New Aussie Blood card released last night= It will make you sick! Shocking!

by Witness 007 89 Replies latest jw experiences

  • misanthropic

    For anyone else that missed the new blood card and wanted to see it- Mary posted it here:

    Thanks for your help Open Mind.

  • TD
    Blood transfusions are a victorian technology and are slowly being replaced with new technology,

    This statement is common among JW's, I've noticed though that when individuals are asked to elaborate, it becomes apparent that they are talking about the transfusion of whole blood and that most of their notions about transfusion ultimately have come from JW literature.

    To that, I offer these observations:

    1. Whole blood is transfused only under unusual circumstances. Whole blood is not available from blood banks except by special written request. This has been the case for at least 25 years.

    2. For reasons ranging from efficacy to simple economics patients are given only the individual blood component that is needed. This is called blood component therapy and has been the norm for many years.

    3. Each blood component has it's own unique indications, contraindications and risks. For this reason alone, anyone making blanket statements about transfusion is misinformed.

    4. The are no substitues for platelets and none on the forseable horizon. As long as leukemia and cancer continue to be scourges of mankind, platelet transfusion will be needed. Platelet transfusion are actually forecast to increase in the next 25 years.

    5. The transfusion of plasma or SD plasma is still needed for various forms of liver disfunction and bleeding disorders. Again, anyone making the blanket claim that there are always quality alterntives is misinformed.

    6. The new generation of oxygen carrying blood substitutes primarily duplicates the function of red cells. Blood does many more things in your body besides carry oxygen. These substitutes cannot and will not replace transfusion in cases involving prolonged or catastrophic blood loss

    7. In light of #6 above, in extreme cases of trauma, patients can have their entire blood volume replaced; sometimes several times over. A couple year ago, there was a DPS motorcycle officer here in Arizona involved in a bad accident. Hundreds of units of red cells, plasma and platelets were needed to save her life and get her through the emergency and reconstructive surgeries that followed. I was proud to be one of the many donors.

    8. There is a world of difference between a single scheduled bloodless procedure done on a JW where there were weeks to prepare the patient in advance (i.e. The administration of erythropoietin, etc. ) verses an unexpected case of trauma.

    9. Witness children have died from injuries as mundane as a breaking a leg when they fell off a skateboard.

  • Mary
    jeffreywhat said: I bet my 2.5 grams of red blood cells that more people have died from transfused diseases and adverse reactions than from refusal,

    Well it's a good thing that no one actually took you up on that offer jeffrey, or you just might need a blood transfusion. As per what TD posted, the pros of accepting a transfusion far outweighs the risks of refusing a transfusion.

    and as the Australian government is realizing, its not the best option, especially now.

    Yes, it'll be a great day when we get to the point where blood transfusions are no longer necessary. Until that time though, it's just common sense to use what's available to save someone's life.

    Why dont we hear as much condemnation against this travesty as we do about the poor old men in new York trying their best to keep us spiritually clean?

    'Poor old men'? Surely you jest. The Governing Body and the Legal Department are the equivalent to being Spiritual Dementors: They suck the joy out of your life and quite often they suck life itself out of you. They are more than aware that there is absolutely no biblical basis for their murderous ban on blood transfusions. And like their previous views on vaccinations, it should have been dropped years ago. The only reason it hasn't become a 'conscience matter' is because they'd have their asses sued for many of the Witnesses who have died in the past for refusing a transfusion.

    As for them trying to "keep us spiritually clean", don't make me laugh. Their harboring of pedophiles, their affilation with the UN, their profiting from stock in a cigarette company, their failed track record of never getting even one lousy prophecy right and keep the R&F on a never-ending treadmill that goes nowhere, makes them the biggest hypocrites around.

    (thanks for posting that link misanthropic......I was just about to go look for it! )

  • MsMcDucket

    I was a Jehovah's Witness when I gave birth to the twins. My doctor monitored my blood very closely. My hemoglobin was around 9 at the time of delivery. I had the twin's by c-section. I bet that my doctor was ready in advance to take those babies from me if necessary! He scheduled the c-section. My doctor made sure that my blood was hemodiluted! It would be like bleeding water instead of red blood cells!

    My husband wasn't a baptized Witness. I think he would of "gave the go" for the children and me to have blood if necessary, too!

  • MsMcDucket

    Complete Blood Count

    Medical Reviewing Editor: William C. Shiel, Jr, MD, FACP, FACR

    What is the complete blood count test?

    The complete blood count is the calculation of the cellular (formed elements) of blood. These calculations are generally determined by specially designed machines that analyze the different components of blood in less than a minute.

    A major portion of the complete blood count is the measure of the concentration of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in the blood. The complete blood count (also called CBC) is generated by testing a simple blood sample.

    What are values for a complete blood count?

