Please read condemnatory email sent to me and help me reply

by AndersonsInfo 95 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • still_in74
    Why don't you apostates just leave the organization? Why do you have to come back and devote all you have to speak out against it?

    JW's have died for refusing medical treatment that is now acceptable to the organization. Why did Jehovah kill them? Doesnt Jehovah instruct the organization? How could jehovah lie to his chosen channel like that?

    1 John 4:1 commands us to examine everything we are taught - the organization does "not endorse" the examination of its teachings. Why would the WTS put themselves above scripture and above Jehovah?

    Jesus stated in Mathew 24 that "false prophets" would predict His coming. they would say "he is here or there" (paraphrased) and not too listen them. Why has the WTS made so many predictions about Jesus return? Why would they be so foolish as to fulfill such a clearly defined role - that of a false prophet making false predictions of jesus return? You do know that you only need to read old issues of the WT to see this for yourself right?

    Go to your KH library and see for yourself. Ask your elders about these questions, they will be happy to help you find the answers in the bible.

  • Mary

    Hey Barb;

    I would ask this person if Jesus would have been considered an "apostate" by the Pharisees who, after all, had the Law of Moses. First up, make sure you stress that you are not putting yourself on equal footing with Jesus, but since he was raised as a Jew and would have learned the Law that Jehovah gave to the Israelites, did that make everything the Pharisees did, correct and approved by Jehovah? Did Jesus think he should just "keep quiet" about the injustices and hypocrisy that he saw amongst those who truly believed they and they alone, had 'the Truth'? Or was he willing to speak out against those who claimed to represent God when clearly they were not practicing what they preached.

    I would also make sure that she knows that alot of religions view members who abandon their faith as "apostates"------Catholics and Anglicans read the exact same scriptures that the JW's do when identifying "apostates". I would also stress that you have not abandoned God, but rather were kicked out of the Organization because you could no longer keep quiet about a crime that you knew was going on in the Organization and what would Jesus want you to do?

    I'd also maybe ask her how does she know that the Organization itself hasn't turned 'apostate'? The nation of Israel did---and they were God's Chosen people so how does she know that the WTS hasn't lost His favour.

  • ozziepost

    My response: Thank you so much for your thoughtful expressions. I see that you want to be a spiritual Christian and this certainly is a wonderful thing.

    You are perplexed by the fact that I was so deeply involved in the Organization and yet I left. You are disturbed because you feel after learning about Jehovah and his purposes, it is so wrong to just up and leave. In all honesty, you probably would have said the same thing to the Apostle Paul. He too learned that what he was taught was not right. He made it his mission to spread the truth about what he knew to be truth. He was "compelled" to speak up even when others like the Apostle Peter was in fear of men.

    Paul would not just leave those he had once taught alone either. He was directed by Jehovah's holy spirit to expose the hypocrisy and untruth that many, even in the Christian Congregation accepted because of their past theocratic heritage.

    The Apostle Paul was a fine example of someone who wanted the truth to be made known. He acted like his Master, Christ. Both were persecuted and mocked for telling the truth, so when you speak ill of me, I don't take it personal. I know that I'm imitating them. Perhaps when you mature, you too will see that it is a Christian's duty to act as watchmen so as to save any who do not understand what God's Word teaches. Remember, we are not in fear of man that can kill the body but we are in fear of the One that can kill the soul. I am most concerned that I have my Creator's approval for I love Him.

    Please take care and I hope that you consider the scriptural references that I have supplied.

    Well said! Nicely put, Min.

  • stillajwexelder


  • Snoozy

    Mr and Mrs Anderson, I see some excellent posts here..
    I too believe teens are ruled by their emotions and not their brains.
    Nothing anyone can say will change them immediately but, pointing out that you were in the "Truth" for so long...but now you know the "Real Truth" and if they would just open their minds and leave out their emotions they too would see the "Real Truth".

    I also liked the part about "What are they doing reading your stuff anyway?"...(I always loved that comeback) But we wouldn't want to say anything like that to them as it may make them stop wondering what we are all about...then they would ask NO questions..that would not be good.


  • steve2

    It's hard to bear when you're subjected to verbal attacks from anyone, let alone young minds that could be expected to at least be a little bit humble and curious about different points of view. On the other hand, she has done something the organization officially disapproves of: She has knowingly sent you a message. When I was a teenager, I would have done the same thing she did to you: Verbally attack you.

    I would leave her alone, not even replying to her sincere but extremely angry condemnation of you. The most we can hope for is that she will begin to think for herself as she gets older and realises - as so many of us do! - that the teachings she's done her best to follow all those years are a sad and unforgivable sham.

  • BabaYaga

    Barbara... I have no suggestion as to how to exactly word the response to the "scared" teenager, but I did want to comment on the fact that I got a very strong impression she is SCARED because she fears YOU are the one who has the TRUTH. She is struggling to make most of her words and sentence structure "Watchtower-speak"... she is frightened of her own doubts. I'm sorry you have to read this sort of thing everyday, but this one actually sounded like it had potential to me.

    One seems to fight the hardest towards the end... when one is fighting oneself just to stay.


    Oh, edited to say: I see the suggestion to ignore her. Where this might be a temptation, I think she should receive a VERY LOVING reply... so that she cannot say THE BAD OLD APOSTATES IGNORED HER. She will be unable to say much more, because the loving reply will confuse her... and give her more to think about. I hope one day she looks back on your considerate personal response and writes you back... with her own mind.

  • minimus

    Honestly, thanks for the compliments.

  • AudeSapere

    Who knew that minimus could actually answer a question and not just ask?...~!!

    And nicely put, at that!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    loosie said

    My answer to this would be... How could I live with myself if I knew about the child molester policy and did nothing to try to change it? I am trying to protect children like yourself and ones younger that you.

    an excellent approach

    from Minimus

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful expressions. I see that you want to be a spiritual Christian and this certainly is a wonderful thing.

    You are perplexed by the fact that I was so deeply involved in the Organization and yet I left. You are disturbed because you feel after learning about Jehovah and his purposes, it is so wrong to just up and leave. In all honesty, you probably would have said the same thing to the Apostle Paul. He too learned that what he was taught was not right. He made it his mission to spread the truth about what he knew to be truth. He was "compelled" to speak up even when others like the Apostle Peter was in fear of men.

    Paul would not just leave those he had once taught alone either. He was directed by Jehovah's holy spirit to expose the hypocrisy and untruth that many, even in the Christian Congregation accepted because of their past theocratic heritage.

    The Apostle Paul was a fine example of someone who wanted the truth to be made known. He acted like his Master, Christ. Both were persecuted and mocked for telling the truth, so when you speak ill of me, I don't take it personal. I know that I'm imitating them. Perhaps when you mature, you too will see that it is a Christian's duty to act as watchmen so as to save any who do not understand what God's Word teaches. Remember, we are not in fear of man that can kill the body but we are in fear of the One that can kill the soul. I am most concerned that I have my Creator's approval for I love Him.

    Please take care and I hope that you consider the scriptural references that I have supplied

    Brilliant Min Just brilliant

    Min's post is exactly what I would say.

    I don't think we can convince true believers. But if they take the time to email us I think we can respond, politely but clearly that we understand where they are coming from. We might not agree but that is OK.

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