Religious Fundamentalist Terrorist Strike Again?

by Justitia Themis 129 Replies latest social current

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Uhh Keyser: Most cultures that believe lethal force is ok to prevent murder to not see that act as murder.

    Actually, most cultures believe that using violent, even murderous tactics to force a change in policy that the majority actually agrees with is tantamount to terrorism.

    It's called just plain killing or man slaughter.

    Talk about a difference without a distinction. That's so much better. Your argument is moot, though. It's the government that decides whether or not an act is considered murder in a legal sense. Abortion is not murder, shooting doctors who perform them is.

  • Brocephus

    OK KEYSER, please explain to me how late term abortion is not murder? I am listening. Please research exactly what a late term abortion is before you begin or you might have difficulty with the details. And as far as killing someone trying to hurt others or committ even a felony like Rape or Armed Robbery is perfectly legal hear in Texas by any citizen where I live.

    Dinah: Are you offended my the thought or the coarse language. I will edit it for you and beg of your pardon. However if it's the sentiment then why don't you tell me why you disagree instead of name calling?

    I am going to have to ask people to read AND think about my words than make sentences that make thoughts before you post please.

    GromitSK? When did I try to pursuade anyone to adopt a violent method? I have done nothing but say I disagree and think the killer should get prosecuting and what ever a judge or jury gives them. That doesn't mean I have to feel sorry for the Doctor does it? Personally I think he got what was coming to him as well. My feelings don't change to logical merits of the argument that everyone refuses to discuss.

    Do you think it is Murder to shoot someone trying to stab your mother to death?

    I would and I have never seen anything wrong with using lethal force to protect my life or anyone elses. Neither does the law in most places either. My point is this person obviously has stretched that concept to include an unborn life. So my question stands to those who support late term abortion. I think this is a worthy topic of intellectual and honest debate. Someone at some point had to critically think about slavery, right? What is the harm in discussion or are some of us regressing to are JW days?

    The killer obviously felt that abortion was a similar act. Therefore I again ask the question I did in my previous post, should anyone have the nerve to argue for late term abortion. I am not going to type it again, you can look at my post and read it if you wish.

    Again no one wishes to discuss logically and unemotionally the real issue I present in my earlier post.

  • dinah

    However, I see life as sacred no matter what side of the vagina it is on.


  • GromitSK

    My response was not emotional - simply pointing out a person is a hypocrite if they support murder when it suits them and are against it when it doesn't. The US government doesn't agree with you that abortion is murder. Therefore whoever is arguing that abortion is murder has not pursuaded the majority.

    You are the one who is adopting an emotional position. You believe abortion is murder, most people don't but hey! you're the one who is right (apparently) and we should do what you want. If you are right pursuade the majority with the weight of your argument.

    Murder is the unlawful taking of life. Where abortion is legal carrying it out within the law is not murder no matter what our personal beliefs are - unless that is, we should all be obeying the laws you decide govern us?

    For the record I do not think that abortion is acceptable other than in an emergency. I would not seek to impose my view by force on other people though. That is a matter of personal choice for them and their conscience.

  • Brocephus

    GromitSK: I never said I was right, did I? The US government doesn't think I have the right buy more than 2 boxes of sudafed because the DEA thinks I could build a meth lab. Does that make it right or wrong, no it only makes it legal or illegal. Do you understand the difference? I don't disagree that Abortion is legal and Roe V Wade has been upheld by the Court. That is factual, I would be insane to argue otherwise.

    The last Gallup poll concluded that 51% of Americans oppose abortion while 42% support abortion rights. Last time I checked 51% is a majority but regardless that does not change the legality of abortion. I concede that working with the legal system is the civilized way to change Abortion law. But your logic is flawed to say that because something is legal a majority must support that measure. I am sure 99% of Americans disagree with the Income Taxes they pay that doesn't make them legal or illegal. So again, anyone wish to tell me how late term abortion is not murder? I am still listening, patiently waiting.....

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Do you think it is Murder to shoot someone trying to stab your mother to death?

    No I don't, but there's a difference. If you really believed this were a valid comparison, then you would have the balls to come out and say that you have no problem with the shooting of abortion doctors. You say that killing someone who is threatening your loved ones is perfectly acceptable, but stop short of endorsing the murder( and yes it is murder, both legally and morally) of abortion doctors. Apparently you believe there is a difference.

  • dinah

    Funny how the rabid pro-lifers protect unborn cells but won't help anyone else. RUSH FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

  • Brocephus

    Keyser: When did this become about me? Did I shoot anyone? Sure I have my personal feelings and have expressed them gently in my postings but, by no means am I saying they are anything but my personal feelings, right or wrong. What bothers me is again you all refuse to enter a logical debate and explain, how late term abortion is not murder. If it isn't then it can be proven correct? I can see very clearly how a western Kansas fundamentalist would see it as such considering I do as well. And, I am very liberal and open minded. I can furthermore see how they would see killing the doctor protecting human life. Does it mean I endorse it or condone this killing? Absolutely not it means I have the mental powers of reason and perception. So if you wish to change peoples minds stop labeling those who oppose you as terrorist or extremeist. To win a debate you need not worry about those who agree with you but those who disagree. I am honestly stating my perception of this event and topic and I get insulted. I am giving yall a chance to change my mind but most of you waste it hurling insults at me. How do you intend to do convince anyone you are right? Instead address the issue and explain how late term abortion is not murder. If someone could have changed the shooter's mind about the issue this Doctor would probably still be alive. So again, someone anyone explain it to me please. I am out of post (much to Dinah's pleasure I am sure).

    OK: Dinah can you see how a crack addict would prostitute themselves or steal something for it? Can see their logic understand why they do it? Does it mean you automatically endorse that behavior of course not? Come on, if you want to be a judgmental name caller go back to the KH. The real world is for thinkers.

    I guess if you want to spend 1 of your 100 post bragging about your post them go for it. Could you spend 1 honestly and intellectually answering my question or are you content to name call?

    Gromit: Again out of post.. But I read your last one. I applaud your effort to use logic and fact and I agree with the basis of what you say. I apologize if you feel like I am talking down to you. This is a debate and I am treating it logically not sensitively, nothing personal. I would tend to agree Abortion is a moral choice that the law allows us to choose. Personally I see nothing wrong things being that way. As I believe we will all be judged right or wrong by the Creator. I could be wrong or I could be right but unlike Dinah I don't think because I "feel it" means it's right. Her feelings tell her I am a prick so she feels she is right, right enough to call me on this board. I feel a lot of things about her, but I don't think it would be right for me to call her those things. She is probably a nice woman, therefore my "feeling" doesn't mean something is what I "feel" it is. The fact that I can feel, understand and even emphathize with the shooter doesn't make what he did right or make my views right. I am being honest, sorry if yall can't tell the difference. I am giving yall a chance to change my mind.

  • dinah
    I can furthermore see how they would see killing the doctor protecting human life. Does it mean I endorse it or condone this killing

    Yes it does. On the other side of the vagina.

  • dinah
    I am out of post (much to many Dinah's pleasure I am sure).

    I have about 100 left. Simon and the rest has been very patient with me.

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