Who Cares About You, REALLY?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends


    FireworksFireworks..My Smileys think I`m wonderful!!..FireworksFireworks...BravoBravoBravoBravoBravo.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • BizzyBee
    My sister was working the counter at the cable office. Wouldn't make eye contact. When I talked to her, she said she didn't recognize me with my hair up. But even after that she just took my money, gave me a receipt, and moved on

    Ann, that is ghastly!

  • minimus

    Tyrone & Mouthy are wonderful. Enjoy the turkey!

  • caliber

    Yes there are always people who care even among the JW's.....their love has just been overshadowed by supposed

    "love of Jehovah " . Never give up hope... always remember a kind comments here and there( as this thread shows)

    it means the world to people !


  • flipper

    My wife and I have many people who care about us. Some are relatives, some good friends. As Caliber stated ( and I agree ) some who are witness relatives who care - but do so in a " mind controlled " way which makes them conditional in how they express that love or caring. All we can hope that in time they may change - and break free of the chains and bonds of mond control by the witnesses. But yes, life is good - and we'v made great friends on the board here as well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • mouthy

    Tyrone said >That's what I meant when I said GQ and Gracie would be the way they are even without religion.

    Thank you sweetheart for your remarks about me.... I guess your one of the ones that is showing me UNconditional love


  • Scully

    Well, for the first time in my life, I have accepted that it is perfectly okay to care about myself. The WTS and the JWs did a great job of brainwashing me to believe that self-care was the height of selfishness and that the only way to win god's Undeserved Kindness™ was to care about everyone but myself, and especially the WTS first and foremost.

    I don't know how many times I was scolded and Counselled™ whenever I tried to take measures for self-care as a JW. Exercise was considered selfish and vain, dressing nicely was considered haughty and vain, trying to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle was considered self-absorbed, looking after my health (beyond the bare minimum) was considered to be a manifestation of a lack of faith.

    It's taken me almost 15 years of being out of the JWs to not have guilty feelings about doing what I need to do and in the amount that is needed to look after myself.

    If I don't care about myself, nobody else is going to do it for me. I have no more delusions that anyone else but me needs to care about me. I care about my immediate family and my friends - but they no longer take precedence, and I don't expect to take precedence with them either.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    You got a cute style Gracie. I get it. I think you can see a lot of things for what they are. My Grannie wasn't so nice to me, but she had a hard life. She physically threw me out of her apartment at 88 years old. She always called me a trouble maker too! I know she loved me though. I would give her a kiss goodnight most of the time.

    She was coerced to being a witness cuz she needed someone to look after her. I however had the priviledge of having her in my home when she was exactly 3 times my age. I was 31, and she was 93. I got to hear from her own lips what she thought about the witnesses. I purposely asked her, and I'll tell you, it wasn't good. ( Don't worry, I know your more refined than that.)

    She died shortly therafter, but before she died, she held my face and looked into my eyes with love. She was saying good bye. I'll never forget it. Anyways Gracie, here is your kiss. I like your spunkiness and free spirit. It's an inspriation, but please don't hit me.If your right hook is anything like my grannies I'll be having dinner through a straw.

    Minimus doesn't realize we already had our thanksgiving in Oct. I say we take away his cranberry sauce! Knowing my dumb ass, I'll probably return it.. Just kiddin Min. Have a drumstick on me.

  • mouthy

    Oh Tyrone, I just wish I could hold your face & give ya a kiss.

    But please God dont let me live till 93....I wont be able to do it....!!!!! Any time now would be fine thanks AMEN!!!!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    edited... Sorry Gracie. Sometimes I just want people to understand the forces that shaped me. I love you too.

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