Well, Well, Well Let's all welcome the Great Tribulation!!!!!!!!!

by unbaptized 84 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • flyphisher

    2,5 trillions is too few.

    An amount of more than 10 trillions USD would be necessary to restore the financial and economical situation of (e.g.) the year 1999.

    Its now the end of world war IV or V (nobody knows exactly). The last world war was made against the laws of logics and mathematics.


  • abbagail

    Either way it's a spiral, but things "may not" bottom out until WW3.

    I say "may not" because of opinions of two sources:

    The first, who has been watching/reporting NWO events since 1988, says: Keep an eye on Israel... whether they speed things up over there, or keep slowing them down and dragging their feet (their elections, peace plan, separation of Arabs into various pockets of their land, etc.) WW3 will start over there, then all *H* will break loose around the world.

    The second source, who has been watching/reporting on NWO events since 1994, just wrote me recently and said:

    ... the U.S. goes down the drain, which I expect will happen next year. I may be wrong, but I have believed the U.S. would be destroyed before the Tribulation begins.
    A lot can happen before the next Rosh Hashana, the Jewish feast of Trumpets which I think prefigures the Rapture. ... If the Lord tarries, I think that a military takeover of the U.S. will preempt my participation in that grand event. Did you notice Michelle Obama's "black widow" dress on election night? The black widow costume is popular in the Goth/Vampire death culture.
    ...what is really happening with the financial meltdown. Most people are clueless and will a have rude awakening early next year when the Great Depression II, martial law and the new global currency comes to pass. I won't take any pleasure in reminding them "I told you so" because their suffering will be so great. Perhaps they will then turn to the Lord. I hope so.

    As cameo said, MANY Christians from all denominations are watching what is happening, those who appreciate prophecy and are looking for the glorious appearing of our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    The Muslims, of course, are expecting their 12 Imam, their Mahdi.


  • shamus100
    No. But I don't think you all should put your heads in the sand and pretend like it's not happening.

    Jesus said (my paraphrase) 'how is it you can look at the sky and discern the weather but you don't observe what's happening around you in order to be prepared to deal with it?'

    Oh - so people starving in Africa mean nothing because you're crappy old US of A is going through a recession? Give your head a shake.

    I guess black people don't mean anything to you, because all you see is a recession hitting your country and you call it armageddon. Good grief - how old are you, twelve? This isn't the great depression yet. And if it is, it isn't the great tribulation. I guess you and your vengeful god will have to wait a little while longer - I know you can hardly wait with all your exclamation points. How bloodthirsty can you get?

  • asilentone

    abbagail, what makes you say that early next year that we will have rude awakening?

  • asilentone

    By the way, the stock market went up 500 points today, I believe that we will be in recession for little while longer.

  • abbagail

    Hi A... I didn't say it, I was quoting a source/friend who wrote me the other day and that is her opinion based on her investigations since 1994 into the NWO agenda (and over 1,100+ books/articles later, which she and her associate read over those years and from which they did their reports. Their Bibliography here: http://www.watch-unto-prayer.org/notes.htm ).

    I can't do indents right off the bat ( to show quotes) because Mac browsers don't show any of the html choices on this forum unless you go back into your post after the fact and then add them, so I always use these brackets [...] to show I am quoting someone else. Sorry for the confusion.

    As for myself, I know things are getting down to the wire, but not sure it will be in the early part of next year. However, I do heed and honor my highly researched-friend's opinion (she's a very smart lady, has a brain like an analytical attorney, imho).

    Here's her homepage: http://www.watch-unto-prayer.org/

    Here's a report she did a few years ago on the downfall of the USA: DEATH OF THE PHOENIX: http://www.watch-unto-prayer.org/death-phoenix.html


    Aside from that, the news rhetoric around Obama's victory, was all about how he will be "tested" within the first 270 days of his presidency. I thought it odd they would say 270 DAYS rather than simply saying 9 months. I haven't figured out the meaning of that, though I stuck it in my memory bank and will keep note of it. The people saying this about Obama were people from HIS camp, Colin Powell (CFR); Z. Brezynski (Trilateral Commission); and his VP, Joe Biden. If anything, it's a "set up," ie, if/when anything DOES happen (which won't be by accident if it does), they can say, "See, we told you... see how wise we are?" etc. etc. blah blah.

