Russell Not a Mason!

by johnnyc 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker

    I have been to the Pittsburg cemetery.

    He has the Memorial stone "the Laodicean messenger" - then there is the StarGate pyramid memorial with the cross and crown on.

    There are also other gravestones with the pyramid symbol on, his is not the only one.

  • Cheetos

    And you say the WT has no "Malice, um read below then reason on it:


    (m ² l "¹ s) n. 1. A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite. 2. Law. The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another.

  • zions watchman
    zions watchman


  • zagor
    freemasonry also claims to be older than the catholic church too

    So that makes it true??? Like any other order religious or ideological order they have their myths and legends that became part of accepted internal folklore which gives members feeling of identity, belonging and tradition. That certainly doesn’t mean rest of reasonable people need to take it on face value without evidence. And what does evidence show? Evidence shows that Freemasonry originated in either England or Scotland sometimes in 16th or 17th century. That is how far their historical records really go, rest of trail is deliberately muddied by subsequent generations eager to give Freemasonry appearance of an old craft. But when you remove surface gloss there is absolutely not a speck of evidence to support it. What emerges is that Freemasons themselves have borrowed identities from number of sources including medieval guilds of stonemasons that were free to travel across the Europe and were valued for their craft of building intricate cathedrals. Likewise in subsequent generations they added more and more layers of additional identities including those of Knight Templars that were wiped out in 13th century. However, despite efforts of people such as David Icke or novelist Dan Brown there is absolutely no evidence to support wild claims of long lineage. Not a single independent record of their existence. Considering how much they were hated by Catholic Church in particular, one would expect to have extensive record of that held by the church. Where did the church’s enmity toward Freemasonry start? Curiously, everything seems to be centered or starting around 17th century.


    Catholicism and Freemasonry

    Now why would that be the case if Freemasonry existed throughout better part of human recorded history? Where was Freemasonry during Inquisition in 12th century when thousands of Gnostic Carthars were rounded up and killed? Church was seeking to find anyone, absolutely anyone with “heretic” ideas and views to wipe them out of existence, and we know of those times because we have extensive records of it and even Catholic Church is not shy about admitting that. If Freemasonry existed and were such a dominant force to reckon with, why are the records silent?
    Simple truth is, Freemasonry for all its claims or tradition is only a very modern concoction.

    at the making of the Tower of Babel there was Masonry first much esteemed of, and Nimrod was a Mason himself and loved well Masons

    Yup, he was a mason alright, not a freemason i.e. a member of Freemasonry fraternity in any shape of form (assuming character recorded in Bible existed at all)

    Like witnesses freemasons are playing on word and obscure meanings to give them sense of identify. Witnesses refer to obscure paragraphs in bible that refer to anyone called “witness” as the evidence of their long lineage. Freemasons seek historical or mythical records to find any reference to anyone who did any building work such as building of pyramids to refer to him as one in the long line of free thinking “free masons”. Of course, just because someone was a mason, i.e. building something with bricks and stones it doesn’t mean he/she was a member of an old arcane fraternity that existed from beginning of human history. If that were the case, if Freemasonry was indeed so organized they would dominate historical records by all those who hated them. Unfortunately, there is not a shred of evidence to support anything even remotely like that.