    The values generally included are the following:

    • White blood cell count (WBC). The number of white blood cells in a volume of blood. Normal range varies slightly between laboratories but is generally between 4,300 and 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter (cmm). This can also be referred to as the leukocyte count and can be expressed in international units as 4.3 - 10.8 x 10 9 cells per liter.
    • Automated white cell differential. A machine generated percentage of the different types of white blood cells, usually split into granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.
    • Red cell count (RBC). The number of red blood cells in a volume of blood. Normal range varies slightly between laboratories but is generally between 4.2 - 5.9 million cells/cmm. This can also be referred to as the erythrocyte count and can be expressed in international units as 4.2 - 5.9 x 10 12 cells per liter.Picture of Red Blood Cells
    • Hemoglobin (Hb). The amount of hemoglobin in a volume of blood. Hemoglobin is the protein molecule within red blood cells that carries oxygen and gives blood its red color. (international unitsNormal range for hemoglobin is different between the sexes and is approximately 13 - 18 grams per deciliter for men and 12 - 16 for women 8.1 - 11.2 millimoles/liter for men, 7.4 - 9.9 for women).
    • Hematocrit (Hct).The ratio of the volume of red cells to the volume of whole blood. Normal range for hematocrit is different between the sexes and is approximately 45 - 52% for men and 37 - 48% for women.
    • Mean cell volume (MCV). The average volume of a red cell. This is a calculated value derived from the hematocrit and red cell count. Normal range is 86 - 98 femtoliters.
    • Mean cell hemoglobin (MCH). The average amount of hemoglobin in the average red cell. This is a calculated value derived from the measurement of hemoglobin and the red cell count. Normal range is 27 - 32 picograms.
    • Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The average concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of red cells. This is a calculated volume derived from the hemoglobin measurement and the hematocrit. Normal range is 32 - 36%.
    • Red cell distribution width (RDW). A measurement of the variability of red cell size. Higher numbers indicate greater variation in size. Normal range is 11 - 15.
    • Platelet count. The number of platelets in a volume blood. Platelets are not complete cells, but actually fragments of cytoplasm from a cell found in the bone marrow called a megakaryocyte. Platelets play a vital role in blood clotting. Normal range varies slightly between laboratories but is in the range of 150,000 - 400,000/ cmm (150 - 400 x 10 9 /liter).

    I have alpha thalassemia, so my red blood cells are small and give the appearance of anemia. The doctors would need to look at the other blood values to determine if I were anemic or not.

  • Scully

    All of these confusing choices are a simple LEGAL manoeuvre on the part of the WTS.

    Rather than making a blanket statement that "Jehovah's Witnesses decline the use of blood in any form", they create a format with reams of "choices" from which to select. At the same time, they give talks at the KH that reinforce the party line of refusing blood in any form. So, when a JW checks the NO blood and NO blood products option, it gives the impression that the JW has made a clear choice, being aware of all the options available to them.

    It is a legal get-out-of-jail-free card for the WTS. When you tick those boxes and put your signature on that form, in the presence of two witnesses to your signature, you are making a legally binding statement that you have made this fully informed choice of your own volition. If you tick the NO blood transfusions and NO blood products box, and you subsequently die as a result of refusing blood and/or blood products, and the WTS at any future time revokes its position on refusing blood and/or blood products, there is NO LEGAL RECOURSE for your survivors to sue the WTS for giving you bad advice in the first place. You signed the card. You made the choice. The WTS is off the hook, legally speaking.

  • MsMcDucket

    1. Whole blood is transfused only under unusual circumstances. Whole blood is not available from blood banks except by special written request. This has been the case for at least 25 years.

    When my husband was given *blood*, it was leukocyte reduced packed red blood cells (PRBC) or irradiated PRBC's.

    Red Blood Cells, Leukocytes ReducedLeukocyte reduced red blood cells are cells that have been filtered to remove many of the leukocytes in the unit. Leukocytes are removed using filters to obtain less than 5 X 10^6 residual leukocytes per unit. Leukocyte-reduced RBCs are offered in two configurations - single standard bag alone or with two or four pediatric packs attached. This product is used to reduce the risk of nonhemolytic, febrile transfusion reactions for those who have had febrile reactions following transfusion. Its use has also been shown to be effective in reducing platelet alloimmunization and CMV transmission. Leukoreduced red blood cells can also be used when CMV negative RBCs are unavailable. Pediatric packs are appropriate for use in infants.

    Red Blood Cells, IrradiatedRed blood cells are irradiated to inactivate any lymphocytes present. Severely immunosuppressed patients who may develop graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after transfusion of viable immunocompetent lymphocytes should receive irradiated red blood cells. Those at highest risk are those with congenital immunodeficiencies, transplant recipients, premature infants, fetuses receiving intrauterine transfusion, and those with aggressively treated neoplastic disease. Potassium levels may increase at rates higher than seen in non-irradiated red cells. This should be taken into account, depending on clinical circumstances.

  • mcsemike

    The GB also is too proud to admit their mistakes. When they do this, and it's not often, they blame others.

  • mcsemike

    Thank you, Mary. You made some excellent points. It does get tiring to listen to the same drivel and then see the WT change ten years later. And you are right, the GB needs no help or sympathy. Every problem any JW has had since 1889 is the fault of the WT and its defenders.

    The poster who started much of this thread obviously doesn't know the facts. Hopefully, they will grow up.

    The WT is a cult. And a baby-raping cult at that. Lies, slander, people dying due to their policies (and they'll answer for all of this) and many other perversions of the Bible are all the WT knows how to do.

    I wish them a speedy but painful death.

  • mcsemike

    I wanted to apologize for my last post criticizing what some said on this thread. I can't find the comment that I objected to. I'm a network engineer and have several pc's all linked together. It turns out that I was reading the posts on one thread and had an open "reply" box meant for a diferent thread. I'm sorry if anyone thought that I was criticizing any comment on this thread.

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