New Aussie Blood card released last night= It will make you sick! Shocking!

by Witness 007 89 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mkr32208

    I wonder if they intentionally did this to make it confusing for elderly sister mush for brains?

    Blood transfusion is very safe, stop playing the fool.

  • jefferywhat

    witness 007

    the governments view is this:

    Lets face it chaps, blood transfusions are becoming a NON ISSUE!!

    Time to put on your roller skates if you want to keep up with the chariot!!

  • LouBelle
    Lets face it chaps, blood transfusions are becoming a NON ISSUE!!

    unless you are a JW - cos it is a BIG ISSUE.

    Methods of cleaning blood, scanning it for diseases are also moving along rapidly. More people may be declining whole blood but **shrug** transfusions will probably continue though - life is in the blood.

  • jwfacts

    Epidural blood patch- Blood is injected in to the membrane of spinal cord to seal a puncture. { } { } { }

    Plasmaphersis- Blood removed to filter Plasma. Plasma substitute added, Blood is returned to patient. Using other patients blood is un-acceptable to christians. { } { ] { }

    Labelling or Tagging - Some blood withdrawn mixed with medicine return to body.

    This is a total farce. Whatever happened to the command to pour blood onto the ground.

    Jeffreywhat, your comments highlight how the WTS is managing to corruptly skirt the issue. Now that full blood is less regularly transfused, and the WTS has hypocritically started to allow virtually any variety of blood component transfusion - provided it has been extracted and manipulated - it is hoping to avoid further deaths and avert legal problems. This does not make the current stand any less illogical, but it does mean following generations of JWs will never realise what a big deal and how many lives were lost over this issue in the past.

    Of course more people have died from blood transfustions than from avoiding them. That is because millions of people have blood transfusions each year, and a far smaller amount avoid them.

  • jwfacts

    Yet instead of being saved as a last resort, they are still being performed when other safer options could be used instead.

    Jefferywhat, what makes the Watchtower stance cult like and dangerous is that a Witness is not given the option to choose blood as a last resort. It is in these situations that people do die from refusing blood.

    Do you take antibiotics? I don't, even when doctors have prescrived them for me, because they reduce the bodies immune system, and they have been dangerously overprescribed. However, there was one situation when I did take antibiotics, when I was in isolation in hospital and dangerously sick. I would like to have that same option regarding blood, not to put my options in the hands of a string of ongoing cult leaders that change their "God directed" stance from year to year.

  • JAVA

    It looks like the Tower is trying to cover its ass. They know the blood issue is a huge problem that can continue to cost them $$$. They care little about the countless JWs who have died because of following some controlling farts in Brooklyn. Saying they were wrong might cause a few JWs with brain cells to look at the house of cards and open up more lawsuits. So they play this little game as followers die one by one. The media isn't there to report the killings so very little will change.

    A young mother we studied with died because she refused a life-giving transfusion. For a fact, she would be alive today, but the Watchtower killed her.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Are there scans of this new card available anywhere yet?

    Another aspect of this remains, JefferyWhatever. Most older Jw's still are not educated on the 'options'. They prefer to take the 'safe' spiritual stance of refusal of all blood components - that way Jehovah will punch their ticket to paradise no matter what. They don't investigate the options - they are encouraged not to investigate them. I would surmise that perhaps 99% of all Jw's would refuse hemoglobin products [even though it is said to be a conscience matter by the WTS in it's fine print]. They would still consider it wrong based on decades of mind control.

    Someday this may change - still - in an emergency when whole blood or just RBC's are available - they would refuse and die. This is moral hypocrisy on the part of the WTS lawyers. If all the components can be used - then blood should be allowed in it's natural state also.

    Can blood transfusion be dangerous - YES. Can having no blood in your veins be deadly - YES. Every time. WTS has the blood on it's hands.

    Jeff [the other one with common sense]

  • uninformed

    I am sure that Jesus Christ expected all of his followers to be medical experts!


  • Fe2O3Girl
    I bet my 2.5 grams of red blood cells that more people have died from transfused diseases and adverse reactions than from refusal, and as the Australian government is realizing, its not the best option, especially now.

    I would like to examine this premise. Jefferywhat is probably right that more people have died as a result of contaminated blood than have died due to refusing a blood transfusion. That does not justify avoiding transfusion on health grounds.

    A very small proportion of people who need transfusions refuse them (assuming that JWs are the majority of these, and that JWs are not more prone to accidents and illness than the general population, it would be about 0.1% of patients), some die, and some survive. A small proportion of people who have received blood transfusions have received contaminated blood products leading to their death. Had all the people who received blood transfusions refused a transfusion - would more people or fewer people have died? The apologist can only answer that it is impossible to predict how many would have lived or died, but the pragmatic answer is that blood transfusion has saved far more people than it has harmed.

    You could just as well say that since some people are killed in road traffic accidents on the way to the emergency room, in the event of a heart attack, the best treatment is to stay at home.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks for the links Jeffery. I enjoyed this quote from the first article.

    But there are still circumstances when blood transfusion is necessary, and the patient would probably die if they did not receive one, says University of Sydney professor James Isbister, a consultant on haemotology and blood transfusion who chairs the Red Cross advisory board.

    Storing your own blood (which as you mentioned isn't WT-approved) won't save you in an acute trauma situation with heavy blood loss.

    The WT is trying to lower the death-toll without doing an obvious 180 degree flip-flop on this issue, IMO.


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