Defence of watchtower society Links

by reniaa 343 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • isaacaustin

    Outlaw, she always runs when cornered...then returns with a vague post or tries to lash out with a new avenue of WT reasoning.

  • reniaa


    You say you disagree with shunning and would not partake in that. Do you realize that that would preclude you from rejoining the JWs (assuming you are truly as you claim) or if you are active would lead to your expulsion?

    Hi isaac

    Erm technically it could be! in practise I think it is unlikely At my last congregation before I left the org I only knew of one defellowshipped girl and she used to sit at the back I always said hi to her as she came in and I never got told off for it and did have coffee with her in town I still chat to her occasionally. I might believe the Jws doctrines but I've always been very independant in myself I love jehovah and I know that disfellowshipping wouldn't phase me, I'd just do my time and keep my prayers to Jehovah. He can read hearts and he alone knows that I love him and his son, Gods anger is what worries me more, disfellowshipping is nothing compared to that to me.

    Thx for the explanation on trinity hun we will never agree but hey as you noticed I have been reading up so I understand you point of view better.

    hi mouthy

    you touch on disfellowshipping too, you mention the one thing that would give me a pause but I will make sure my kids get a full scriptural upbringing of love from jesus's point of view and how more flies are caught with honey, I am truly sad for your pain and would help if I could but I do still believe the Jws are right, just that they have enforced the shunning to harshly but in some ways I can understand the only times this forum has made me get annoyed is when some talk of subtefuge and misleading people out of the Jws by any means available, And would jesus approve of their actions!

    As for your question on jesus's invisible presense I'll believe it because there is no reason not too. Certainly the world is a dramatically changing place and if armegeddon isn't due I will be surprised, jesus himself said he had to come otherwise no flesh would get saved lol paraphrasing to lazy to look up scriptures tonight, One question always stays in my mind why do no other faiths use Jehovah and why is the trinity so widespread 33.000 christian faiths and only a handful believe one god yet the jews are completely commited to the one God faith and they are the original chosen faith, mathematically there should be a larger portion than that in christianityto reflect this.

    Some will say thats because the trinity was right all along and if that is the case i'll hold my hands up and asked to be led downwards to the demon sharpening his pitchfork probs right now for me but if not the distinctiveness of Jws has me drawn to them and an earthly hope is a very attractive thing to me.

    One last thing mouthy you are a sincere person and I respect you for that so please I only ask you believe the same of me, I am not a current witness counting my time just one taking steps to return.

    take care Reniaa

  • Mary

    Nor has she answered my question as to why she continues to post on this site.

  • jookbeard

    she's counting time Mary, just an easier way in the comfort of her own home, beats going on the door knocking work in the cold and rain

  • Finally-Free

    Nor has she answered my question as to why she continues to post on this site.
    Because she's a troll.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I cannot possibly catch up on all this reading on this thread, it's too much energy.
    So I hope I understand the quote below accurately:

    hi mouthy

    you touch on disfellowshipping too, you mention the one thing that would give me a pause but I will make sure my kids get a full scriptural upbringing of love from jesus's point of view and how more flies are caught with honey, I am truly sad for your pain and would help if I could but I do still believe the Jws are right, just that they have enforced the shunning to harshly but in some ways I can understand the only times this forum has made me get annoyed is when some talk of subtefuge and misleading people out of the Jws by any means available, And would jesus approve of their actions!

    Well, the JW's are too harsh, but they are right. You will make sure your kids don't
    grow up wrong and they will get it right? Is that what you are saying? Maybe you
    won't shun them if they wake up to the false doctrines. Maybe they will shun you for
    talking to DF'ed ones. That might wake you up. Or, even as all goes according to
    plans, they (and you) can be shunned by the other JW's. You know, all their friends
    and their entire life that you had them build around- they will be devastated. Good plan.

    If I have that wrong from skipping some comments on the last 20 pages or so, explain.

    Here's an appropriate poem for anyone going to the congregation meetings and
    cooperating with shunning when they know it's wrong:

    When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    Just switch it to the "Judicial Committee told us to shun" and replace the groups with
    known sins.
    (When the Judicial Committee told us to shun adulterers,
    I remained silent.
    I was not an adulterer.)

