Abusive People On This Board...

by cognac 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    You have to admit this type of forum makes it hard sometimes, Some of us are much better expressing ourselves in person.

  • cognac
    Done, not gunna comment here anymore. Don't try to make me.

    lol, I won't! Thanks for your response though!

  • hillary_step


    I sympathize with your plight to some extent, but feel that the answer to your question lies in this sentence in your post:

    We come here to support each other.

    That actually may not be true, nor need it be. This is not a Board of 'support,' but a Board of 'discussion' and this is where many people fail either to understand its purpose, or to appreciate the combatitive freedom that a discussion unencumbered by the fetters of social niceties, can bring.

    Every discussion, especially when oriented around controversial subjects, runs the risk of hard truths being stated and negative reactions to those truths being expressed. Thick skins are not bad things on discussion forums, thick heads are dangerous, not that I am suggesting you fall into this catagory of course.

    Try not to take the 'abuse' too seriously, there really is no need to, especially as it may only appear to be abuse because it steps outside of our paradigm.


  • digderidoo

    If someone responds to one of your posts in a way you don't like why let it bother you? We are all grown ups here, while being abusive is childish that is more a reflection on them rather than you. If the post was abusive then just let it go over your head. However it can be easy to interpret someone who is just speaking their mind as being offensive, if this is the case then deal with it.

    In all honesty i don't know to which thread your refering, but whatever has happened why let it get to you?


  • trevor


    Looking at your avatar it would seem that you are over magnifying the threat of people on this forum. They are all just words not reality.

    Come and sit on my lap and let me stroke away your fears.

  • cognac
    You have to admit this type of forum makes it hard sometimes, Some of us are much better expressing ourselves in person.

    Your probably right!

    It's a bit difficult sometimes because sometimes I say things on this board that I haven't ever told anybody. Things that I've had in my heart for years. When I say it, I feel very raw, like I'm naked in front of people or something. Some of the things are very painful to say. Then when somebody sh!ts on those words like it's nothing, really pisses me off sometimes...

  • wings
    This is not a Board of 'support,' but a Board of 'discussion'

    HS....it is both. To capsulize the issue, why would someone pop in and be abusive to someone who is just asking for support? Why?

    There are many topic open for discussion....right?


  • cognac
    That actually may not be true, nor need it be. This is not a Board of 'support,' but a Board of 'discussion' and this is where many people fail either to understand its purpose, or to appreciate the combatitive freedom that a discussion unencumbered by the fetters of social niceties, can bring.

    That's true...

    We are all grown ups here, while being abusive is childish that is more a reflection on them rather than you.

    Well, before anyone else says it... I can be a big baby sometimes...

    Come and sit on my lap and let me stroke away your fears.

    Ok, thanks. I really need to just be taken care of sometimes!!!

  • Simon

    If someone is genuinely being abusive then you should contact me or one of the other mods and report them.

    If it is just a difference of opinion or cold reality being voiced then don't expect an inquisition but I do take this sort of thing very seriously.

    We used to have some 'intellectual' types (in their own mind) on here who would be scathing and aggresive to newcomers who asked innocent questions or OMG ... made a spelling mistake!!! People like that tend not to last long on this site as their overly aggressive insults are not welcome.

    People can discuss things and have differences of opinion, even heated debates but there is a line and if people are abusive then I would like to know about it so I can take appropriate action. No one should 'suffer in silence' on this forum or give in to bullying behavior.

  • Quandry

    It is so much easier to "talk" to people at a computer while sitting in your pajamas. It is impersonal. No one that posts angry, abusive comments then has to view the hurt look on the other person's face.

    I am sad that manners just seem to fly out the window for some on here. I can't imagine that these people really feel good about themselves afterward.

    Jesus' words really are a good guide. Treat others as you would have them treat you.

    Some posters here feel that if they are not going to be witnesses anymore, they do not have to have morals. I was not a witness when a child, but still raised (I am almost 60) to respect others, and respect myself, and to have high morals. I do not involve myself in threads that discuss sex, drugs,etc. I have a daughter that is twenty and it angers me that some here might view her as a sex object simply because she is not related to them.

    Well, off my soapbox now. There are many fine people on this forum, I try to stick with those and ignore the rest......

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