Reasons why i can't worship the God of the bible...

by digderidoo 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snowbird

    Romans 9:13 God told Rebecca, "The firstborn of your twins will take second place." Later that was turned into a stark epigram: "I loved Jacob; I hated Esau."

    14 -18 Is that grounds for complaining that God is unfair? Not so fast, please. God told Moses, "I'm in charge of mercy. I'm in charge of compassion." Compassion doesn't originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat, but in God's mercy. The same point was made when God said to Pharaoh, "I picked you as a bit player in this drama of my salvation power." All we're saying is that God has the first word, initiating the action in which we play our part for good or ill.

    19 Are you going to object, "So how can God blame us for anything since he's in charge of everything? If the big decisions are already made, what say do we have in it?"

    20 -33 Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question?

    Just a little something from The Message Bible for our masticating pleasure or displeasure.


  • Perry
    Perry, you accuse Atheists of playing word games. Justice and mercy are just words.
    If truth is, "Forgive them, for they no not what they do," Then a loving merciful God would always forgive.

    God has offered forgiveness to all. All have had opportunity to put faith in the promises of God and be declared righteous. Gen. 3:15

    If truth is demanding justice then he would always punish.

    You are starting to understand. No one gets a free ride on this journey, not even God. Now I want you to read this with a clear mind:


    Either on the cross, or in hell, your choice.

    There can only be one true standard. Otherwise you are saying that God can apply a double standard as it suits him to. In that case your claim that, "Forgive them, for they no not what they do," is truth, becomes subjective.

    No subjectivity here Trevor. ALL sin is punished AND ALL have access to mercy. Before Jesus, all a person had to do was to believe God and it would be counted to him as righteousness.

    Romans 4:3
    For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

    Galatians 3:6
    Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

    James 2:23
    And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

    Absolutely, no double standard here. When the Infinite bled for us, sin was punished retoactivley back to ground zero. All, a person has to do is believe God. In other words accept it.

    Similarly, after the cross, all a person has to do is put faith in Jesus.

    Truth can never be subjective. It has to be unchangeable as you claim your God is. The Bible demonstrates that this is not the case.

    The bible demonstrates in every possible way how both God's Justice and his Mercy are both true. They are not subjective, there are no free rides....both justice and mercy have foundations that terminate in the nature of God.

    I am not critical of your belief in a God - just that God. If you are going to lecture us all on morality and truth you need to be consistent and logical. We don’t want you to end up looking foolish.

  • Perry

    Be back tomorrow morning.

    I understand now digderiroo

  • trevor

    Perry thanks for your reply.

    If according to you - truth is to always forgive people 'because they know not what they do,' then we should always strive to show mercy because ‘they know not what they do.’ God should have always shown such mercy because he is suppose to be unchangeable and so is truth.

    According to your beliefs he waited for four thousand years to provide a basis that allowed him to show mercy. This means that for all those years, the truth. ‘Forgive them they know not what they do,’ was not applied. Forgiveness was not available. When it became available it was conditional.

    If God’s mercy and our mercy is conditional then forgiveness is not an absolute truth for God or moral people.

    Our morality is then for us to decide and being human we are likely to allow self interest and our emotion to affect our moral decisions. I personally think that is the right way forward but it is not what you are proposing because would mean that morality is negotiable.

    We are unlikely to see eye to eye on this matter because your logic is based on your faith. My reason for debating with you is to challenge your presumption that those of us who do not accept your God or beliefs are somehow less moral.

    You are a good sport - Take Care


  • Satanus

    'spirits. Where do you believe they come from.'

    Same place the universe came from.

    'Do you simply believe that evil spirits have a superior argument than God?'
    Judgie wudgie perry. Which evil spirit are you talking about?


  • S3RAPH1M

    I haven't even got to the end of reading page 2 but I'm disgusted by how much blasphemies I've read against the True God. Is this so called "Bible" truly the word of a perfect God? Does it not seem more like the impositions of sinful men? Which man can truly have a judicial case against the Almighty?? I will much sooner reject all the religions of man, but never - ever will I reject the source of universal justice, the one whom Designed us in his incomparable wisdom. The greatest blasphemy I've read thus far in this thread is asserting that the Almighty incomparably loving Creator of all, died.... What madness!!!! Rape, murder, hating women, these things are consistent with a repressive patriarchal society, they are not consistent with a loving God, who is all wise, and all powerful. God must laugh at all who place him on the same pedestal with the emotions and desires of sinful man. My sincere prayer is that God destroys all religions. Put your faith in the living God, whose indisputable word is the manifested works of his creation in all the universe which is plain for all mankind to see. God gave us REASON, not religion, therefore I use my God given reason to reject religion.

