Why do people use so many derogative, belittling terms on here like....

by reniaa 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I do think many of these terms are right on and sometimes funny. I sometimes whince because I'm wondering how we appear to lurkers. It did kinda turn me off back when I was lurking. I thought that there was too much bitterness

  • ozziepost

    G'day Renaiaa,

    I see by your profile that you are new to JWD and may not be aware of origins of some expressions you read here.

    Borg is a term applied to the WTS of long-standing, having been derived from Brooklyn Organisation; it's connotation with mind control is, in our opinion, apt.

    I hope you find it helpful. Being new too, it's not really appropriate to lecture other longstanding posters but that's a personal opinion on my part.

    The mods certainly won't be editing out its usage.

    Nor, I fancy, will we be policing other expressions, like "witlesses", no matter how petty they may appear. Honestly, sometimes I have a good chuckle.

    To be remembered is that this site is not for the dubs but primarily for those who've borne the brunt of its heinous ways. We certainly hope that in being a haven for them, that onlooking JWs may be impacted too. Many are indeed 'honest hearted' but have been blinded to the real "Truth™".

    also struggle with people defining Wts as mind controlling cult... because I can clearly see were the scriptorial origins of the doctrines of Wts were drawn from either directly or as logical constructs. some of the eviliest things you assign to Wts have very well defined scriptorial roots...i'e Disfellowship/shunning and whether you like it or not the blood issue, the blood scriptures exist even if they shouldn't have been applied to transfusions (i'll be honest i still struggle with this and may always do, if i were a governing body member i would change this to allow blood under life-threatening circumstances on the principle that jesus allowed that it was lawful to save a life on the sabbath), fornication, homosexuality, adultery, Evangelising, Even assigning their faith as the only true one (this one done by NT writers with christianity and OT writers with being jews) and more importantly these are all things that until recently most christian faiths had in common in observing them in their own conceptualised ways, That I or anyone can see all this makes me dismiss the whole cult label as one too easily applied, cults have histories of secrecy involving doctrines/teachings etc which is in direct contrast to Wts having everything in full view, as anyone who has read the endless wts back copies ahem cough Blondie Cough lol

    I think from this lies your real problem in not clearly seeing the falsehood of what the WTS portrays. It certainly is not true that their doctrines and practices are Bible-based. Far from it! Rather they are the distortion of what the Bible states in order to support the control of an organisation, whether you wish to call it a cult or not.

    I'm sorry you're upset by it but please stop and think why you are upset? I believe another poster has raised the same point.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Further to Ozzie's point, when I first lurked here the term "Witless" angered me intensely. I have now realised that I was, in fact, witless. Sometimes the truth hurts.

    Having said all that I do avoid using the term myself. It's not their fault they are "witless". They have been conditioned that way.

  • tijkmo

    Powerful words, sooner.

    indeed..and angry..and justified...

    and not a borg, witless, witchtower etc etc in sight.

    which would have diminished the power of the statement to a childish cartoon

  • slimboyfat

    I think it often detracts from the point being made too. People who use silly terms like "washtowel" constantly are verging on Danny Haszard territory I fear.

    I don't say people are wrong to do it, or they have no right, or anything like that. I just don't enjoy it as some people seem to.

    And for Witness lurkers I reckon it is a big turn off, if that should be a consideration.

  • Mary
    ozzie said: Borg is a term applied to the WTS of long-standing, having been derived from Brooklyn Organisation; it's connotation with mind control is, in our opinion, apt.

    Actually hon, that's not um, where we get the term "the Borg" from (although that's a pretty good anology!). It's actually from an alien species in Star Trek: The Next Generation that goes around the universe assimilating various species to their own particular race. Your individuality is stripped, they control your thoughts, your actions and your very life all for the greater glory of preserving 'unity' and 'progression.

    Here's a pretty good summary of The Borg here:


  • WTWizard

    The term "witless" means having no wits. And that is what they have--no wits.

    And no, most of the terms we see here did not originate from the posters here. All you have to do is go to www.watchtower.no and see some of the terms on that site. Another site to check out is Watchtower Information Service--I have seen most of the terms found here on that site, along with some that would have been edited here because they contain foul language (including the F word).

