Sean Hannity Getting Waterboarded

by sammielee24 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock
    then maybe a lot of us will change our minds and rethink the torture aspect of it.

    Maybe we'll start cutting off heads and shooting accused adulterers.

    Oh, and don't forget how these people feel about homosexuals.


  • sammielee24


    Trying to give those good old Republicans a break and look at the squawking! Hey, all I'm saying is that if old Hannity can keep coming up for air after he gets waterboarded 183 times, then that's proof to me that maybe I should rethink the whole torture thing. I'm not saying go out and behead someone ...geesh...taking it to the extreme there ain't ya? I'm just saying....if waterboarding ain't harmful and it really doesn't hurt or have long lasting effects, and Hannity who is at this point in time, the publc poster boy for the deed, can have it done and I can see it and know it wasn't a big deal....well, I would have to rethink my position on it.

    Personally though - I think he's staying quiet because he's taking lessons on waterboarding 101. How to hold your breath and put yourself in Zen while being tortured....sammieswife.

  • Warlock


    You are right.

    Maybe I should clarify my position.

    Waterboarding IS torture, and the more the better, even if it saves just one American life.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Right. American lives are like so much more valuable than all others.

  • Warlock
    Right. American lives are like so much more valuable than all others.

    So YOUR life should be just as valuable in my eyes as Osama?

    As the one of the 911 hijackers?

    Sorry, but I quit being a self-loathing American years ago.


  • FlyingHighNow

    They haven't waterboarded Osama or the highjackers. Have they? I'm not a self loathing American. I am also no so arrogant as to believe it's okay for Americans to torture anyone. Besides, when does the torture stop? The moment they fork over "information"? Or when the info is fact checked? If you don't know anything, you'll likely make something up to get your torturers to stop. All human life is valuable and torture is wrong and it's evil.

  • Warlock


    I disagree with you, but you know I'm not a man of many words.

    I will tell you this, YOUR life is more valuable to me than any filthy terrorist.


  • mkr32208

    I'm forced to wonder what will happen if it ever comes out that people died under these methods? They aren't safe sure fire no danger methods and I would be willing to bet that at some point some people died...

    When that comes out what will happen then? If a CIA whistle blower comes out and says "on XXX day suspect XXX was being water boarded in XXX prison is XXX country... He suffered a cardiac arrest and died..." Will that change anybodies tune? Will we still have these idiots saying that it's not torture?

  • mkr32208

    I also think hannity should get the full treatment he should be kept awake for 50 hours or so while being screamed at and having vicious dogs snapping inches from his face and genitalia any time he appears to be getting sleepy he should have his head slammed repeatedly off a wall or be punched, kicked and slapped around... After all that he should be water-boarded repeatedly...

    It's a disgrace that our country did this. I don't care what the provocation was this is wrong. America does not torture. The people responsible for this should go to jail for the rest of their GD lives... While in jail they should NOT be tortured!

  • jeeprube
    Does that mean that Olby will take it too?

    Olberman didn't run his big mouth claiming that water boarding wasn't torture, as Hannity did. Why would he have to undergo anything? He's merely offering to let Hannity fulfill his offer.

    Hannity doesn't have the stones to do it.

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