Another fossil link found

by Caedes 98 Replies latest social current

  • Caedes

    Who created evolution?


    What exactly have fossil turtles got to do with abiogenesis?

  • funkyderek


    Who created the creator of evolution?

    Who created the creator of the creator of evolution?

    The original question ("Who created evolution?") doesn't make a lot of sense; evolution doesn't need a creator. Once certain initial conditions are met, it is inevitable. A more intelligent question would have been: "What caused the conditions that allowed life to evolve in our universe?" and while we can trace the steps back almost to the very beginning of the universe, there comes a point where we simply do not know the answer. Postulating a person of all things at that point is of course the height of absurdity and leads swiftly to the infinite regress alluded to above.

    Creationists at least have a certain naive honesty where they simply deny the overwhelming scientific evidence for the history of our universe and declare their holy book to be true. The ostensibly more rational theists or deists have a more insidious approach, where they simply find a gap in our current knowledge and assert that the only thing that can fill that gap is a god, an intelligent complex entity whom they further declare - to avoid the infinite regress - to be an exception to the very rule that supposedly requires his existence.

  • hillbilly

    There are Christians and then there are "literalist" out there.

    I never have had any problem accepting the notion that God stirred a pot ...then sat back and waited to see what might crawl out of it.

    "Who created evolution?", is a question that will hold water for more that a few of us who accept God and the Blood of Christ.


  • maximumtool

    I always find it amusing how someone will start a thread discussing something they find interesting regarding evolution, and then a basic discussion will emerge from people who have taken the time to actually intellectually invest in understanding what evolution actually is and what it actually means. These people in turn understand what evolution doesnt mean, and what it actually isnt...

    And then, interspersed in the actual discussion are these individuals who have no clue what evolution is and isnt, and what it does and does not mean, who just insert completely unrelated and entirely inappropriate points and have no idea how completely irrelevant what they are saying even is. And these individuals never seem to learn why what they are saying is so ridiculous...

    They regurgitate the same misunderstood or irrelevant garbage over and over and over again, someone will attempt to explain to them why what they are saying is either wrong, inappropriate or irrelevant, and they will just ignore it. They come on a board and ask a question, someone answers it, and they just dont learn from it. It never ceases to simulataneously amaze and amuse me...

  • Caedes
    The ostensibly more rational theists or deists have a more insidious approach, where they simply find a gap in our current knowledge and assert that the only thing that can fill that gap is a god, an intelligent complex entity whom they further declare - to avoid the infinite regress - to be an exception to the very rule that supposedly requires his existence.

    The irony apparently lost on them.

  • snowbird

    The beat - and life - goes on.


  • hillbilly
    The ostensibly more rational theists or deists have a more insidious approach, where they simply find a gap in our current knowledge and assert that the only thing that can fill that gap is a god, an intelligent complex entity whom they further declare - to avoid the infinite regress - to be an exception to the very rule that supposedly requires his existence.
    The irony apparently lost on them.

    I am educated so you can do me the courtesy of being blunt.

    say I'm stupid if you think so.


  • snowbird

    YAY! Hill.

    I wonder why a person who questions scientific "knowledge" is relegated to the ranks of the unschooled and non-literate.

    Questions are good, no?


  • Seeker4

    This discussion reminds me of a lot of what I've been reading about the Republican party and its need to reinvent itself after the drubbing it received in this last election.

    With its appeal to Christian fundamentalists, its high level anti-evolutionists (three of the Republican presidential candidates expressed their lack of belief in evolution; and Sarah Palin of course!), and the right wing screaming heads on tv and talk radio - the Republican Party has painted itself as the party of ignorance, fear mongering, racial baiting and anti-science and anti-education.

    It won't survive if it remains so, and many members of the party realize that.

    As several posters here have already noted, many of the creationists and anti-evolutionists fail to take the time to actually understand the science that they are attacking - and therefore come up again and again with the same. lame arguments. Those arguments have been soundly defeated, and it makes the people who use them seem ignorant.

    I wonder how long it will take for science and rationality to win the day here in America? It seems it already has in Europe and much of Asia, but here in the US we seem to still have such huge segment of the population who are ignorant of science and critical thinking skills.


  • Caedes


    I do apologise, I didn't realise that I had missed you out!

    I would not make the mistake of assuming someone was stupid just because of making one comment that was less than accurate.


    Asking questions is always good, learning something from the answer is even better.

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