Are single-never-married heterosexual males approaching their forties...

by DanTheMan 83 Replies latest social relationships

  • IP_SEC
    some measure of status among their fellow males

    Dont judge yourself or anyone else by the status or lack thereof given by anyone.

  • sweetface2233

    Drugs are bad kids, mmkay!

    Don't let what other people say or think define you. You define who you are and, if you need some cheering, I have a little video of the night we met that I am sure will make you laugh.

  • BreakingAway
    ...and having some measure of status among their fellow males for having gotten at least one gal to walk down the aisle for them, regardless of whether or not it went to shit.

    So if TWO people who decide to hook-up and get married because they're afraid of being viewed as a "loser" what does that say about them ?

    I might be reading you wrong DTM but I get the impression that someone is trying to make you feel bad for never getting married ? At one time, men who never got married were referred to as: BACHELOR...and it was often accompanied by wink.In other words, they liked to fool around but didn't want the commitment of marriage.

    Society creates all kinds of superficial criteria by which one might be judged.And it comes in waves too.What used to be "cool", now is not.And what used to be "not cool", now is.People often try to cover their own inadequacy or failings with the supposed "flaws" of others.

    At one time, we were JW's who had an off-kilter view of everybody who wasn't a Witness, but then that all changed...and here we are.

    If we give into what others want, or what they think we should be, we're never really our own person.Who wants to be what others try to make us ? It's your life.Be comfortable with who you are.If one is a good person, then why change to fit into the mold of what someone else thinks we're supposed to be ?

  • shamus100

    If you're 40, never been married, and are a trekkie or a sci-fi fan, the odds are not in your favour.

    As previousley stated, having alimony payments is worse than loneliness, I imagine.

  • Hortensia

    oh, but look at the ad below - the international muslim marriage site! No one needs to be a loser if all it takes is getting married to be a winner.

    I don't believe in marriage so if you made it to 40 and aren't married, you're a winner in my book.

  • DanTheMan

    3 dates and "let's just be friends" - I've heard those words twice in the past two weeks. Ladies, don't tell a guy that you've been on a couple or three dates with that you just want to be friends. Just don't. Those are the suckiest, make-a-guy-feel-like-a-total-fucking-loser words in the whole world.

  • momzcrazy

    I think you are the perfect age to get married. Or not. However you want to live is up to you. But, you aren't a virgin are you? If so, you are missing out on one of the finer joys in life.

    Oh, you may be a loser if you still live in your parent's house.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Dan, I can't answer for you. But,if you're thinking enough to ask the question, you're probably not a loser.

    Me? I am a loser.

    B the X

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I'm 35 and I'm kinda liking the single-never married thing. I think little babies and toddlers are cute and all but am sure as hell glad that I'm not worried about how I would have to support a family.

    I have other reasons to consider myself a loser. Like the fact that I haven't been able to succeed in anything and have especially failed so miserably lately financially.

  • DanTheMan

    Women say they want a guy who listens to them...who understands them.

    Women are the most pathetically self-deluded creatures on Gawd's green earth.

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