Abusive People On This Board...

by cognac 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    are you kidding me??? Flipper is loved by so many people on this board. He is NOT always wrong... Why would you even say that??? He is such a nice person. He takes such a personal interest in so many people here. How could you say something like that to him???

    Now, here we have a case in point.

    No person is suggesting that Flipper is not a 'nice person'. I have certainly not suggested this, as I am sure that like myself he is a very 'nice' person. You have merely read that into my post. You see just how easily this happens when we have preconceptions, lack critical thinking skills, or are a little careless in our reading comprehension. Now, I reply to you suggesting a truth, and that is that you need to read peoples posts more carefully, and no doubt I can be added to the list of those whom you consider 'abusive'!

    I will also note another reason that many people are labeled as 'abusive' when they just point out the logical defect in another persons thinking, or otherwise undermine their flawed opinions.

    Flipper suggested above that I merely exprressed 'my opinion' in the post on which I entered this thread. I challenged him on this accusation, suggesting that not only was he wrong in this, as what I state is FACT, but that even long-term experience on this Board proves his logic to be flawed.

    I also suggested that when Flipper learned the true nature and reason for this Board, he would better be able to do what he obviously feels that he has the ability to do and that is to provide 'support'. Flippers IMMEDIATE reaction was to completely ignore the main point of my post, in which I challenge his accusation that I am passing opinion and not fact, and focus on his hurt feelings.

    This shows me that he may be able to offer the facile support to others that such discussion Boards allow, and I underline the word 'facile' as this is what it is, but he is unable to think critically, an absolutely essential need on a discussion Board if you wish to challenge the opinions of either the WTS, or its critics, or credibilty rebut a criticism of ones modus operandi.

    carrying on and further pointing out your lack of critical thinking skills, you made this comment:

    He is NOT always wrong

    I well know that, but where this issue is concerned, and this is what we ae discussing now, Flipper is invariably incorrect and evdidences this by his frequent use of 'that is just your opinion', when he is actually dealing with fact.


  • fifi40


    I dont believe HS actually made any comment on your personal reputation or the qualities observed in you by others as far a supporting others go.......................but what he did say is true (bear in mind he did use the word 'some' on the various descriptions given) of discussion boards. I doubt very much he is jealous of your reputation as you describe him. Whilst I am sure you are a great moral support to many; discussions boards are made up of people of all types of varying personality traits and I think if you took HS comment rather less personally you would see it for the purpose it was intended.........if in doubt refer back to his earlier post where he used the word 'sympathised' in relation to Cognacs feelings.

    The problems begin when we start taking the words of complete strangers personally and let them effect our own sense of worth.

    Sometimes we learn lessons the hard way.

    Peace Out


  • mouthy

    Let's quit mincing words, we all know this is about Mouthy. What did I do Gregor???? Did I step on someones toes??? I am in the dark cant understand what Cognac is referring to....I am so sorry if I did a no no. I know I am direct but ( walks away thinking they are picking on the aged again)

  • fifi40


    If the world was full of 'Mouthys' I dont think we would have too many probs!


  • hillary_step


    For you are held dear here, even you know this not to be true.

    I do not.

    There is alot of support given here and many of us hav made real frendships with people here.

    The support is facile. By definition as I have noted, it can only be facile, as we are 'supporting' online, with words directed by online persona. A nameless, faceless person, often offering advice when they can barely find the front door each morning themselves. Ask Trevor, and numerous others who have drained 'support' from people only to be discovered, often after many months, as having been fraudulent personalities.

    Many of us have met fellow posters.

    A different kettle of fish altogether and you actually make my point. Meet fellow posters, speak to them in person, laugh with them, be touched by tears and then you might be able to claim to have offered 'support'. Dishing out words on a discussion board is not 'support', as agendas are often too muddled emotionally to make any real sense.

    I am speaking of the very limited support that can be offered on a discussion Board,even if it was designed for this purpose, as this one was not. This is a discussion forum and not real life, private email, or the telephone, where a semblance of less than facile support can be offered.


  • wednesday

    Some Jws can tend to think they are right about just about everything. It's that 'college education" they get from the " Awake " you know.

    I can still remember how shocked I was to realize I was not right all the time- or not even a good percentage of the time.

    some tend to think that if anyone disagrees with - well that person is just rude and nasty and yada yada yada. .

    I seldom have put anyone on "ignore" b/c some of us a little "shy" on social grace's, or may be very depressed or ill or in pain , so I try and extend some mercy.

    Also I do not get involved any any "intrigue" that may go on with these boards. I just do not care that much.

    I care that sparkplug has been having serious problems now and Big Tex and Nina just has a happy 25 anniversary.

    I am fairly direct here, but much less so in person.

  • cognac

    HS -

    You specifically said this:

    As always, you are quite wrong.

    to mr. flipper. I said that wasn't true. I also added that he is loved by many on this forum because I felt it was very insensitive that you said this.

    I'm glad you feel that he isn't always wrong but that's what you said before. Maybe you didn't mean it? Or maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I used to be one of the most explosive persons on the planet (from whose gravitational pull I have frequently sought escape). My recourse when angered? Upbraid my nemeses with facile and biting words. I was never accused of premeditated malicious intent - just unfettered passion, with no thought given to the consequent decimation of the hapless victims lambasted by me. Blinding rage will do that to you. I regret the hurt - in some instances irreparable - I have caused others, particularly my family.

    This post is not about my repentance and conversion. It is about JWD being instrumental in turning this once uncontrolled and overly-sensitive brat into a man. One has to stick it out. Sure, some have hurt my feelings either by their snide comments (like I didn't deserve them? Huh?) or their perceived indifference ('silence speaks ...' ).

    My immaturity and self-righteousness have always bugged me. JWD has taught me how REAL people live, act, breathe, swear, mess-up (I am not qualified to use the "F" word), etc. I owe much to Simon and Flipper and NMG and Mouthy and HS and r. and llbh and LL and (you know who you are and that I love you!) ...

    I am going to click onto "Submit Post" and feel quite all right about it ...


  • hillary_step


    HS -

    You specifically said this:

    As always, you are quite wrong.

    Yes, I did, with regard to the issue that we are discussing Flipper IS as always quite wrong, and until he understands that fact is not opinion, he always will be. What kind of idiot would suggest that a man whom he has never met is wrong about everything, all the time!. Use your common sense Cognac

    I am sure though, that he appreciates your 'support'.


  • Farkel

    Mr. flipper,

    :Hillary Step- I have had plenty of people tell me I'm a good kind support to them.

    I believe that and I can't recall anyone saying you weren't.

    :I think you are just insecure and jealous of those good qualities I possess.

    Two problems here, sir. One, you are making a judgment that I doubt you are qualified to make, and two, you then pat yourself on the back at how good you are. "Good" people don't judge other people, sir. In fact, most good people don't feel the need to have to point that out. I didn't say "all", I said "most."

    :And if you " open " your eyes- you will see that many on this board receive good support after exiting the witnesses, as well as enjoy good discussions.

    No one said they didn't, least of all HS.

    :You seem to be stuck in the witness mode of " one size fits all ".

    "Seem to" is classic dub-speak. He either is, or he isn't. But since he only "seems" to be stuck, you can't logically then make this great leap and pass yet another judgement like you do here:

    :So, you my friend are the mistaken one- whether you admit that or not.

    I'm only posting these comments to illustrate what HS said: there is a big difference between opinions and facts. Your entire argument was based upon opinions and probably emotion. That was the gist of what HS was pointing out.

    I think if more people could clearly differentiate between what they think, opine or "feel" and facts, there would be less acrimony, here and everywhere else.


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