Do you exercise or isn't that your thing.

by LouBelle 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    i have had my fits and starts....

    right now i am very active outside
    as we have a very short summer,
    hence, growing season, and i am
    determined to make a small foray
    into the realm of gardening count!!

    i happen to live in a multi-level house
    so any given day i will have tread
    200 stair steps easily!! and most of
    that is done with some kind of load
    going either up or down the stairs!

    i do have a treadmill, but i prefer to walk the dogs

    good for YOU, loubelle!! sounds like
    you have made the commitment!!

  • still_in74

    i used to hit the gym daily. i now go 2 - 3 times per week.

    I would like to lose 20 pounds but I have benefited from the past years of hard lifting and I have maintaned a muscular build. I am as strong now as I have ever been even though I only go a couple times per week.

    My advice to anyone is start young. Your body heals faster and later in life you wont have to work so hard to progress. The work is behind you.

    Loubelle, you will have more energy all the time. You will also start to wonder why friends of yours dont excersise and they will get annoyed with you if you bring it up too often ! ;)

    anyway, good for you. Anything to help build self-esteem is important. Excercise and physical fitness is probably the single best thing a person can do to build confidence.

    For an ex-JW that could save your life!


  • FadingAway

    I hit the gym for about 45-90 minutes 6 days a week. A lot of it has been focused on cardio since I have packed on a lot of fat over the years. I do a lot of interval training on the cardio machines, I don't like going at one speed but like to vary both speed and incline to challenge myself. For strength training, I focus on compound lifts to build strength rather than isolation type exercises. I do a lot of benching, deadlifiting, cleans, and leg pressing. I tend to keep my reps low, but do a lot of sets and heavy weight. In the last 11 weeks of following this I have taken off 50 pounds. I feel that if I miss my morning workout at the gym, my whole day is shot.

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Wow! i am SO impressed by everyone's dedication and ambition to staying fit... you know what we should do?

    We should make a Hot Sexy APOSTATE CALENDAR 2009!!!!

    I try to go to the gym2-3x a week, but with the kids, it's not always easy. Now, that i dont have to worry about working it in around field service, i should go everyday. that was the motivation i needed!~

  • jaguarbass

    I try to get to the gym 5 days a week for an hour a session. One day I will do weight training, mainly with machines. The next day I will do aerobic, usually 50 minutes on the eliptical machine and 10 mins on abs about 500 crunches and leg raises on a roman chair. I train with machines for 2 reasons. The gym I go to has 3 to 4 identical machines for every body part and I train hard for my hour. I can always find a machine.

    If I want to use free weights there is usually a lot of people crammed into a small space and there is always more standing around being done than liftting. If you want to lift heavy you need a spotter so there is a lot of standing around talking which is fine if your there to be social like the kingdom hall but I do it for my health and to maintain my strength. I work in a jail and have to put my hands on criminals at any time.

    Also its easier to hurt yourself using free weights. If you have bad form you can pull your back doing curls. I have had many injuries. I have pulled the muscles in my back so bad I couldnt get out of bed. When I got out of bed I couldnt straighten up. Those injuries were from lifting too much weight.

    I have been going to the same gym since 1983. Today its called lifestyles in Seminole Florida. There is still one person working there since I started in 83 a salesman Bill. I often think if I loose my job I would like to sell gym memberships. I have seen them come in every day they pay there membership and never come back. One of the salemen at my gym told me he was making 50,000 a year. This was back when Clinton was president. I would rather sell gym memberships than be a trainer. Where I go I think the person who sells memberships makes much more money.

    If you sell the membership you get commissions, and they add up.

    If you are a trainer, the client may pay 30 dollars an hour but I suspect the trainer sees maybe 6 to 7 dollars a hour and if your not on the phone recruiting people to train you wont be making anything.

    If I have to call people on the phone I'd rather sell memberships I heard Bill sells about 80 a month.

    Everybody wants to join the gym its good for their health, its the right thing to do.

    Not to many people want to go to the gym and train.

  • Hope4Others

    Working out is great...the more you do it the more you tend to keep with it...

    I found a new ex-jw friend to hit the gym


  • Hortensia

    I don't like exercise that is just exercise. I like to walk. I like to clean house and do physical work. I like to move furniture and fold laundry (work you do with your arms above the level of your heart actually helps your heart. Look at orchestra conductors.) But I need more cardio, so I have my own little bitty cardio routine. I get in front of the television and jog in place as hard as I can as long as I can. Then I walk in place to get my breath back. I just keep repeating that for 20 to 30 minutes. It's fun. I have one of those plastic step things and sometimes what I do is get up and step during commercials - commercial breaks are about 3 minutes long, and in an hour of television, I can get in 15 minutes of step exercise.


    The ranch keeps me pretty active..Directly behind me as I type,is a full home gym.............There is also one of the best equipped gyms I`ve seen,in a nearby town..I`m going to join it,it`s nice to get off the ranch once in a while......................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • 1914BS

    I certainly do excersize my thing!!!!

  • mrsjones5

    I do Jazzercise cuz I love to dance and this exercise seems to hold my attention. I don't go as often as I would like but I am working up to 5 times a weeks. I like it.

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