Abusive People On This Board...

by cognac 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    Let's dispel an opinion for a moment. Mindless faces sitting in front of a computer screen. Granted, this is intertainment for some, however for others, this may be their only connection to the truth about the wts. That is what this is all about in my mind's eye. Hey, if it isn't that confrontational, give it a break, ok?


  • cognac
    beks, you are kinda a funny guy, lol!


    becks is a girl...

    It was the picture that threw me off, lol... Sorry Beks...

  • TopHat

    "HS" is a prime example of abusive behavior....He can give abuse but can't take the heat when someone tries to defend themselves or help out a friend who is being abused. He loves to make fun of posters in a mean and ugly manner. BUT don't you dare do the same to him! He was obviously NOT taught good manners as a child!

  • hillary_step

    Hi David,

    Thank you for acknowledging my point, this board bears little semblance to its original intention, as can be shown. There is, as you acknowledge limited support and advice given here, but it is as you point out then taken and people heed and act upon it . go to the therapists or obtain education, or whatever.

    Yes, my point is that any support that can be offered on a discussion board is very limited, facile and often dangerously detached from the reality of another persons situation. I think it was Uzzah who started a thread a while ago about the reckless danger in online amateurs offering online support to those who they are nowhere near qualified to help. I am glad that yo seem to acknowledge this.

    Yes i know the difference between meeting people in real life and cyberspace. Both have their place.

    Both may have their place, but one is far more credible than the other. Again, this is my point.

    I have heeded some of the advice and acted accordingly that is what is about in part,

    There is a difference between imparting information, and support, as I noted in my first post. This Board is a useful vehicle for the transference of information, it is however lacks the qualities needed to offer support, the most important aspect of which is continuity.

    Many of us have shared our tastes in music and literature, like you HS . This board is more than merely about discussion alone.

    We post about literature and music in order to discuss it, and this is the value of such discussion boards. It is not the place for example, for alcoholics, or for those trying to decide another life-altering experience to be looking for comfort. Very few of us here a professional counsellors. In fact of the thousands registered on this Board I only know of one who carries credentials, and pays the insurance needed to truly 'support' others.


    Thank you. You explained my point exactly.

    Best regards - HS.


    So HS is stuck in Witness Mode..???..LOL!!.....He`s one of the most honest men you will meet..You may not like what he says,but he speaks truthfully..And..Thinks about what he say`s before he hits the "Submit Post" Button...Something a lot of people could learn from..LOL!!.............I say things people don`t like at times..Some have threatened me with violence..???...Are they really going to wander the wilderness of Canada to find me?..What would they do if they could find me?..I`m no stranger to barroom tuff guys..I can take care of myself just fine..LOL!!..........I gave Oompa Sh*t for Drinking too dam much and causing a lot of Drama on the board..Turns out he appreciated it..I think the guy would be a laugh to meet,he`s a character...........HS did the same with JK666..JK`s is not a bad guy..HS gave him some good advise..I`m sure HS would like to see JK work his problems out,most of us would.............So..Everything that may come across as harsh..Is not necessarily done with a sense of abuse in mind....................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • TopHat

    Birds of a feather flock together, so the saying goes! There is some truth in that! Some people think it is quite funny to see another poster being abused by HS.

  • Bring_the_Light

    Fxxx you ALL! :o) wee!

  • mouthy

    I think it was Uzzah who started a thread a while ago about the reckless danger in online amateurs offering online support to those who they are nowhere near qualified to help.

    HS I dont think you have to have qualifications to give advice. Sometimes experience ( been there done that) can help More than you highly educated folks....I have known some very professionals give rather unpractical advice .

    My 2 cents

  • llbh
    It is not the place for example, for alcoholics, or for those trying to decide another life-altering experience to be looking for comfort. Very few of us here a professional counsellors

    HS on this i totally agree with you. Adivce given here is often of those who share similar experiences. and does offer some measure of support. For those who are need proffesional advice they are often told to go and get it.

    Regards david

  • cognac
    Everything that may come across as harsh..Is not necessarily done with a sense of abuse in mind

    That's very true. We all gave Oompa a hard time. It's not about that though. It's not about telling people that they are totally wrong. It's not about really laying it down hard on some people when needed. Sometimes, that can be a very loving thing to do even though it sounds very harsh at the time...

    However, some people are just complete asses. It comes right out of left field for no reason. These people I'm speaking about, as Changeling stated, don't do this just once, but many times...

    Everyone can be a complete ass. Myself included. However, these people are consistantly asses... That is the type of people that this thread is speaking about...

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