    There are so many factors shaping up... the manipulated Financial Crisis, the North American Union, the NAU currency, troops being brought home for the sole purpose of "domestic" chaos; etc. etc.

    The NWO plan all along has been to take down the USA because the global NWO cannot be set up with independent nations being strong and sovereign. And since the USA has been the leader of the pack in that regard, if they take her down, the other still-independent nations will fall in place like dominos.

    So, as always, the question is the TIMING...

    As I wrote in first post, the other source I pay attention to, has said all along, the USA won't go down until WW3. And WW3 won't start until Israel has that peace plan signed and their Arab neighbors tucked into the pockets of land inside Israel which Israel will give them in the peace plan (for the sole purpose of pigeon-holing them within Israel's easy reach so Israel can destroy them in one fell swoop. Hence, WW3 begins when they do that, etc.)


  • abbagail

    Update to provide specifics:

    Colin Powell is the one who said he expects something around January 21st or 22nd, 2009.

    Zbigniew Brzezinsky said Obama may be tested by terrorists after he takes office on January 20th.

    Joe Biden said he guarantees a crisis within SIX months.

    The Pentagon guy, Michael Bayer, is the one who said within 270 DAYS.

    Just to humor myself, further above I wrote: "I thought it odd they would say 270 DAYS rather than simply saying 9 months. I haven't figured out the meaning of that..."

    Duh! It was right under my nose...

    270 days is 27 (never count the zero).

    And 27 is made of up three 9's (ie, 3 x 9 = 27).

    Three 9's is 999, which is an inverted 666.

    So when "Veteran Pentagon consultant Michael Bayer, chairman of the Defense Business Board, told his fellow panelists that the new president's inner circle should 'set aside time in transition to identify the planning, gravitas and interagency process necessary to respond to a likely first-270-day crisis,' " [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/27/pentagon-panel-joe-biden_n_138192.html?page=9] , he was giving an occult signal via press reports to fellow adepts around the globe. They do it all the time. Watch the numbers. So 270 days (999/666) means they are on board with the NWO plan, whatever it may be, time-wise and "testing-wise."

    Often they pour on the rhetoric to see how far they can push and panic the public, to see what type of reactions they will get. But I DO think they are trying to RAMP UP people into wanting to revolt, which is exactly what the elite would love, as then they could say they have an "excuse" to start wiping people out, "for the good of all," of course.


    I said "watch the numbers"... Here's a the headline/date from a news clip re: what Brzezinski said about Obama's testing... I couldn't help but notice the DATE AND TIME of this news post:

    Brzezinski: Last two US presidents tested early by al Qaeda attacks
    November 16, 2008, 11:16 AM (GMT+02:00)

    Look at that... unbelievable...

    You have the date, Nov. 16, which is 1116, which is an inverted "mirror" for 911.

    And it was posted at exactly 11:16, which AGAIN gives you a 1116 which means same as above, 911.

    Yeah, Yeah, it's all a coincidence... and Rothschild/Rockefeller didn't buy up all the media/newspapers beginning 80 years ago either...


  • mrsjones5

    Looks like you're channelling Obves

  • cameo-d
    270 days is 27 (never count the zero).

    And 27 is made of up three 9's (ie, 3 x 9 = 27).

    Three 9's is 999, which is an inverted 666.

    Seriously, Abagail, you're getting a bit wound up. Here is something very very interesting that covers a lot of territory about what is happening below the surface of the events taking place now and in the future.


  • abbagail

    Hi cam...

    Thanks for the link... saw Endgame when it was first released. Excellent movie. Ditto for the esoteric stuff. What do you think their numerology is? Same thing.

    Just "reading" the tactics THEY already use... and numbers are one of the ways they transmit messages and "put their mark" on what they are doing... it's a mathematical game to them... the elite worship math and science.

