Russell Not a Mason!

by johnnyc 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Russell was not registered in a Mason Hall books so one can conclude that he was not a Free Mason. The Illuminati did not have to register and they at one time were part of the FreeMasons.

    Who is responsible for stating that he was not a Mason? a Bible Student, WTBTS, or Free Mason Society? Let me guess the FreeMasons!

    The only thing they can say is there is no proof that he was a Mason because they could not find his name on any of their records!

    That only proves he did not sign his name in the books as we know him as Charles Taze Russell. Big deal! I bet there were a lot of higher Mason that did not sign in as lodge members. They could have arrived early and was not noticed.

    Find me a Mason whose name was not on the books?

  • ninja

    a question george bush senior a freemason?...what will the freemasons say?

  • ninja

    ....however....look at this picture....lovely wee pyramid eh?...who else was interested in pyramids?...I wonder Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • ninja

    but of course...for all the coincidence theorists out there....nothing to see here

  • IP_SEC

    Proof of Russell Masonship

    Weblink (clicky)

  • Mary
    johnnyc said: This is some research I did showing that Russell, was not, in fact a Freemason (aka Mason). It is from the website:

    So why would you be wasting your time 'researching' information to try and clear the founder of a cult who have just disfellowshipped you without just cause johnny?

  • zions watchman
    zions watchman

    If Russell was not a Mason, he stoled from them, for example if you look at the cross with the kings crown "Mason" if you look at the book he produced with the two Cherbs (Angles) with wings spread forward "Mason" The used of Math "Mason" I would said being that I am one, he was involved in some way with the our Brotherhood.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Russell was a plagiarizer from many thoughts and ideas......typical salesman / businessman

    Its not too far out of sense and reason that there were other businessmen in the locality of where he lived that were also Masons.

    Therefore thats where the connection was made.

    But as someone has said previously that Russell didn't want to immerse himself with another established organization

    for the deliberate reason he want to create and establish his own ideologies and stand on top of those for notoriety reasons and commercial reasons.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    It has to be acknowledged and understood that the WTBS. was a business venture, a book and literature company owned and constructed from businessmen.

    There no plausible way that those individuals would spend a great amount of their money and time , and not think about what kind of return they would receive for their efforts.

    Their literature was devised to catch peoples attention and considering when and what era they were printed they certainly accomplished that feat.

    If this kind of litature was to be published today, of course it would be right away scoffed at as being ridiculas and laughable, but not so in Russell's era.

  • jaguarbass

    Lets see his followers put a pyramid shrine or marker up in memory of him.

    Pyramids are associated with massons. That is where the masons originated, they were the mystical, stone cutters of the pyramids in Egypt. So mystical that today we dont know how they cut and moved the stones.

    He published a pulp fiction religous magazine with masonic, egyptian symbols.

    The masons are credited with keeping people in the matrix, keeping people asleep, keeping people in a trance, robbing peoples energy and money.

    Free masononry is very secretive.

    Lower level masons probably know as much about whats going on in their organization as JW's who go out in field service on Saturday mornings.

    I say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck.

    If when I die, someone puts up a pyrimid in honor and memory of me, I wont think you odd to consider that I was a mason.

    And probably a high level mason. I dont think the lower level masons get pyramids commemerating their lives.

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