Scientists worry Yellowstone could blow due to many recent earthquakes!

by Witness 007 98 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • SacrificialLoon

    Yogi has been stashing all the picnic baskets he's stolen under the lake... oh wait that's Jellystone.

    It is overdue for an eruption.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    I am quite sure that a few Witnesses have seized upon these reports and are emailing everyone in their address book. Remember back in 2006 when tensions between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon were hightened? Yes, you guessed it. Many JWs were emailing each other about how that was going to escalate into the Great Tribulation. The Watchtower thrives on bad news or even the possibility of bad news.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Remember the JWS are a fear mongering apocalyptic religious cult, devastation and tragedy is their bread and butter, they eat and breath off of stuff like this.

    Another problem though is they are one of the least educated religious people around so they are quite easily manipulated and exploited.

  • Sunnygal41

    yeah, i saw that too..........while there does exist a real, well documented super caldera there, fatalistically, anyone living in the North and South American continent would be devastated. I was speaking with my mom tonite, (an active JW) and she said that it would happen so quickly none of here at ground zero so to speak would even have time to react..........dead, charred, blown away as ash on the wind...........that's all that would be left of anyone...........and, then, the smoke, ash, etc in the atmosphere would spread rapidly via the world's wind patterns and the whole planet would be affected. guess we'll have to wait and see what will happen.


  • jgnat

    I remember the pundits predicting that the area around Mount St. Helens would be sterile and infertile for decades afterwards.

    It seems to me that increased mini-quakes is a good sign. Nothing building up too spectacularly.

  • Gregor

    jgnat, True, the multiple small quakes and eruptions help avert a sudden "pop" eruption of many well known volcanos all over the world. However, Yellowstone is like a big bowl of hot french onion soup with a cap of croutons and cheese, this bowl is an oval shape approx. 55 mi. X 28 mi. The worst case scenario concern is that the cap will collapse and create a cork which will "pop". In effect this is what happened to Mt St Helens. It was venting itself slowly until the unstable side of the mountain suddenly slid off.

    The upper atmosphere in the northern hemisphere blows from west to east. Since we are fairly close to the west Yellowstone we could assume the plume would have to go most of the way around the world before we were affected. Of course this would only take a couple days at most.

    Very intrigueing thing to think about. Do you believe in fate?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Boy you people are a depressive lot, did Jehovahvism have that much of a profound effect on you, take some Prozac and get some rest......sheesh

  • uwishufish

    OMG we're all going to die!!!

  • 5go

    More than enough proof this story is blown way out of proportion.

    There is nothing we can do if it goes if it goes than you try to survive it. End of story.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Trust the news agency like FOX to over sensationalize information , who knows maybe there are some JWS working in their news department

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