Who Cares About You, REALLY?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Hi Grace and Tyrone! I care about the two of you!

    I know that a few people genuinely care about me. I have a fair number of friends but to say that they genuinely care and are there for you through thick and thin is a much smaller number. My oldest brother and I have been there for each other since we were teens. I agree, if you have one true friend, you are pretty blessed. For me faith, knowing that God cares, is important to me.

    For my mom it's been a tough lesson that most witnesses don't truly care about her. Words are meaningless unless it's backed up with action. For the past year since her husband's death they have, for the most part, ignored her. I guess she has been labelled as being very weak, which she acknowledges she is.

    After going to church with us in the morning last Sunday she felt she needed to go to the hall and I guess it was a bad experience because she won't talk about it. I assume that they are cool with her because she has only gone to the hall on a Sunday a few times in the past year and never goes door to door anymore, never goes to any of the meetings. She is taking Alpha at church for the second time and enjoys it more this time. She keeps going back because she feels that people genuinely seem to care about her. It doesn't mean that there aren't caring people within the org, because I'm sure there are, just like there are mean spirited in the church, but her experience has been very positive from the church.

  • minimus

    Older people get duped easily, sad to say. But Mouthy, you're a sweetheart.

  • BizzyBee

    Minimus, you really know how to bring the room down!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Only you, Minimus. Only you.

  • minimus

    Well it's almost Thanksgiving.

  • Country_Woman

    I guess my daughter (I'm sure) - a very dear old friend and maybe 2 or three others...

    and really care ? there are a few on this board I care for - but there's a lot of water between us - so that's talk for the most part....


    In fact I did'nt loose anyone while leaving the borg: I regained a lot of the family (neither were in - only Viv and me by the time)

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Thanx GQ, good to see ya again! I discern your sincerity, but frankly I think you would be that way even without a religion. Same goes for Gracie.

    Minimus, I really love you man. No no, really!

  • mrsjones5

    My husband, my kids, and my parents especially my mother. Yeah, we've made up and she said she was sorry. When we started speaking again she said that she had missed me terribly, missed how we would talk almost everyday, how I was the one that she got along with more than my siblings (it's true, I do seem to have a calming effect on my mother). Now the pokes about moving back to California have begun again but I think that closest that I would get to California would be Incline Village, Nevada.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Told you I'd get you back for Razin me on my music thread. LOl!

  • restrangled

    The old phrase, "What goes around comes around"....never ceases to amaze me as to it's accuracy.

    It has proven true so many times in my life.....maybe it's really about Karma, I don't know.

    If you care about people, they will care about you. If you forgive people, they will forgive you. If you take care of people in their time of need, someone will turn around and take care of you.

    You don't have to put up with abuse, but you can let go of it once you are out of the situation and not let it cloud your feelings.

    Look around you, stay in tune with the human race while you are out and about. Does someone need help, or $2.00 at the check out counter that you can afford to offer, does someone have a flat tire, or have you found a wallet?......just some simple examples of caring......which will come back to you when you least expect it.



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