  • Satanus

    'Punishment does not force compliance. Our prisons are full of folks who are not compliant, though punished. Punishment has to do with justice.'

    Comply w god's requirements, believe on/in jesus, or be punished. Since the debt was paid in full, where is the justice in punishing a second time?

    ' "Free will allows an eternity for all to discover the right way individually, on their own."

    'At whose expense? Jeffery Dahmer's "right way" was to make "tuna sandwiches" out of people. Eternity is too literally costs some people an arm and a leg.'

    How would it compare the cost of the life of god son? Since he just popped right back to life, much more, i guess. A bit arbitrary, anyway, for god to have his son killed and insist that all believe or be damned. The slow way would have been the gentle way. Too bad god is in such a rush. Anyhow, god didn't lift a finger to stop dalmer eating. Didn't lift a finger to stop any human suffering. Does animal suffering count? He is waiting to inflict more suffering after people die, inorder to get his pound of justice. Nice. Doesn't that add up to even more suffering? Let's say that some of dalmers' victims were sinful nonbelieving homosexuals. Since they are now dead, god has added more suffering to what they already endured, the poor souls. Justice, you say?


  • lrkr
    Punishment can only go so far.... but it is necessary at times. God, the father has chosen which times are which in our development, both individually and collectively.

    But, from the actual evidence we have- everyone that has ever lived has been punished equally- with death. And we have no evidence of anyone ever not being punished with death. Even those who are claimed in holy writings to have been perfect and not deserving of punishment- died.

    So... death looks more like a natural event than punishment.

    Punishment carries the assumption that there is hope for reform. The person being punished understands the reason for and extent of the punishment. Making someone hurt when they don't know the reason isn't punishment- its torture. So if God is responsible for punishing people by making them suffer- and they don't understand the reason for the suffering- its actually torture.

    I'm not arguing about the existence of God- I don't know and dont think there is sufficient evidence to know. I do have problems with the "god" of the "bible" though.

  • 83501nwahs

    I have yet to meet a bible believer who does not beg the question by their very existence.

    The reason a bible believer can look at scriptures like those quoted by didgeridoo, and not realize that they depict an evil, sadistic egomaniac of a god, is that they decided at some point to believe that the bible is the word of a loving god first, and after that complete assumption, then and only then did they start to look for evidence that the bible is the word of a loving god. Then, horror of horrors, to make matters worse, to prove the bible is the word of a loving god, they began to look into that book to see if they could use the book in question itself, to prove itself! And from there leads all attempts to make the bible seem like the word of god.

    Bible believers are already totally lost, so far in this argument. So, if you are a bible reader just stop now. It'll only give you a headache. Non-bible believers continue for my input on this intriguing thread.

    Bible believers are incapable of understanding the point that to prove the bible is the word of god, you must get verification from a disinterested party or at least another source. Of course the bible says that the bible is the word of god. That's a given. I've even had people say, after I asked them to prove that the bible is the word of god, they turned to 2Tim. 3:16 (is it?) All scripture is inspired of god... "You see/ It says right here in god's book that this book is god's book!" (sigh...)

    What is happening here is a number of things:

    1. The bible believer always uses relatively current science news as a template to judge the bible's validity. The problem with that is that science is constantly changing its stance on things (the light gets brighter I guess.) And the bible always seems to match with what mankind believes he has been able to prove in the absolute sense (undeniable) scientifically speaking (although in many ways bible readers have always been behind the times and out of touch as well as antagonnistic towards the scientific community).