  • Sunnygal41

    i'm sooo glad that the only reason I personally needed to leave the WTS was that I was miserably unhappy. That was enough. Life is too short to be that unhappy.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Just to add a couple more comments........

    The GB members at HQ does not care if families dissolve they are quite apathetic to these situations.

    They have willing place themselves at the top of the food chain of this structured Kingdom, their set of ideals are to strengthen the kingdom

    and prosper, it is their job and their livelihood.

    Violently kicking people to the curb who disagree and won't abide to their set of doctrines is not really surprising since its God's organization ( in their eyes )

    and we all know how God treats people who will not bow down in servitude to his will.. ( Violent death , in the past and in the future )

    Its an orchestration of power that was perhaps originally not to be so powerful but it grew and developed itself out the lust and desires of corrupt ignorant men.

    Another important thing to realize in answer to why all of this is the GB knows exactly where their finances are coming from and its

    very important to them and the organization to keep this illusion that this is really God's organization in place at all times.

    They are very well aware of the competition out there and around them, drive down any main street in any typical town and you'll see what I mean.

    The freedom to design and create your own religion based off of your own ideologies is provided by the Constitution of America and the orchestrators

    of this religion took full advantage of this opportunity to create both a religion and a business structure.

    As a short answer to why they ignore consider it protectionism for both established power and money..

  • isaacaustin


    You say you disagree with shunning and would not partake in that. Do you realize that that would preclude you from rejoining the JWs (assuming you are truly as you claim) or if you are active would lead to your expulsion?

    Hi isaac

    Erm technically it could be! in practise I think it is unlikely

    Reniaa, the room for ones own discretion on the treatment of dfed person's (so long a snothing spiritual is discussed) extends only to family- not friends. Your association with a dfed person not of your family will lead to your expulsion (if it becomes known). There is no "use your discretion" there...especially on having lunch.

    At my last congregation before I left the org I only knew of one defellowshipped girl and she used to sit at the back I always said hi to her as she came in and I never got told off for it

    As long as kept to a hello you may or may not be counseled.

    and did have coffee with her in town

    DEFINITE no-no! If revealed will lead to counseling...if not followed will lead to further action.

    I still chat to her occasionally.

    Will lead to being counseled or more unless it is a family member.

    I might believe the Jws doctrines but I've always been very independant in myself I love jehovah and I know that disfellowshipping wouldn't phase me, I'd just do my time and keep my prayers to Jehovah.

    Then why do you need the org. You have admitted that they practice dfing in a very unChristlike way that you disagree with. Jesus said that his disciples would be recognized by love among themselves. Do not answer this by stating other religions go to war. This stands or falls on its own merit. You have admitted this does not show love, thus they are not Christ's disciples.

    He can read hearts and he alone knows that I love him and his son, Gods anger is what worries me more, disfellowshipping is nothing compared to that to me.

  • BizzyBee
    an ACTIVE Witness, trust me if this Forum is still around when I do become one, I will tell everyone and they can be my conscience for me
    I am not a current witness counting my time just one taking steps to return.

    May I ask what you are waiting for? Clearly there is something that holds you back. What are these steps that you have been taking?

    My impression is that you are not here to stir or upset. If this were upsetting, we all have the option of ignoring your threads. I think you are here to satisfy some internal conflict. You are not strongly motivated to become a JW again - you well know that it is a huge commitment of your time and effort and freedoms, not just dropping in on a Sunday service. I think you are indulging in 'magical thinking'* - that as long as you are "taking steps to return" you come under the umbrella of JW 'protection' should Armageddon happen. Even engaging in these pointless discussions, defending the WTS from ex-JWs, seems to satisfy your fantasy that you are 'taking steps to return.' It's like the old cliche of a writer facing a blank sheet of paper, who keeps endlessly sharpening his pencils, thinking that he is writing. He has writer's block. You, dear renaii, have JW block. Nine months and counting.


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