Well, It Didn't Take Long for Obama to Play the Race Card...

by owenfieldreams 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wildflowermeadow

    Since Obama is considered a black man, he is NOT allowed to mention race in America, a terribly racist nation if one is black. His being elected depends on being the exception--he must be the Good Negro.

    Mentioning race to the huge number of racist whites in this country would be a disaster for him and since he is extremely intelligent, he knows it. Condi is the quintessential Good Negro. You would never see her without her hair completely fried with heat and lye to disguise its natural texture, or without being carefully controlled in everything she does. She will never, ever mention publicly how it feels to be black in this country. She'd make an excellent JW.

    A white man wrote this article I'm linking to. It's well worth reading. http://www.lipmagazine.org/~timwise/Obama.html

    Here's a short excerpt

    More importantly, to the extent Obama's success has been largely contingent on his studious avoidance of the issue of race--such that he rarely ever mentions discrimination and certainly not in front of white audiences--one has to wonder just how seriously we should take the notion that racism is a thing of the past, at least as supposedly evidenced by his ability to attract white votes? To the extent those whites are rewarding him in large measure for not talking about race, and to the extent they would abandon him in droves were he to begin talking much about racism--for he would be seen at that point as playing the race card, or appealing to "special interests" and suffer the consequences--we should view Obama's success, given what has been required to make it possible, as confirmation of the ongoing salience of race in American life. Were race really something we had moved beyond, whites would be open to hearing a candidate share factual information about housing discrimination, racial profiling, or race-based inequities in health care. But we don't want to be reminded of those things. We prefer to ignore them, and many are glad that Obama has downplayed them too, whether by choice, or necessity.

    Erasing Race and Making White Folks Happy

    The extent to which Obama's white support has been directly related to his downplaying of race issues simply cannot be overstated, as evidenced by the kinds of things many of these supporters openly admit, possessing no sense of apparent irony or misgiving. So, consider the chant offered by his supporters at a recent rally--and frankly, a chant in which whites appeared to be joining with far greater enthusiasm than folks of color--to the effect that "Race Doesn't Matter, Race Doesn't Matter," a concept so utterly absurd, given the way in which race most certainly still matters to the opportunity structure in this country, that one has to almost wretch at the repeated offering of it. Or consider the statements of support put forth by Obama supporters in a November 2007 Wall Street Journal article, to the effect that Obama makes whites "feel good" about ourselves (presumably by not bothering us with all that race talk), and that Obama, by virtue of his race-averse approach has "emancipated" whites to finally vote for a black candidate (because goodness knows we were previously chained and enslaved to a position of rejectionism). Worst of all, consider the words of one white Obama supporter, an ardent political blogger in Nashville, to the effect that what he likes about the Illinois Senator is that he "doesn't come with the baggage of the civil rights movement." Let it suffice to say that when the civil rights movement--one of the greatest struggles for human liberation in the history of our collective species--can be unashamedly equated with Samsonite, with luggage, with something one should avoid as though it were radioactive (and this coming from a self-described liberal), we are at a very dangerous place as a nation, all celebrations of Obama's cross-racial appeal notwithstanding.

  • hillary_step


    let's get back on topic. This thread was started in response to BO's comments in the aforementioned article, it was not meant to be a referendum on Colin Powell's or Condi Rice's qualifications. If you want to discuss that, then start another thread.

    You have no right to tell people how to post, when to post, and what to post.

    Knock it off.


  • gabriella

    I think that Obama was right on about what will be brought up, "he's young and inexperienced, I'm just like you, oh and he has a black preacher." That's exactly what the McCain arguement will be, but Obama should let the voters see through it and always take the high road, because that is what we like about him. I think that people are fed up and can see through the Republican group thinking. They are so affraid of any differing views, acting like all Muslims are radical suicide bombers and we wonder why foreign relation are how they are. Diversity makes the world go round, rather it is race or religious diversity. It is time to join the 21st century and stop acting like a country of cavemen.

  • B_Deserter

    The Republicans already have played the race card, several times.

  • Rapunzel

    The Republi-nazis are synonomous with race-baiting and other filthy tricks. Anybody remember the Willie Horton incident? The Repubi-nazis will pull all stops; they will resort to every manner of slur and smear campaign. No dirty tactic will prove below them. However, they stand very little chance of succeeding. For good or for ill, Obama will very most likely be elected president.

  • Manny Trillo
    Manny Trillo


    The way you've brought up Condi and Colin Powell is the equivalent of saying "Hey, some of my best friends are black" (that statement normally ends in a 'but...'). If color doesn't matter to you, you shouldn't have to offer acceptable black alternatives to Barack Obama. Diversity is about it not mattering what race or gender a candidate should be. Eg. Females should not have to answer to anyone why they preferred McCain or Obama or any other male candidate.

    You're setting up an excuse for the future. So who are the rank and file? If a PAC or a particularly arch-conservative element in the party makes race an 'issue', this doesn't count because they're not rank and file? Was Karl Rove rank and file? He was responsible for the push polling perpetrated against McCain in South Carolina in 2000. That was a classic example of 'playing the race card'. I chose to think McCain himself is capable of staying above reproach in this regard, but Swift Boatin' ain't gotta be about boats!

    Btw, Bill O'Reilly claims to be an Independent as well.

  • Sasha

    don't know about "Hillary going down in flames"...isn't she gonna be his VP?

    I think that Jesus, being from Mesopotamia and all, would have been his color, no?

    That's all my imput, I don't vote and never have. like, whatever will be, will be.

  • owenfieldreams

    Wow...some great posts and a lot of participation in this thread, albeit it is mostly coming from BO supporters--but I knew that would be that case when I initially posted the link be discussed here, considering this board has a definite liberal bent. Sorry I cannot respond to all of you, but that's generally not my MO anyway, as some of you know. I just like talkin' politics. HA!

    I figured he would eventually play the race card, but I just thought it would take a little longer than it did and that it would happen a little closer to the conventions and the general election. But, I'm sure he has a strategic reason for doing it. My guess is that he or someone on his team has some polling data that prompted them to have him say this. Like with the Clintons, there is nothing that happens by chance with this guy--everything is scripted and choreographed to the finest detail. Even though I don't have a dog in the fight, watching him and fellow liberal John McCain go at each other in this horse race is going to be interesting.

  • owenfieldreams

    I agree.

  • owenfieldreams

    I agree, stillaxjwelder. I really think Condi Rice is a smart lady, despite the fact that liberals and the mainstream media try to lampoon her and make her out to be nothing but a Bush suckup. She was a provost at a major university before W ever even came along and speaks 7 languages fluently. It takes someone pretty dang smart to have those achievements on their resume. She is a very successful woman in her own right. I think she would make a great veep.

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