder

    I hate religious fundamentalists - disgusting

  • beksbks
    The anti-choice would have us believe, that the majority of abortions are late term. Sorry I can't buy that.
    Can anyone point me to a neutral source of this information?

    We discussed this recently. I believe the number was 0.17%, but I'm getting up in years, so my memory may be faulty.

  • PEC

    So, this doctor performed 102 (0.17% of 60,000) late term abortions. Most likely to saving the lives of 102 woman, that would have died without his help and he gets murdered for it. Things are becoming very clear now.


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