    When western european bible readers read the bible, they read that the earth is a circle. So, since nobody in the west had actually encircled the earth yet, to positively disconfirm the flat earth belief, linear 2 dimensinal bible readers thought that the earth was a flat circle. At that time bible readers felt so superior that their god revealed to them the truth about the flat earth, and they felt that that was proof of god's authorship of the bible. "Pagan nations think the earth is a sphere! HAHAHAHAHA. Those primitive pagans do not have the true god. If they did they would know about the flat earth!" (Never mind that most of the pagan planet knew for thousands of years that the earth was a sphere.) Bible readers, who always seem to be a little behind the times, thought that the earth was a flat circle, not a sphere. When the science became incontrovertible and undeniable, bible readers had a revelation! A circle really means a sphere! Now the same scripture used to prove a flat earth for thousands of years proves the earth is a sphere! MY, how convenient. Yet this is the very nature of all the so-called "proof" of the bible's inspiration.

    2. Another way bible believers beg the question is that "Belief Came Before Evidence." Most people got their notion of god from their parents. They were raised from infancy to believe in god, and in the bible. Most people never think to scrutinize their religious beliefs or what they were handed down by their parents. In other words, most people do not learn so much about the bible that they are considered bible scholars. Most of their beliefs are just mimicking their parents or other religious leader who may have studied the bible at an advanced level.. most people can't even come close to defending the existence of god or the inspiration of the bible. So their belief is based on complete assumption that their parents and religious leaders are correct about religious matters.

    Those few that do study the bible and are considered scholars, still have believed in the sanctity of the bible from long before they ever decided to be expert in all matters biblical. They were convinced of the truth of the bible before they mounted their study of it. at no moment did most bible scholars ever read the bible as if it were just a book. Every single ridiculous, unprovable fact is viewed through "eyes of awe" as if they are reading the book of god himself. Any human inclinations they have to question or doubt are quickly dispatched. At this stage they are experiencing cognitive dissonance (for example, the sun standing still in the sky). They know it is impossible, but since they already made up their minds about the bible, long before they ever could read, or at least before they ever cracked it open, it is either admit that you are wrong, (and you've been wrong all along and maybe there is no god afterall) or come up with a way to explain away all your dissonance. You must save your lifestyle above all, so you dig and scratch and fiddle and pace back and forth and twist and turn and stretch until you finally come up with some rational explanation, (or rational to you. not to other people.)

    Their reseach (experiments) is null and void because the outcome was decided before the study even started. You are never going to believe that the bible is false, not because the evidence is or isn't there, but because you can't admit you are wrong, or perhaps you cannot face your own mortality or you cannot face the idea that we might be completely alone in the universe. It's not about evidence at all for the bible believer, it's about faith, the thing they run to cowardly every time they are confronted with disconfirming evidence. Frankly I don't know why there is such a thing as a bible scholar, because it doesn't even matter what the bible says, no matter how ridiculous. You have pre-decided to believe it on faith (whatever that is) and so you will assume the bible is correct if there is any charge of falseness made against it.

    A rational person who believes the bible is the infallible word of god, would drop that book in a hot second the moment they find disconfirming evidence of even a single tiny fact. Infallible is infallible right? One mistake, and it isn't infallible anymore. It isn't even true as a book if it has so much as one tiny mistake.

    I believe it was snowbird that said even in spite of all disconfirming evidence, she still believes the bible, and then she put a smiley face modicon in the text, trying to be cute I guess. well, it's not cute when an adult refuses to see the obvious disconfirmation of his beliefs and admits openly that even if she were proved wrong she would still believe. that is the height of immaturity and makes for dangerous people that I don't trust personally. There is nothing funny about compliant resignation to ignorance and stupidity.

    Because of the preceding facts I just cannot take any bible believer seriously. It's a joke but it is not funny at all. It's terribly sad. For us to evolve we must reject all false holy books. Only then will we be able to actually experience reality in its fullness, as whole receivers of inspiration, all of us.

  • lrkr
    So their belief is based on complete assumption that their parents and religious leaders are correct about religious matters.

    And that belief is very powerful. I now think that a parent should be very careful about what they are dogmatic about. Teach children to demand evidence. Because they will accept what you say as gospel- and it will stick in their heads for a long time. (which is why it is very difficult for "raised in" witnesses to completely break free- there are a number here who have- but many more who haven't)

    That automatic assumption that your parents always did and still do know whats right keeps people from looking at the rape, murder, torture, killing of children, genocide, mutilation, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia described in the bible as wrong. After all, when Isrealites or 1st century Christians committed these crimes- they were doing the will of God. Only good parental programming and indoctrination can teach a person that these acts are the actions of a "loving" God.

    A rational, non-indoctrinated person would automatically see these actions as repulsive.

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