Mr. Flipper Talks with Bethel Legal Service Desk Rep About JW Child Abuse

by flipper 103 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    Hi Mr. Flipper,

    I'm glad to see this thread got resurrected.

    From my past experience with abuse, if someone who knows about, and then covers up abuse, they become an "enabler." This means they are enabling the abuse to occur again. The WT is an "enabler" in the sense that they are protecting the perpetrator and not protecting the victim. Actually, it is more than not is further victimizing the victim.

    Based on my dad's choice of religion, I'd say he found a religion that would enable his abusive behaviour to carry on in the name of his FEAR-inspiring abusive god, Jehovah.

    Alice, have you ever been raped?

    Let me ask you, if what I say about enabling and victimizing is true, and if you have a loving heart, what is the truth here?...Does that make the JWs a morally sick or a morally healthy religion?


  • palmtree67

    Estee, sweet lady....

    Alice doesn't give a crap about anyone who has been molested or raped.

    She has already said in many other threads that they are all lying about being molested or raped.

    She believes only Catholics get molested or raped.

  • flipper

    POOTLER- If the " paradise " was true and we had to exist a thousand years with the WT society serving as the only court as you said- with no others to judge , then NOBODY would ever get any sort of justice . It would be a socialistic dictatorship with humans under WT tyranny and molested children with nowhere to run for love and support.

    ESTEE- Hi Estee. Good to ear from you. I agree exactly with what you say. The WT society is an " enabler " to pedophiles and child molesters because they are aiding and abetting a felonious crime being committed against minor children by NOT reporting abuse to police and allowing it to continue. Alice is oviously being stubborn here- as she doesn't want to admit the WT society is negligent or guilty in any manner. Like an ostrich with her head in the sand.

    PALMTREE- I think it causes Alice cognizant dissenence and confusion to accept that the WT society is liable for so many children being molested and she's unwilling to admit authority figures like elders ever commit ANY wrongdoing. She needs to open her eyes

  • flipper

    BTTT for our sweet sister Alice


    Does anyone know Alice's "story"? Obviously this person is in a great deal of pain...overly emotional...


  • mrsjones5

    Alice never showed us that side.

  • Scott77

    Good job, well done Mr. Flipper. I wish you had taped the phone call then post it here as well. But anyway, thanks alot for the expose.

  • truthseekeriam

    Wow flipper, this was really good. Thanks for the expose

  • freydo

    Well done Flipper. Here's something from freeminds to add.

    "..........For the first time in my life, I started questioning and researching the Watchtower Society's history, beliefs and practices. Having been raised as a Jehovah's Witness, I guess I had just accepted everything my parents had told me. Plus, my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc had all been Jehovah's Witnesses -- wasn't it presumptuous of me to think something was wrong with the organization that had been trusted by so many generations of my family? Probably, but I still had to know for sure.

    So I was stunned by what I discovered. Almost everything I had thought was 'truth' turned out to be lies. Not only were the Governing Body promoting flawed child protection policies, but they appeared to have deliberately introduced loopholes that allowed alleged molesters to avoid investigation. For example:

    • the elders were not to investigate an allegation of child molestation unless there were two witnesses to the alleged abuse, apart from the complainant. As if any molester would ever wait for eyewitnesses before engaging in his shameful acts;
    • on the rare occasions when an alleged abuser was investigated by the body of elders, the Society instructed the elders not to report the matter to the police unless they were legally required to (though this appears to have been widely ignored);
    • despite assurances by the Society that a 'known' abuser would never be reappointed as an elder or ministerial servant, a further loophole was introduced that permitted such a man to regain a position of trust in a congregation, so long as his activities had not become public knowledge.

    Victims of child abuse were threatened with expulsion from the congregation and shunning by all Jehovah's Witnesses if they told anyone about their experiences. Elders were told not to warn the ordinary members of the congregation when a child molester was in their midst, though of course, the elders all knew and made sure their own children were never alone with him. Meanwhile, the Watchtower Society's leaders continued to insist they had the best child protection policies in the universe..................................."




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