    Yes, people are bitter. When they realize that their lives have been wasted on spreading a message that is a complete scam, they have every right to get pxxxed off. How would you feel if you got scammed for money? This is people being scammed out of time, opportunity, and energy to spread a message that is false. Many have given up college, sports, their childhoods, a promising career, and some even their lives on this cause, only to find out that it is a farce. Which is enough to make anyone bitter that has been negatively affected by it.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Most of us are angry with the BORGinisation, and it's better then using foul language and being removed from this site!

  • calico

    How about a so-called loving religion calling me a "weaker vessel" just because of the chance that I was born a woman?! The name isn't even as bad as the treatment--I know that my husband thinks that he is better than me--just because he is a man. He heard that his whole life from the BORG and believes it.

    When I was lurking on this board and came across the word Borg being used I thought it was funny--then I watched the episodes of Star Trek and could not believe how much it hit the nail on the head. What a perfect comparison--you can't see it until you step back away from the so called "truth".

    Resistance is futile-----NOT!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well, let's just see what names they call me/us who dare to leave the organization based on conscience.

    From the 3/1/83 Watchtower:

    Purpose of Opposers


    Turning our attention to modern times, do we see a parallel to these events we have discussed so far? Yes, there have been some from among us who have sought to tear down the good work done by Jehovah’s people worldwide. Some have become jealous, quarrelsome, filled with selfish ambition, often wanting to make a name for themselves. They may become "murmurers, complainers about their lot in life, proceeding according to their own desires, . . . admiring personalities for the sake of their own benefit." (Jude 16) All of this can lead to doubts, strife and division among God’s people. In their faultfinding, such ones lose sight of the God-given and all-important work of Christians, namely, to be "not hearers only" but "doers of the word," accomplishing what Jehovah has commanded to be done by faithful followers of his Son, Christ Jesus.—James 1:22-25; Matthew 28:18-20.


    The purpose of such opposers, in attacking the Christian congregation, is to undermine the faith of Jehovah’s people, to draw some away as disciples after themselves. Paul warned the older men of Ephesus of this wicked attempt when he said: "From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves." (Acts 20:30) Jude gave a similar warning, saying: "Certain men have slipped in who have long ago been appointed by the Scriptures to this judgment, ungodly men, turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct and proving false to our only Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ." (Jude 4) Similar situations have arisen in this 20th century within the congregation of Jehovah’s people!


    Such opposers do not find joy in sharing in the great work of making disciples. Rather, they subtly approach others who are already Witnesses, speaking in such a way as to weaken the resolve of these faithful ones to carry out in full their dedication to Jehovah. The thought is conveyed that since Jehovah is such a loving God, he surely would not require all those wanting to please him to engage in such a difficult work as preaching from house to house and having to endure the persecution from opposers of the truth. No, they may argue, all that God wants us to do is to be good persons, care for others in a physical way and love our neighbors.


    This subtle approach can be difficult for some to cope with. It is true that Jehovah is loving and that he wants us to be good persons. He certainly wants Christians to demonstrate love for their neighbors by treating others in a kind way and by caring for their physical needs when that is necessary. (Luke 6:35, 36) But that is not all! Those who oppose often forget that our Father Jehovah has also said—principally through his Son, Jesus Christ—that we should be disciple makers, teaching people, preaching the "good news of the kingdom" in all the world for a witness.—Matthew 24:14; John 15:17-27.


    Consider some of the other "twisted things" used to mislead God’s people today. On occasion opposers will question the various teachings that Jehovah’s people hold in common. Often this becomes a debate about words, just as it was in the first century. (1 Timothy 6:3, 4) They may also question the need for an organization to direct the minds of God’s people. Their view is, God’s spirit can direct individuals without some central, organized body of men giving direction. They will declare that all one needs to do is to read the Bible. But Christendom has been reading the Bible for centuries. And look at the indistinct trumpet call coming from Christendom today! See the confusion and misunderstanding as to the true message contained in God’s Word! What a contrast this is to the foretold peace and unity among true Christians who not only read the Bible but search out and zealously apply its teachings!—Ephesians 4:3-6.

    I dare state that not a single one of these motivations drove me to become an 'opposer'. Yet I have been sealed into a label that does not fit, and that is accepted as factual among my former friends in the congregation.

    If they can't take the labels, they shouldn't start the damned labeling.!


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