  • jaguarbass

    Cognizant, I know Icke does not reference and document his claims well, if at all. I Figure the original post was a cheap shot so I put on my cheap shot hat. When the topic is non tangible and theoretical good documentation is hard to find. Often running the documentation down ends up in a wild goose chase. I did take English composition and literature in college back in the 80's and the way they teach it is, I tell you Icke made a claim. Or Icke, or so and so said this on page so and so of this book. Its up to you to see if his claim is valid. Thats the point of a reference, and a page and paragraph. I will give you this since, I didnt get you more specifics, as you wish I had, you can see that I am giving a weak reference or a week retort. I thought I made that obvious in my tounge and cheek preface of "I'll counter with this and see you one" Because of the nature of the topic and matter. Trying to prove someone along time ago was or was not in a secret society. Being a secret society it not likely they are going to be forthcoming with their membership roles especially if one of their members is of dubious and devious character and not particularly one to brag about. At the same time if he was all of that, he would have been a great member carrying out the plan of the masons to keep people in darkness and to take their energy. Back to Icke, People think he is a crack pot. He may have some crack pot in him. He seems to be the sort that rappidly prints in a book everything he has heard and then waitins for the dust to settle. HIs theories on the shape shifting lizzards probably got him head of the crack pot class. I havent read anything by him for about 5 years. When I did read 3 of his books, they made a lot of sense to me and jibed with what I saw going on in the world. Even his shape shifting lizards was comprehendable to me based on books I have read on quantum physics and another book, the bible. The shape shifting lizards would be another way of describing the fallen angles, the nephalim. When you read some of the lost or discarded books of the bible and ancient histories you can see where these ideas come from. And if they are not literal, than they are metaphors. As far as I can tell, no one can say with proper documentation and reference where man came from and Icke has made a good book, an interesting read of his theories. And the proof is in the puding. He has enough people interested in what he writes on paper to make a living of it. It's no big deal that I read a book a week, I know. That was a stupid remark. I guess I am trying to say, I have spent a lot of time over the past 20 years trying to figure out what is going on. And having taken some college, some pre med, anantomy and physiology, and having read a book a week looking for answers. I cant convince my harshest critique, myself. Of what is going on. The best I can come up with is I am God, and so are you. And we dont care what kind of shxt we get into or what kind of problems we have because in the end we are going home, and then we are going to come back and do it again. And none of that is hardly documentable with references, but it is in the reincarnation section of the bookstore. And thinking like that gives me the highest quality warm fuzzy feelings. That's the most comforting theory. Than there is the nightmare theory, that we are here bio-mechanical machines the product of aliens and are their pawns, play things in there cosmic chess game. And what is quality? How can you know the quality of a book before you read it. I check out the reviews on Amazon, they are always pro and con. Someone always gets it and someone else never gets it. last point, I doubt the average American reads a book a week. I dont see it. Maybe among those who read Harlequin romances are top sellers, but I doubt most people read. People buy books and put them on their shelves and look at them thinking someday I am going to have time to read them. There wouldnt be enough time in the day for people to work to pay the rent and electricity and then spend 4 to 6 hours maintaining their trance and brainwashed state in front of the television and then sleeping. It takes me about 20 hours to read 1 book. I'm not the only one who reads, there are those that read more than I. But the average american doesnt read. Readers of books are in the minority. My guess maybe 20 to 30% of the population. But I'm not prepared to give you statistics. Other than in groups of 10 that I observe that have the opportunity to read, only 2 or 3 read. Most watch tv, then the radio.

  • leavingwt
    If you claim they are ignorant - well, then perhaps that is bliss.

    Maybe that's why they're the happiest people on earth!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The Bible Students as today are still associated with the Freemasons , not that long ago in my own town Vancouver they held a meeting at guess where

    a Freemasons Hall, so could Russell have been connected with that organization in some way directly or indirectly, I very much think so.

    Not to discredit the Masons in any way, just an observation.

  • RR
    The Bible Students as today are still associated with the Freemasons , not that long ago in my own town Vancouver they held a meeting at guess where a Freemasons Hall, so could Russell have been connected with that organization in some way directly or indirectly, I very much think so.

    Hmmm ... so because the Bible Students meet in masonic halls they aree associated with freemasons? Bible Students meet in Masonic halls because they do not own their own buildings, they meet in private homes, schools, firehouses, hotels, YMCA, and any other inexpensive place they can. That doesn't mean they are associated with any of these organizations. It's a business deal. We need a place to meet, they have a place to rent.


  • RR
    Russell was a plagiarizer from many thoughts and ideas....

    While Russell never claimed to originate his ideas, that would not be the definition of a "plagiarizer".

    A plagiarizer is one who copies another works word for word and passes it off as his own.

    There are plenty of groups out there who teach the same things on certain subjects, and write about them, are they all plagiarizer?


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    What I was trying to imply is the majority of teachings by Russell weren't originally his own, such as what he taught from pyramidologly etc.

    The connection with the Freemasons may have originally stemmed from his father who was said to be a high level Mason.

    It may just be coincidental or not that the great pyramid is impart a teaching and belief of the Masons., but the two ideologies relate so much that it brings up speculation.

    He had to conjure up interest for his literature so used what ever was necessary to accomplish that feat and as history has show he was successful.

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