1975 coverup! Compare the '68 and '81 Truth book scans

by JimmyPage 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    That book professes more bullshit than what the WT writers could even come up with, but its interesting that they would support and quote from it.

    What the WTS being disingenuous to its readers .....never

    One could never accuse the writers of the WT of being intellectually dishonest now, after all this is god's

    only solemn organization on earth .

  • Earnest

    William Paddock was ahead of his time in advocating high-yield (miracle) strains of grain to cope with the expanding world population. However, he lived long beyond 1975 and only died about this time last year.

  • BluesBrother

    There was another one too, in the Truth Book. This is a scan I took a while back and I hope it comes up clear. Please forgive my underlining. check para 9 and the quote from Dean acheson. This is the 1968 first edition

    I do not have the revised version to scan, but the c d rom prints it this way :

    "Truth" 1981 chapt 1 p9 para 9

    "Many men who study world events are convinced that a great change is definitely in the making. The famous writer Walter Lippmann said: “For us all the world is disorderly and dangerous, ungoverned and apparently ungovernable. Everywhere there is great anxiety and bewilderment.” He added that all this “marks, I believe, the historic fact that we are living through the closing chapters of the established and traditional way of life.” Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is “a period of unequaled instability, unequaled violence.” Based on what he knew was then going on in the world, it was his conclusion that soon “this world is going to be too dangerous to live in.”

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think the term selective editing comes into play here.

    Well shouldn't the writers of the WTS be able to change whatever they have written in the past.

    Remember God's spirit is upon them, therefore they have that privilege.

  • steve2

    The book entitled Famine ...1975, was that one of their books ?

    As an earlier poster confirmed, this was not a Watchtower publication but it was frequently cited because it peddled a similar end-times hysteria that suited the Watchtower's own take on "conditions in the world".

    Looking back, this reminds me how important it is for readers to keep a skeptical mind when reading books authored by those whose dogmatic opinions outstrip their ability to accurately predict the future.

    If my time in the organization taught me anything it is the continual need to thoroughly examine claims and counterclaims. Despite an eye-catching title and a seemingly plausible premise, Famine...1975 was just one in a long, long, long, long, long lineup of utter rubbish disguised as scholarly research. Who can forget the Chrisitian fundamentalists' sorry and embarrasing contribution to this hysteria, The Late Great Planet Earth - still being peddled in some quarters...

  • VM44

    The Watchtower doesn't care about its "revisions" of the Truth book.

    The whole point fo the book was to indoctrinate people to become baptised Witnesses within a six month period of time.

    The book served its purpose well in its time.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Maybe " The Truth Book " should have been tittled " The Half Truth Book "

  • oompa

    i hate to mention this JP but i dont see any reference in the t-book saying anything that even hints at the end of the world in 1975...oompa

  • undercover
    ...i dont see any reference in the t-book saying anything that even hints at the end of the world in 1975...

    While the Truth book doesn't out and out say that the end was in 1975, it is an example of hyping the coming crisis that they alluded to and predicted elsewhere. Compile all the evidence together and their intent emerges.

    The fact that they felt that they had to drop all references to the year 1975 in the 1981 reprint shows that they wanted to distance themselves from the failed prediction for that year. Remember, they gave a half-assed apology in 1980, so they were bound to be ultra sensitive to anything relating to the year 1975 in any of their publications at that time.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You know I used to think I was crazy.

    I have a pretty good memory. I used to remeber looking for something in the publications. I could visualize where it was on the page. But then I would go look for it and it was often not there. It very often happened with the bound volumes

    I really thought it was me.

    Until I started reading how publications were changed doctored to edit out changes.

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