Religious Fundamentalist Terrorist Strike Again?

by Justitia Themis 129 Replies latest social current

  • AllTimeJeff
  • BurnTheShips

    Little by little, prolife is winning the debate. Science is on our side. It will only be a matter of time. The day is coming that no little one will purposefully be murdered with legal sanction.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I view myself as pro life too. I just choose not to have the religious right define what pro life is for me and to me.

    BTS, I don't think I disagree in principle too much with you, other then to say that if we truly respect all life, then that must encompass more then existence. To that, a black or white definition of life and its importance, left in the hands of theistic religious traditions, needs to be treaded on soberly and with a great deal of trepidation.

    As if it were up to the religions of our day to define this most important issue by itself.

  • Caedes

    Probably the main reason I am pro-choice is because the alternative is far worse. Before abortion was legalised it still happened, if abortion was made illegal tomorrow it will still happen. From a purely pragmatic view point I would rather that it happened under the care of doctors and nurses trained, licensed and controlled than in back alley abortion 'clinics'.

    I have heard this claim that people use late term abortion as a form of contraception before yet I have never read anything that backs up this claim from a reputable source. I cannot imagine that there is any significant number of people who would choose such a traumatic procedure for anything other than the most pressing medical reason.

    There are a lot of reasons why someone might want an abortion and because I think the area is way to complex for hard and fast rules to be laid down I believe the question should ultimately be settled by the woman and her doctor. I may not like the idea of abortion but I believe it is not my choice to make. I don't know if society benefits from abortion by reducing the number of unwanted children, there is some uncomfortable evidence that suggests that this may be the case. I do believe that the health and wellbeing of the mother is more important than that of an unborn foetus; that may sound harsh but a living breathing person IS 'worth' more than a potential person.

    I am not a doctor and am not privy to the reasons given for individual late term abortions but I am willing to assume that the doctors involved are only considering this procedure for solid medical reasons. Let's be honest though, unless we were privy to the full facts of each individual case we are not sufficiently well informed to make a judgement on what is best for each patient. Someone who is pro-life could come up with a scenario where an abortion would be considered wrong by most people, someone who is pro-choice could come up with a scenario where an abortion would be considered right by most people. However they would be just examples and as such insufficient for an outsider to make that choice for other people.

    I don't consider late term abortion murder because I am not willing to assume that any doctor just neglects his oaths without evidence of that neglect. Just because I think the procedure is distasteful I cannot engage in armchair second-guessing of the motives of professional doctors, after all, doctors have a lot more to lose than just my confidence if they were to act unethically.

  • Brocephus

    Well atleast folks seem to be making a choice and giving a reason why. The last 2 pages of post have certainly provoked more thought than the first two.

    Sammieswife: I am sorry if you felt my demand was arrogant but I was getting tired of your evasiveness. Just say you don't want to answer the question so you can keep preaching about how bad crazy some people are that oppose Abortion on religous principles. I already agree with you on that. If you haven't connected the dots yet my opposition is on a scientific/logical level.

    Logos, pathos, ethos folks...

    Man I just found $20 in my pocket I am going out to dinner, peace out.

    Justitia: I didn't intend for it to become an Abortion debate either. I just wanted to have it explained why some reasonable people can logically support something I consider insane. It was like pulling teeth but I think I finally got a couple of honest explanations with which I should marinate my mind.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Dinah would have been kicked out of community college if she called someone a "Prick" as a part of her debate strategy. If she pulled that in the board room, even funnier.

    Dinah's inappropriate comment is the reason I said that I didn't think he was "especially" attacked. While her comment went overboard, the rest of the comments dealt predominately with the issues. Has there been some emotion? Sure, it's an emotional subject for both sides, but all in all, the responses have been decent. I don't think her one response should have led him to intimate that he was being severely abused. If he did, then he will really, really struggle here.

    I am disappointed to see that the thread has turned into yet another abortion debate thread. By labeling it as I did, I was hoping to steer the conversation into a broader discussion of subjects such as why the the news media has repeatedly been termed the killer an "activist" as opposed to a terrorist.

    BTW, calling someone a "prick" isn't going to get someone kicked out of community college; he or she will get disciplined, but not kicked out. In the boardroom, they use much nastier language than that! :)

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I found Justitia's comment about college funny as I was beginning to think I was the only on this board that went to college

    The rest of you have failed Professor Brocephus' exam today.

    Wow! I missed these two comments. No Bro./Professor, you aren't the only one on this board who attended college; you are just one of the few who feel the need to advertise it. :)

  • beksbks

    JT, I personally see all the random violence out there as terrorism. I'm wondering, if we added up all the random killings across the country over the last 8 years, would we total the dead in 9/11?

  • Caedes
    Dinah would have been kicked out of community college if she called someone a "Prick" as a part of her debate strategy. If she pulled that in the board room, even funnier.

    Dinah's inappropriate comment is the reason I said that I didn't think he was "especially" attacked. While her comment went overboard, the rest of

    the comments dealt predominately with the issues.

    I thought Dinah's use of "Prick" to be entirely approriate to the rather low brow "which side of the vagina" comment.

    Apologies for helping to derail the subject.

  • beksbks
    I thought Dinah's use of "Prick" to be entirely approriate to the rather low brow "which side of the vagina" comment.

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