New Aussie Blood card released last night= It will make you sick! Shocking!

by Witness 007 89 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MsMcDucket

    Platelet Gel - Some blood withdrawn made into a solution....this is applied to surgical sites and wounds. Note: Some formations a clotting factor is taken FROM COW'S BLOOD. { } { } { }

    I meant to say that the "gel" is composed of "gelatin". Muslim's are opposed to having anything with Pig's blood. I told you all about the time that I had a Muslim patient. I had a hard time getting him to let me look at his surgical incision (body to him).

  • WTWizard

    Fine. This gives Brother Hounder (who must sign the damn thing) another way to sort out those that are in "need" of hounding. Anyone that checks off "Yes" to those items allowing fractions of blood will be watched closely for other things--like sending children to college, having music that is questionable, watching PG-13 movies, going online, and whatnot. You choose to accept blood fractions, you open yourself to houndings in every area of your life.

    My stand: As long as I am not initiating the use of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against another person with my position on blood, it is none of their fxxxing business. And nor is my taste of music, whether I choose to watch adult porn, going to college or encouraging (not forcing) children to go to college, or joining an apostate forum. I should just put in bold letters: MIND YOUR OWN FXXXING BUSINESS! --1Thess 4:11

  • skeeter1

    I respect the divine guidance given by Bethel's old men who are trying to protect us from terrible diseases.

    Aids - 1 in a few million units of blood is tainted

    Hepatitus - 1 in a few hundred thousand of units of blood is tainted.

    Chagas - Only 3 or so people in the US have ever gotten this from a blood transfusion. Treatment is easy to fix. Gentian Violet

    Infections - Treatsment is easy to fix - antibiotics

    Going without blood is not dangerous.

    Those with a blood count of 7 have a 33% chance of dying. This increases to 99% if they are elderly or have compromised circulatory systems. Those with a count of 5 are 'almost' dead, or are usually dead.

    Bethany Hughes was given arsenic as part of her bloodless treatment, as directed by the HLC elder. She died a few months aftert starting this wonderful treatment.

    And...let's not talk about accident victims....women hemoraghing during childbirth/hysterectomy.....blacks with sickle cell anemia..... (but, old, white men in Brooklyn without wives don't worry about these things)

    The Watchtower leadership is steadfast in its refusal of blood

    Just don't look at their history on fractions, hemoglobin, blood treatments, blood machines, etc. More flip-flops than are in Jimmy Buffet's closet, I dare say.

    The Watchtower leadership abstains from blood

    That's why they allow 2,500 units of donated blood to make one dose of Factor VII, used by hemophiliac JWs

    That's why they allow hemoglobin now. Basically, it's the inside of a red blood cell. You can't eat sausage says these old men, but you can take the sausage out of the skin and eat that! Go figure?

    They allow cell tagging & "current therapy" - (i.e. whole blood transfusions in smaller doses)

    Yes, these old men in Crooklyn make wonderful decisions...

    And....................if you don't agree with the old men.......................................

    SHUN, SHUN, SHUN! But, you'll have the sun on your shoulders.

    Agree with these old men.....and hope they are right about Everlasting Life.


  • sooner7nc

    jeffery, I'm so sorry that you've got your feelings hurt, but when my loved ones face the possibility of death, because of misguided rules from people that don't know any better, I tend to lash out and tell people to stick things up their ass. Hope your feeling better.

    I hope that my attempts at sarcasm have not gone unnoticed.

  • undercover
    Blood transfusions are a victorian technology and are slowly being replaced with new technology,

    The key point in this comment is "...slowly being replaced..."

    Yes, medical advancements are making blood transfusions less and less a needed thing. Maybe some day in the future there will be a breakthrough where blood transfusions, in whole or part, will be a thing of the past.

    But for now, blood products are needed in certain instances, especially in major trauma where whole blood is used to try to replace a major loss of blood.

    I had surgery a while back and my doctor always does a bloodless surgery if possible (which was a relief to my JW family). I had a major surgery where just a few years ago this type surgery would require a blood transfusion. Very few doctors would have even attempted to try it wihtout blood then but today more and more doctors have embraced the new technology of surgery without whole blood transfusions.

    A few days after my surgery I was given albumin, which is made from blood. So while surgery was successful without blood, the recovery required a blood fraction to help my body recover. I probably would have lived even without the fraction but recovery would have been slower with more complications.

    What's ironic is this is one of the fractions that's "allowed" by the Society, if you check the appropriate box. But yet my family was concerned about what albumin was and if this was a conflict with "Bible principles". They didn't even know what their position was supposed to be, yet they were going to try to force some kind of unstated principle on me. Of course, I and the doctors were already ahead of them and the doctors were aware of my position and followed my wishes and ignored any outside pressure.

  • minimus

    The KEY point is that NOWHERE in the Bible does it say that "certain components" of blood are acceptable----just not whole or plasma!!!!

  • skeeter1

    Minimus, You are not fully informed. There is a few hidden verses of the Bible that no one knows about. God said to Adam, "Do you eat from the tree. But, you may take the fruit of the tree and make various different foods and beverages from that forbidden fruit and partake of those new creations to your heart's content. So, Adam and Even opened 'Eden's Bakery' and filled it with all sorts of wonderful dishes made from the apple. Jehovah continued to bless Adam and Eve, though fallen with ever increasing profits. Jehovah visited the bakery, and blessed their wonderful creation, the Apple Tunover." So, with blood. All the parts are allowed, just not all together.

  • MsMcDucket

    Tagging takes about 3 ml or 3 cc's of blood. It is taken out of the patient's IV port or by phlebotomy and mixed with a radiotracer and put right back in.

  • minimus


  • skeeter1

    Where is this mixing done? Next to the patient, or in a lab? Exactly, how long is this 3 cc out of the body? At first, blood/heart machines were banned. Then, they were allowed as they are thought of as an extension. Now, cell tagging is a clear "break" of the circulatory system, but it is allowed. Isn't saving one's own blood in anticipation of an operation also a "break" of the circulatory system? But, saving one's own blood in this manner is not allowed because it's currently viewed as a break in the circulatory system. So, why is cell tagging allowed? Skeeter

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