Abusive People On This Board...

by cognac 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    I posted this awhile back:

    Of Words and Rocks

    Words are like rocks. I’m quite fond of both.

    Words are thoughts we let free, either spoken or in written form. Rocks we can collect and admire, whether river rocks or diamonds.

    Some are smooth, shinny and light. A delight to feel and hold in the palm of the hand or twirl around on the tongue.

    Others are rough, dull, heavy or sharp.

    Some are steppingstones that are the vehicle that takes us from one place to another.

    Be wary of the slippery ones, lest you stumble and fall; or the carelessly placed ones that can trip you up.

    Both must be chosen wisely.

    Some stand on their own while others are best in a cluster. Don’t use a whole quarry full when one or two pebbles will do the trick.

    Be careful with your rocks and words. They can offer an explanation or confuse. Bring joy or cause pain.

    Even a small one, when offered to a friend, can form a bond, or if slung from a slingshot, inflict a mortal wound.

    IP: XTuhWqDtN0imqI5P
  • flipper

    Hillary Step- As always- just your opinion, it does not mean it's an accepted fact

  • hillary_step


    Hillary Step- As always- just your opinion, it does not mean it's an accepted fact. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    As always, you are quite wrong. Are you suggesting that it is my opinion that this board is named 'jehovah's Witness DISCUSSION' forum?

    Are you suggesting that it is my opinion that any 'support' that can be offered by "by nameless, faceless people, some who suffer from Munchausen by Internet, some of who are clearly deluded, some of whom are quite insane, most of whom have just escaped a cult that has kept them fettered mentally for decades, resulting in numerous unformed emotional and intellectual dimensions within their psyche", is very limited indeed?

    These are not opinions, these are facts that have been tried, tested and learned years before you appeared on this Board.

    When you learn the difference between facts and opinions where this issue is concerned, you will find that you will be of much more "support" to others than you have been.


  • changeling

    HS, don't you know that it's not "nice" to hurt dolphins?

    changeling :)

  • flipper

    Hillary Step- I have had plenty of people tell me I'm a good kind support to them. I think you are just insecure and jealous of those good qualities I possess. And if you " open " your eyes- you will see that many on this board receive good support after exiting the witnesses, as well as enjoy good discussions. You seem to be stuck in the witness mode of " one size fits all ". So, you my friend are the mistaken one- whether you admit that or not

  • cognac
    As always, you are quite wrong.

    are you kidding me??? Flipper is loved by so many people on this board. He is NOT always wrong... Why would you even say that??? He is such a nice person. He takes such a personal interest in so many people here. How could you say something like that to him???

  • llbh
    If you need emotional support, get professional help, and get it in real life. If you want to impart or receive information, then yes, this Board works well in that regard. Mix the two and you will leave blood on the tracks.

    Dear HS,,

    For you are held dear here, even you know this not to be true. There is alot of support given here and many of us hav made real frendships with people here. Many of us have met fellow posters.

    Yes this board is a discussion board but it has evloved into more than that..

    As for me there are certain posters i will not post after because i do not like their manner and or rudeness., that is my choice.

    Most are warm and friendly and those like you cognac i will post after.

    Regards David

  • Fadeout

    Seriously, though, this is just another: you're too insensitive vs. you're too sensitive thread. We could post on here till our fingers bleed and never convince anyone of our view.

    What cuts one person to the quik is just a passing comment to someone else. But that does not make the pain any less real. I think we all need to be reminded every now and then that our words have power. Power to uplift and power to destroy. Sometimes our words are misunderstood, and the best thing to do is simply apologize and move on.

    So basically, it's just Cartman vs. Dr. Nelson all over again.

  • cognac
    Most are warm and friendly and those like you cognac i will post after.

    Awwww, thank-you so much llbh! Wow, that was so sweet!

  • jamiebowers


    1 : characterized by wrong or improper use or action ; especially : corrupt <abusive financial practices> 2 a : using harsh insulting language <an angry and abusive crowd> b : characterized by or serving for abuse <abusive language> c : physically injurious <abusive behavior> (bold print mine)

    Accusing someone of having a short attention span during a discussion is insulting, and then accusing that someone of not responding is harsh, especially since it wasn't true. You don't have to use vulgarity or name calling to be abusive. A wise woman once told me to be as kind as possible in every situation. No one is perfect, but it's worth giving it a try.

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