Who Cares About You, REALLY?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Tyrone.....its not about being stupid.....its about being smart....never put up with abuse...leave it behind you. Its smart for your soul and your blood pressure!


    I guess my dogs care about me, because I feed them.
    My wife probably cares about me because I pay the taxes and insurance.
    My employer probably cares about me. At least I am pretty sure they would call if I dont go into work.

    Oh no not so....Your dogs adore you....they wait for you, they wait for your attention....they love you no matter what....if you couldn't feed them they would still sit by your side....

    Your wife loves you because of who you are....not because you pay taxes or insurance......(from a wife of 29 years)

    Yeah, your employer cares about you because you show up to work....I won't disagree with that...but thats an employer~

    You do have worth.....a lot of it J.

    Take care. r.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Edited.. Thanks for your wisdom R.

  • restrangled

    Tyrone, I see see great things for you....your young, Take that street knowledge and make it work for you....its an advantage few people have these days...Get into politics, take your self where your heart leads you.....Please keep me updated....I predict you will be a great man in the year 2009 and beyond....... Let me know when I can vote for you!


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Your a tower of strength R. I just want peace now. I don't feel young. You give me reason to beleive their is a reason things happen.

    I can't seem to get out of this avoidance of people though. Long story. I am gathering myself together more and more however. Where it will lead is anyones guess. Thank you for helping me see the gift in the turbulent dishevelment of my life.

    It's amazing I've maintained any values. That's what I meant when I said GQ and Gracie would be the way they are even without religion. Thats just who they are. Maintaining goodness in a sick world and trying not to hurt others is whats great. But when your on a pedestal people like trying to knock you off it. I have no dellusions about that, and don't wish to be put their . Your a sweetheart. If something changes that, I would be the first to let you know.

  • LouBelle

    I care about me. Mum, when she doesn't have her own drama. Rock cares for me - he's 16000 kms away. I'm sure a friend or 2 care to a certain degree.

  • LouBelle

    I care about me. Mum, when she doesn't have her own drama. Rock cares for me - he's 16000 kms away. I'm sure a friend or 2 care to a certain degree.

  • jgnat

    I do believe in karma at the macro level. That is if you are a decent, giving human being, most people will reciprocate. The reputation you build just for being reliable, really being there for people, cannot be bought. It's a treasure worth keeping always.There are a very few who aren't worthy of the breath. No matter what I do, they are relentlessly self-centred and abusive. I won't waste time on this small minority any more. I'm getting old and tired.

    At the micro level, don't look for an equal give and take. The great and decent people who have been there for me include my dad, my daughter, my hubby, my two closest co-workers, a few select friends, my banker, and my doctor. How do I know? I'm making some life changes, and they have been there on the sidelines, cheering me on. They make me face the tough stuff. How much better can you get than that?

    The chicadees and my son give me pleasure just for being what they are. The chicadees get bird feed, and my son a listening ear. I don't count the cost of spending time with them just for doing something nice.

  • mouthy

    Minimus said Older people get duped easily, sad to say. But Mouthy, you're a sweetheart. So you think I am duped !!!!!! At least I am glad you think I am sweet even though I am stupid.... I would send you to your room .but I bet you wouldnt go

  • golf2

    I know for sure that my present girlfriend and my mother does. Action speaks louder than words!

  • StAnn

    My dad really cares about me. I think one of my sons really loves me. Everybody else in my life....I'm not so sure about.

    Of course, I went to pay my cable bill today. My sister was working the counter at the cable office. Wouldn't make eye contact. When I talked to her, she said she didn't recognize me with my hair up. But even after that she just took my money, gave me a receipt, and moved on. She's a super-hovie. So it's possible today's experience is coloring my attitude.


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