Who Cares About You, REALLY?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Very well said, Restrangled.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    ultimately I am the only one that really cares about me .... and I am taking very good care of myself now :)

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Good words Restrangled. You are speaking of the rule of reciprocation. For the most part it is true. If you punch someone in the face, chances are very high they will punch you in the face. If you smile chances are they will smile back. The problem comes when some folks think that they are supeior and the world owes them.

    I have been down and out many times and I have found wallets on three different occasions. Once at an old folks home where I was doing construction. It belonged to a senior and had 110 dollars in it. I could have taken it but I decided to give it to the front desk. The next day I went to ask if they were happy to get there wallet back and the slimy scumbags said " what wallet?

    Another time I found a wallet with every kind of Id and a bit of money. Again I decided, to return it. I found the ladies number, and called her asking her to meet me and I would have it for her. The bitch came upon me with retribution and scorn for stealing it from her.

    Once in Edmonton I found a wallet with Id and money again. I seached for the address of his home and found out it. The people there said he was an old fellow who was actually in a coma in the hospital. I went out of my way to return it. I'm not even from Edmonton. When I got there the effin police accused me of stealing it and I didn't even get a thank you cuz the guy was in a coma.

    In my younger days I was bit of problem. I was with a fellow named Phycho, and he wanted to do some purse snatching. He talked me into grabbin this ladies purse and then forcing the couple down a steep embankment which there is no way they could get back up.

    Belevie it or not, my conscience kicked in and I looked at phycho, and through her purse back with all the contents in it back to her. There's not a God dam theif in the world that would do that.

    Do you think I got a God bless you, your'e a good soul and we appreciate your charcter. No she and her boyfreind called me a peice of shit, scum sucking son of whoremaster and everything but a racoon.

    I have had my wallet lost and stolen multiple times with Id and it has never ever been returned. Therefore how do think I should act next time I find a wallet? It's not hard to figure out. I'm tired of being the good samaritan that has to eat shit for being a good guy.

  • jaguarbass

    Life is based on quid pro quo. Something for something.

    I guess my dogs care about me, because I feed them.

    My wife probably cares about me because I pay the taxes and insurance.

    My employer probably cares about me. At least I am pretty sure they would call if I dont go into work.

    If I miss work a few times they will probably kick me to the curb and never think about me again.

    Out of site out of mind.

    People who used to care but dont see or think of me anymore probably hardly care, or care less.

    I never really thought my parents cared about me.

    I always thought I was like a dog to them, a posession, status sybol. The people over there had a baby, we will have a baby.

    But, maybe the wactower killed any natural affection that may have been felt or displayed.

    If I run a red light the police will care about me.

    If I dont pay my power bill the electric company will care about me.

    I guess if I'm not doing something for somebody they dont care about me and vice versa.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    That sounds pretty dam good to me Jag.!

  • restrangled

    Tyrone, your heart spoke to you every time and you were honest......it will come back to you when you least expect it and when it matters most in your life. You cared about others in a terrible time in your life....believe me, let go of the past.....your good payback is due!

    I have always had a special place in my heart for you.....

    You are an exceptional person....it all evens out.....just wait...you'll see! Let go of your anger....your good deeds will come back to you 10 fold!

    PS>>>>>>((((((I care about you.)))))))


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Thanx Restrangled, I really needed to hear that. If only you knew the whole story. It's sure hard to let go of. I can't let myself be that stupid anymore though.

  • ninja

    I care for you all.......give me a hug ya bunch of dummies....even those that hate me...........p.s.....ninja has been drinking .....so excuse the whisky breath

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Cheers! you hooded jokester.

  • beksbks

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