    Manfried Adler and the US Senate Committee investigating the CIA found that 90% of the CIA’s secret messages are transmitted via the media, with the aid of coded texts and pictures. A raised forefinger or two raised forefingers while a speaker is talking means that the message is a Masonic message coming from a Masonic speaker.
    The Illuminati uses code words within the large establishment papers to warn their people what they are going to do with the economy. In this way, people in the Illuminati can take appropriate responses.
    Source: http://www.whale.to/b/sp/for1.html

    BTW, I found and saved the above quote back in July 2006, and who knows how much older than that it is.


    You said:

    "270 days is 27 (never count the zero).

    "And 27 is made of up three 9's (ie, 3 x 9 = 27).

    "Three 9's is 999, which is an inverted 666."
    Seriously, Abagail, you're getting a bit wound up.

    As for 9 or 999:

    "In the occult, the number "9" is a number of FINALITY, or of COMPLETION." (think about that in regards to what Biden/Powell/Brezynski were threatening re: USA, and in 2009 << NINE -- no less)
    " In the temples of Atlantis and Egypt the candidate for initiation passed through NINE degrees, or rather the THREE-fold THREE degrees, into the mysteries. These degrees symbolized the re-entering of the womb in order, after the THREE times THREE months of gestation, to be reborn into the world of Spirit-consciousness." http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1778.html

    999 is also 3 x 333!


    New World Order author, Elizabeth Van Buren, in her "Secrets of the Illuminati" re: 333 (or 999 to the third degree) - via article by David Buy w/quotes from Van Buren:

    "... in Spiritual Numerology, the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are the three 'Master Numbers', the highest being 33 ... This highest of the master numbers was the age of the Master Initiate (Jesus) at his death, resurrection and ascension, giving more esoteric accents. The '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being." [The Secrets of the Illuminati, p. 161-2]

    A "triplication" of a sacred number is also important, such as "333" or "111", communicating the same theme as the 2-digit number, but with "amplification" of power and meaning.

    Let us listen again to van Buren as she specifically addresses the meaning of the number, "333":

    "Jesus -- called here the "Master Initiate" -- was '33' at the time of His death; then, when the occultist adds the number '3' for the number of days Jesus spent in the tomb, he gets '333' as a calculation for the entire event through which the occultist considers Jesus to have passed. As van Burn gushes, "Christ lay in the tomb for three days after his crucifixion, a symbol for us of the steps man must take in order to be reborn. The number '333' speaks of death, resurrection, and ascension." [Ibid., p. 162-3]

    To reiterate: "The number '333' speaks of death, resurrection, and ascension." Since the entire global occult scheme plans to produce their Masonic Christ (Biblical Antichrist) who will mimic Jesus' "death, resurrection, and ascension" in fulfillment of Revelation 13:3, these sets of numbers are perfect when you want fellow occultists throughout the world to know that the event which just occurred was created as part of the effort to change the world so their Christ could appear.
    Source: http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2078.cfm

    As for the 11/16 date AND time...

    Time and time again during these past years, we have seen news events occurring with certain occult numeric signatures, among them "6" and "11". (NEWS1756: http://cuttingedge.org/news/n1756.cf )

    The number "6" is an important number to the occultist. The number of man is "6"; the number of man's "perfect" government is "66" and the number of the perfect leader of all time is "666".

    "6" because it is the number of "Perfected Man", that is, a person who has been perfected through human effort in a secret society and not the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Source: David Bay, former Army Intelligence http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1789.cfm

    And again from the other article:

    The Illuminati further believes that "11" is THE number of THEIR Masonic christ, which is fully compatible with Daniel 7:7-8, which depicts Antichrist as the "11th" horn arising after the original 10 horns.
    Source: http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2078.cfm


    There's tons more as you can imagine.

    One last quote:

    ...an ‘occult blind,’ that is, it is designed to “carry an open symbolism acceptable to the uninitiated, yet at the same time, to hide a more profound meaning accessible only to those familiar with Arcane symbolism.” (Ovason, David. THE SECRET ARCHITECTURE OF OUR NATION'S CAPITOL: THE MASONS AND THE BUILDING OF WASHINGTON, D.C., HarperCollins Publishers, 1999; p. 218)


    "Open Mystery" vs. "Occult Blind":


    OK, all "wound down" now, signing off soon... ;-)


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