Abusive People On This Board...

by cognac 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona


    "Surmise" as much as you want.

    I don't see the point of trying to put slurs against those of us who didn't think it was abusive by suggesting we're the same...or whatever it was you were trying to "surmise".


    If you were not referring to just that post, then I can see your overall point.


  • changeling

    Feedback is great, and cognac asked for it, but if you can't see the mean edge of that post I can't make you. I see it "loud and clear".

    And again, as for feedback, I'm giving cognac my feedback on abusive posts, and since bizzybee's was brought up, I commented on it as well.

    You can speak your mind and disagree w/o squashing someone.

    changeling :)

  • Layla33
    One ugly post, does not an abuser make. A history of such posts, is another matter indeed.

    You have said a mouthful. Once you understand the manner in which some people respond, you won't get so offended, but the manner in which some people continually write says a lot more about them (possibly over inflated ego, inappropriate sense of grandeur, overly abusive masking an inferiority complex or just way too passionate about an online debate) - either way say your peace and move on, and if it is their pattern, let them stew in it is what I say.

  • cognac
    if the comments were never anything more than complimentary fluff

    That's not really what we are talking about. People have told me on this forum under no uncertain terms that I was totally wrong or whatever on a certain subject for whatever reason. That's fine.

    What about the post was abusive?


    And this feedback may sincerely be helpful to you: Do you have an incredibly short attention span?

    The thread was regarding a letter to my father. My attention span had nothing to do with the thread at all whatsoever.

  • Sirona

    I did see a "mean edge" but I didn't see abuse.


  • hillary_step

    Wings & Flipper,

    This is not a Board of 'support,' but a Board of 'discussion'

    HS....it is both. To capsulize the issue, why would someone pop in and be abusive to someone who is just asking for support? Why?

    No, you are quite wrong.

    Please look at the actual name of the website. 'Jehovah's-Witness DISCUSSION Board. That some come here for support is a given, though this is not the purpose of a discussion board. The facile amount of 'support' that can be given by nameless, faceless people, some who suffer from Munchausen by Internet, some of who are clearly deluded, some of whom are quite insane, most of whom have just escaped a cult that has kept them fettered mentally for decades, resulting in numerous unformed emotional and intellectual dimensions within their psyche, is very limited indeed. And no, I do not apologize for the length of the previous sentence, it was needed!

    It seems that you want this Board to be something that it was not designed to be, and you are expecting standards from it that it are not only impossible, but also unfair to impose upon it. This is not an online Kingdom Hall. It is also not a democratic union, nor is it a dicatorship where some members seeks to impose THEIR standards of behavior on others.

    If you need emotional support, get professional help, and get it in real life. If you want to impart or receive information, then yes, this Board works well in that regard. Mix the two and you will leave blood on the tracks.


  • Jim_TX

    (I haven't read through all of the posts here - so I apologize if this is considered 'late'...)

    It's not just this forum... most any forum that I have posted on has their share of nay-sayers.

    Heck - on one forum (no longer active), I had a 'stalker'. This person would follow me around - and post (negative thoughts) to any thread that I happened to post comments to.

    Fortunately - that forum had an 'Ignore' button - and this person invoked the wrath of my ignoring them.

    (It was funny that they got really upset that they didn't receive their Christmas card, too... and whinged about that... only to learn that they had given a wrong address.)

    Anyway - hopefully - you won't let the small people who are also negative - get to you. They exist in every crowd.


    Jim TX

  • Sirona
    It is also not a democratic unions, nor is it a dicatorship where some members seeks to impose THEIR standards of behavior on others.



  • cognac
    One ugly post, does not an abuser make. A history of such posts, is another matter indeed.
    You have said a mouthful. Once you understand the manner in which some people respond, you won't get so offended, but the manner in which some people continually write says a lot more about them (possibly over inflated ego, inappropriate sense of grandeur, overly abusive masking an inferiority complex or just way too passionate about an online debate) - either way say your peace and move on, and if it is their pattern, let them stew in it is what I say.

    This is soooo true... One post - no big deal... Multiple posts... That's a different story... I couldn't have put it any better!

  • changeling

    I must have ESP! I knew HS would comment on this thread! LOL

    Seriously, though, this is just another: you're too insensitive vs. you're too sensitive thread. We could post on here till our fingers bleed and never convince anyone of our view.

    What cuts one person to the quik is just a passing comment to someone else. But that does not make the pain any less real. I think we all need to be reminded every now and then that our words have power. Power to uplift and power to destroy. Sometimes our words are misunderstood, and the best thing to do is simply apologize and move on.

    If on the other hand, our words hit their mark, well, enjoy your moment of glory, if that's what turns you on.

    changeling :)

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