Invisible Things of Him... are Clearly Seen, Being Understood by the Things That are Made

by Perry 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes those ancient men knew so much more than us today.

    Have you taken into account that ancient primitive men thought that earthquakes, floods, lightening, thunder etc. were caused

    by Super natural gods and not only in the middle east where most of the bible was written, have you ever accepted wholly the

    human ignorance factor, truly and honestly ?

    It would be fool hardy to not be in awe of the universe of what we have perceived to date, it is also fool hardy to proclaim its

    creator without any evidence.

    And no black holes are not physical proof of a god , just as we found that the sun is not god .

  • inkling

    this thread makes me very sad...

    so much real wonder to be had; so much ignorance turning it all into superstitious nonsense.


  • inkling

    Apparently, Laminin is the "glue" that holds all things together in your body. Here's what is looks like:

    Hey look, it's shaped exactly like a .... well, actually like a Caduceus:

    Wow!! There are gods! The Greeks were right!

    Now we all should worship murcury I suppose...


  • inkling

    seriously though, here is an ACTUAL photograph of what a "laminin" really looks like:

    more on this pious silliness here:

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Oh WOW now I know why I'm so grumpy all the time, I thought it was just constipation

  • inkling

    lets try this again... (snopes dosn't like me stealing thier bandwidth...)

  • Perry

    Interesting electron microscope image of Laminin. It looks even more like Christ's broken body than the straightened out science texbook images. Thanks.

    I couldn't help but also notice the shape similarities between Laminin, the Cross and a Sword:

    sword and bible

    Interesting how the Word of God is also the (S)word of God. Ummmm.... curiosities.

  • Perry

    so much real wonder to be had; so much ignorance turning it all into superstitious nonsense.


    I'm sorry but are you sure that you know what the word superstition means? Let's take a look:


    1.a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.

    If God didn't create the universe then it must have appeared out of nothing. Do you have any knowledge of this happening? Of course you do not. Do you have any examples of something from nothing appearing in nature? Of course you do not. Do you know of evidence in man's recorded history when something was produced from nothing? Of course not. Would something from nothing break any scientific rules that physics is aware of. Of course. Is there any reasonable ground for assuming this whatsoever? No, it is quite beyond reason.

    So, your default position opposite a First Cause, fits to a tee the exact description of a superstition as pointed out above. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings...just being factual.

    It is a belief based on neither reason nor knowledge....period. Can you see why the vast majority of mankind doesn't believe in atheism?

    One must conclude that atheism is nothing more than a superstituous fairy tale designed to pacify adults.

  • inkling
    Interesting electron microscope image of Laminin. It looks even more like Christ's broken body than the straightened out science texbook images. Thanks.

  • hamilcarr

    One must conclude that atheism is nothing more than a superstituous fairy tale designed to pacify adults.

    Wow! A fairy tale without a main character. That's innovating. I'm in!

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