Well, It Didn't Take Long for Obama to Play the Race Card...

by owenfieldreams 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SixofNine

    Quote Frozen one: "Everyone knows that the people of color associated with Bush are traitors and sellouts."

    Well now "traitor" and "sellout" mean different things to different people. But between Alberto Gonzales, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell, you certainly have truly epic failure, and said failure has left thousands of Americans dead, hundreds of thousands of foreigners dead, and the American D.O.J. a laughing stock and a mockery of our own historic values.

    I would suggest however, that skin color is the very last thing GW Bush was concerned with when picking his yes men and women. There is nothing racial involved in the Bush administrations colossal failures, so it is really just humorously (in a shoot me now kinda way) ironic that the entire debacle can be understood best by knowing the context around Bush having said "you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie".

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Well said, sixofnine. It was almost like reading dailykos.

  • SixofNine

    Was there anything I wrote that you disagree with, frozen one? Do you, for instance, see one of those three individuals as having done top notch work in their efforts for the country? Or do you think Brownie really was doing a great job? Really even could do a great job?

  • OtisBarker

    Bush, bad.

    Diversity, good.

    Bush diversity, not real (therefore, bad).

    All minority thinking according to predictable, pre-established formulas, good.

    The former being a completely a racist ideal, "nonsense!"

    Chattering endlessly with little to no knowledge of people or events, priceless.

    It feels good to feels bad.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Well six, for one thing you mention "Brownie." Is Brownie a person of color? Did anyone say Brownie was a traitor or sell out? I'm not sure why you would mention Brownie.

    Read Rice's bio sometime. Regardless of whether or not you and your ilk think she is doing her job with any competance, you would have to admit that did face discrimination in her life and somehow managed to become Secretary of State. Yet she is branded a sell out by the community. Just to let you know, I don't think Rice is qualified to be President or Vice President. But then again, I don't think Bombs Away or the Spokesmodel are qualified either so what do I know?

    Colin Powell is okay. I would have hated to have been in his shoes during the run up to the Iraq war. Besides that, what on earth do you have against Powell?

    And why did you you focus on Powell, Gonzales and Rice while ignoring Gutierrez, Mineta, Maritnez, Chao, Paige, and Jackson? Take your time to cut and paste your answer from Kos, Huffington, and MoveOn.

  • stillajwexelder

    Condi for VP - probably one of the smartest people on the planet

  • Preston

    Obama was on the money when he said this. Even John McCain should know his own party used his own adopted daughter of color against him in his party’s South Carolina primary of 2000

    I actually think John McCain has for the most part elevated his campaign from using his race or his name against Obama. Even when he invited Bill Cunningham to speak for him he rebuked him after he used Obama's name as an issue.

    I think Obama was stating that there was a possibility it would be used against him because it already was in the primary election. In the general election both parties use everything in their disposal to win an election: race, gender, records, experience, inexperience.

    It is true that the democrats have a double standard when it comes to this, and they should be held accountable and called upon it by the republican party. But.... this is 2008 and there isnt a single African-American among its collective 247 senators and representatives in Washington. Even gay men may hold more G.O.P. positions of power than blacks. An all-white Congressional delegation doesn’t happen by accident.

    - Preston

  • hillary_step


    xofNine....I know you won't do it, or you'll search for the negative about Condi, but, go online and look up her credentials, experience, temperament, education, and expertise

    No one could deny that Condeleeza Rice is a very intelligent, gifted and creative person, but that is not what Six meant and I suspect that you know that. However, most people could quite easily deny that as Secretary of State she has been uninspiring, inadequate and a non-performer.

    As Six suggested, perhaps you might list her achievements as Secretary Of State, that should take care of the issue one way or the other.


  • owenfieldreams


    let's get back on topic. This thread was started in response to BO's comments in the aforementioned article, it was not meant to be a referendum on Colin Powell's or Condi Rice's qualifications. If you want to discuss that, then start another thread.

    Back to the point at hand-- He, BO, is basically sandbagging and firing a preemptive strike at the republicans by saying this, in my opinion. "Playing the race card" is well known here in the US to mean that you claim victim status and/or unfairness because someone or some group has made your race the central matter in a given issue, usually in a negative light. As someone that is not a registered member of any party and that respects people regardless of their race, color, or ethnicity, I'm telling you this is not going to play well in middle america. It may in LA, NYC, Boston, Vermont, Massachusetts, Seattle, and Oregon, but he will have to win over a lot of us here in flyover country if he wants to be the next president. Ignore the national polls--they don't mean anything. I have no doubt BO will win the popular vote in nov, but he has to win the ELECTORAL vote to win the white house. Playing the race card like this does nothing to engender support from folks that live between the left and east coast.

  • owenfieldreams

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