Maybe I should just bite the bullet and GO BACK ?

by AK - Jeff 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Some have "gone back" just to try to normalize relations within the family. They don't "go back" as in return to the beliefs or the activity. They associate just enough so they can ease tensions in the family or even open up relations with family members that were being denied (like grandchildren or the like).

    If one is able to play that game while still calling bullshit on it, I can't judge them. They have to do what's right for them.

    Now if someone told me they were thinking of going back because they were lonely and missed having friends and associates...I'd try to help them realize that these same "friends" were the ones that abandoned them when they left the first time. Does one really want such a conditional friendship? Go to the hall or you can't be my friend? Sorry...but that ain't friendship, that's coercion.

  • AllTimeJeff

    did I break the world record for most times to use the word "bro"? LOL

    Jeff, I can see you weren't as serious about that as I feared. All the same, thats how I feel about it.... :)

  • chickpea

    i realize you were purely speculative....

    i will say for my part i would sooner
    EAT the bullet that be re-assimilated
    into that brain-deadening, mind-numbing
    morass of doomsday marinade.....

  • Bubblie

    Even if you were thinking about it, don't do it. I am not going back and I only have a few friends. Just remember what it was like, really, really like.


  • jws

    A recent funeral made me think about this - though never with any serious intention of returning. I was wondering if the pain that gets inflicted on those of us who leave [through the shunning policy] might ever drive any to actually return. I know that no one could ever go back and believe. But perhaps some have gone back to alleviate the pain.

    Interesting. My father's funeral was a couple of weeks ago and I saw a bunch of JWs from way back. Some who knew me since I was born, others from various halls I went to. I had to admit. I missed seeing many of them and enjoyed the time I spent catching up. As I sat in the hall, my thoughts drifted back to remembering when I believed in the pretty picture they were painting. But, my mind is fully in control and I realize that these kind people cannot make the religion tolerable. I cannot accept the bad to get the good.

    Since I live many states away now, I am unknown as a JW or ex-JW where I live. I have talked to a JW who has continued to call over the years, never revealing my past, but using that to inspire thought in him.

    I had daydreams before of going back. A wolf among the sheep. It had me basically being a JW who didn't buy a lot of their doctrines. I had dreamed up scenarios like refusing to accept 1914 and educating people when they asked me why not. And, being the new guy studying, they didn't have the power to punish me. Going out in field service, but never reporting time. And just living my life doing the things I liked (before my family days): concerts, bars, partying, etc. Nothing DF-worthy, but the things they frown upon. All to see what turmoil I could cause, hoping I could be the bad apple that spoils the whole bunch.

    But, daydream as I might, who wants to put in all of those hours and sit through all of those boring meetings? I figure it would take up over a third of my free time and there's no way I'd give up all that time for them. Now that I have a family, it's unthinkable to give the JWs all of that time over them.

  • Sunspot

    I guess I am the type of person that once I have made a deep and thoughtful decision, it would be like moving a mountain to change my mind. Having spent 30 years in loyal devotion to the WTS and then discovering I had been duped... there were months and months of mental anguish, heavy prayer and staying away from the Kingdom Hall that helped me come to the decision I did. Once I had made up my mind and then told others about this, there was NO attraction at all to ever return to the inside of a Kingdom Hall OR any of the WTS teachings.

    This is along the same idea back when I was divorced....that I was told (by several people) that I would have moments of longing for the marriage and regret for having been divorced in the 60's. I can truly state that never for one moment....did I ever experience that regret, in fact, I was thrilled to be away from a hideous situation. Much the same with the WTS---despite being shunned by everyone I knew---deep down I was relieved to be OUT of that ratrace and everything I was "expected" to do according to the WTS. I never once gave returning TO ANY OF IT a second thought.

    The "evil world" and the folks in it.....are nowhere near as frightening as the WTS purports them to be and, as I have found, nowhere near as frightening as those in the Kingdom Halls were. It COULD be that MY attitude about others that do not worship as I do, has lightened up and I am much more tolerant than I was AS a JW! (shudder) I no longer determine who will be my friend by where they happen to go to worship.


  • jaguarbass

    I've been out since 83. I dont think I have ever thought about going back. They hurt me to deep and

    bad to go back.

    But I have reflected back to the days when I was 19 and I first got married and think about how

    much simpler life was. Gas was 32cents a gallon. Real health insurance for a family of 3 was 100$

    a month.

    3 shopping carts of groceries including steaks, ribs, roast, chicken, all kinds of canned goods, deserts

    3 shopping carts of groceries 100$

    people used to drink and drive without going to jail.

    I wish I could go back to those simpler times and leave the Wactower lying society out of my life.

  • oompa

    i have thought about it from time to time......someone here suggested i should make the life i am stuck with better by going to a few meetings....but i have not been able to do that the wt was just studied about helping us lost sheep....and dear friend of mine...the po......called and asked if he could give me a sheparding call sunday...LMAO!!!..........i told him no...but if he wants to visit or meet as an old friend that is fine........(i wanted to say that since i am not part of the flock the fluck could he do a sheparding call!!??)........oompa

  • OnTheWayOut
  • slimboyfat

    If it makes you happy then I see no problem going back.

    Although I have to warn you the meetings are extremely boring when you don't believe it any more.

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