Why do people use so many derogative, belittling terms on here like....

by reniaa 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • megs

    Hi Reniaa, I've never been a JW, so I have no vested interest other than a friend who's in... I would like to say that a cult is commonly described as a social/religious group whose beliefs are outside of the "mainstream". Secrecy of doctrines or teachings really does not a cult make. I would not say that the WTS keeps everything in full view. For example protecting known pedophiles, flip-flopping on military service doctrines (see Malawi vs. Mexico in the 70's), lying about their reason for being an NGO in the UN, putting forth doctrine based on a 2/3's majority etc. Your perspective seems to be that of a JW, are you an active member? If it is "all in the open", why would reading outside material be discouraged?

  • reniaa
    why do you care?

    well hopelessstained the easy answer is that I am still pro-witness so it's personal in that respect, i'm considered a Borg by those that use this term on here untill I show suitable ex-JWness

    and less personally these expressions are not about healing and recovery from hurts but hatred and promoting growth of despision of WTs

    but i've had my erm small vent and don't want this to get too involved so thankyou for your honest replies everyone :)


    L8rs peeps

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions


    You are upset over a few people making derogatory remarks regarding the organization, which in my estimation is rather minor compared to what the organization does. Witnesses feel persecuted yet time and time again who is it that actually does the persecuting and name calling? It is the Watchtower that is guilty of these things towards Christianity, or for that matter anyone that is not a witness. I have been called a worldly person because I am not a witness (never have been). I know that it’s very derogatory to be called worldly by a witness. This person knows nothing about me. Thankfully my mom (who is a witness) does know me, and more important, God knows me. Below a couple of quotes from two Watchtower magazines. I’ll ask again who is name calling, persecuting and judging a whole world of non-witnesses. The organization is guilty of the very things they accuse "Christendom" of. The pedophelia situation within the org is one. They state that worldy people have no hope. I have the hope of eternal life. Can each witness truthfully state that they have the hope of eternal life?


    : You state that your organization is the only truth. Can you show me biblically why you believe this to be the case? Can you show me biblically that Jesus chose this organization over Christianity and for what reason? Can you show me biblically where the organization has replaced Jesus? (ie: Mediator, Truth) Because a group of men have stated that they are the truth doesn’t make it so. You need biblical proof to back up that claim and unless we actually read the bible in context, and not just bits and pieces that seems to agree with a particular doctrine we would never realize that. I will believe Jesus over any man.

    John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

    THE WATCHTOWER • JUNE 15, 2008

    Today, there are hundreds of conflicting religions in the realm of Christendom. The Bible pointed to the rise of Christendom's clergy, describing them collectively as "the man of lawlessness" and

    "the son of destruction whom the LordJesus will do away with and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence." -2 Thess. 2:3, 6-8. Christendom's clergy are lawless in that they have misled millions by promoting teachings, holidays, and behavior contrary to the Bible. Like the religious leaders whom Jesus condemned, the modern-day worshippers who are part of "the son of destruction" face destruction with no hope of a resurrection. (2 Thess. 1:6-9)

    Today, billions of humans are involved in various forms of false religion that can be traced back to ancient Babylon. (Gen. 11:6-9) Collectively, those religions are designated as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth." (Rev. 17:5)

    Additional "disgusting things" include acts of pedophilia and other forms of sexual immorality committed by clergymen and tolerated by the church authorities. Is it any wonder that jehovah God will soon rid this earth of false religion? -Rev. 18:8.


    The vast majority of mankind, however, are unaware of the real significance of world events. As a result, many are anxious about their own safety and that of their families. The loss of loved ones in death or other personal tragedies leave many distraught. Without accurate knowledge of why such things happen and where the solution lies, these people are without hope.—Eph. 2:12.

    "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion, has brought little comfort to the masses. On the contrary, by means of "the wine of her fornication," she has made multitudes stagger in spiritual confusion. Moreover, by acting like a harlot, false religion has seduced and controlled "the kings of the earth," using lying doctrines and spiritistic practices to keep the masses in passive subservience to their political masters. False religion has thus gained power and influence, but at the same time, she has completely rejected religious truth.—Rev. 17:1, 2, 5; 18:23.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Have you really studied logic, the philosophical and mathmatical kinds?

    I have, and I can tell you that using only two bits of info from the Bible and labeling a harmless practice against god's laws is illogical.

    I'm speaking of the criminalization of birthday parties based on two instances in the Bible.

    No where does god condemn birthday parties themselves. He condemned murder on occasion.

    It's illogical because it is based on twisted logic gleaned from two stories that were not even related.

    Both murders were actually state sanctioned executions, right or wrong.

    The kings had a right to do them.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Please don't confuse anger as one of the steps in recovery with pure hatred.

    Most of us still have loved ones still in.

  • carla

    As usual your posts show your absolute ignorance about the history of the wt, your absolute refusal to examine the real facts concerning the org. After you have read C of C, Jehovah's Witnesses and the 3rd Reich, The Four Presidents of the Watchtower Society, The Last Days-When?, Apoclypse Delayed, From Kindom Hall to Kingdom Come, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness, The Moneymakers, Danger at Your Door, Cults in our Midst, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, just to name a few, I could go on, THEN, AFTER you have researched or at least made even the slightest attempt at it, then and only then, can you come to these boards and cry about people using language you don't like to describe a destructive and deadly cult.

    How you can read these boards and not come to the conclusion that they destroy families, are blood guilty, and lie about their own history including their bs about the Nazi camps, abuse their own members, allow pedophiles and all the other scandals, then I don't know what the hell kind of person you could be, a heart made from stone? Wake up.


    Reniaa...I used to really love it when the Witless Dubdubs would call "worldly" people "bird-food." Dubs or as they are known around my house, "ShitHeads", are some of the worst at name calling. Get real!


  • carla

    You forgot us ubm's, we really love it when people at the k-hell refer to our intimate life and how our jw's are sleeping with a corpse. Yeah, really love that one. So loving.

  • StAnn
    Isn't the bible name calling in these instances in response to actions from the actual persons,

    Referring to the WTS as the Borg is name calling based upon actions from actual persons, namely the GB that kidnaps people spiritually, strips them of their individuality and humanity, and assimilates them into a mind-controlled, emotionless, obedient until death group of automatons. At least the "real" Borg strive for perfection and try to assimilate the knowledge of those they have assimilated. The GB assimilates people with the sole intention of quelching any stray molecules of knowledge they may have so that the WTS isn't outed for the fraudulent, money-grubbing publishing house that it is.


  • berylblue

    Sorry, I'm too busy being a "dog returning to my own vomit" to reply. Yes, that's scripture based name calling, so it's all good. Uh huh.

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