New Aussie Blood card released last night= It will make you sick! Shocking!

by Witness 007 89 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jefferywhat

    Rabbit, I was not going to debate this subject on an emotional level as I am not qualified to, and Im not threatened by an alternative opinion. If the poster feels that strongly and has experienced something traumatic that has helped form that opinion what can one do other than empathize?

    TD: Interesting post, how could I get my hands on those papers?

    Momzcrazy: You said I missed the point. The thread is titled "New Aussie Blood card released last night= It will make you sick! Shock". I dont see the shock. I think medical research is influencing everyone including trained medical professionals. If you read my other posts on blood I have a religious point of view but I am not discussing that. I am putting forward a secular non JW apologist opinion.

    Whole blood transfusions are on the way out.

    One thing I want to comment on is the attitudes sometimes demonstrated on this site, In the threads above I am personally attacked for having an opinion that differs from others and twice have been told to go back under my rock.

    Is a thread supposed to go like this.

    Subject. Tomato sauce is the best
    Poster 1. I like tomato sauce
    Poster 2. Me too.
    Poster 3. yeah I like it too.
    Poster 4. I like BBQ sauce.
    Poster 5. Your a looser poster 4
    Poster 6. Yeah poster 4 you suck
    Poster 7. yeah everybody lets hate poster 4 cause, well, they dont like tomato sauce like we do!!

    Seriously I dont think the new card is "shocking", I dont think whole blood transfusions are great but I acknowledge I have never been confronted with a choice and yes I could change my mind under pressure or I could just change my mind.
    There are loads of alternatives and I hope me or anyone on this forum is never in a position where they need a blood transfusion.

  • PEC
    I know I said i was done here

    jefferywhat, first you announce that you posted just to stir up shit, them you complain it happens.

    PS dont comment unless you read the articles on the above links

    I read the links, the first one must have been written by a dub, all the way through it they keep saying JW this JW that.

    The second looks legit, most of the risks are in the 1 in 1 to 10 million, not a condemnation of transfusions at all.


  • jefferywhat

    Incorrect PEC, Thats was a message to Penny 2 as I had reached a certain point of nirvana, this site helped me somewhat, however, it is a good place to debate and I enjoy that. I am not so simple as to enjoy stirring up S*%T as you put it.

    And whole blood transfusions are down as is the use of blood to produce various proteins, most of the worlds EPO is now made from non blood products, of course this is entirely an economic decision but its happening.

    Blood transfusions are a victorian technology and are slowly being replaced with new technology, why is that so hard to accept?

  • momzcrazy

    I lived thru my medical emergency. I would have come through faster and with less brain damage if I had accepted whatever fraction of blood my DOCTOR had deemed necessary. There were 3 other women in the hospital with ectopic pregnancies. They were out within 2 days. I was in CCU for 6 days and two additional days before release. My objection is the nit picky attitude the society has in an effort to maintain their wrong stand on blood. ANY blood, whole or fractions. All of us know that should a Witness cave in and take blood, or even an approved fraction, they would be talked about negatively. I was the star of the cong when I returned after 3 weeks.

    This is a medical decision not religious. The men in the tower should not put themselves in the position of God, saying what we can do to save or lives and what we can't. This decision we should make with qualified medical professionals. NOT men who have probably never been told they would never survive surgery if they didn't take blood. They have probably never been faced with the prospect of leaving their kids because they said God said so.

    Yes, this is personal. What goes into our bodies is personal. Living or dying is personal. It doesn't matter that whole blood may be obsolete. It matters that what we choose to do in these situations is none of the Society's busness. They do not live with the consequences. If I had died would they have helped my husband raise our children?

    Please save your JW apologist opinions.


  • TD


    They're available in the periodicals archive of any public library here. New England Journal of Medicine, American Medical Journal and Transfusion.

    --Not sure how you would go about getting those articles across the pond.

  • 2112

    My wife came to me yesterday asking if she could put me down as her decision maker were she not able to do so in an emergency, and if I would respect her JW wishes. I said yes when it comes to her, I will respect her wishes. Then she returns from her meeting so full info she wanted me to know about the blood card, and I totally took the wind out of her sails when I started telling her of the fractions she is allowed to take etc. I guess she thought it was insider information. Then she said that she checked other because as medical advances are being made there might be somthing else they could use that is not yet on the card. I just smiled to myself as I wondered, what the hell does medical advances have to do with God saying pour it out on the ground. I almost asked her (But I held back), since when did medical advances start shining new light.

    So today my son was warming up a can of ravioli and I took the can and asked him. What would you think if the government said that you could not eat ravioli, but you could eat all the stuff in ravioli just not at the same time? You would have to open each ravioli pasta take out the meat, wipe all the sauce off, set the pasta aside, then you would be allowed to eat each part seperatly? I recicved a strange look, then after a moment the light went on and he just started to smile and then laugh. Through the eyes of a child!

  • momzcrazy
    Subject. Tomato sauce is the best
    Poster 1. I like tomato sauce
    Poster 2. Me too.
    Poster 3. yeah I like it too.
    Poster 4. I like BBQ sauce.
    Poster 5. Your a looser poster 4
    Poster 6. Yeah poster 4 you suck
    Poster 7. yeah everybody lets hate poster 4 cause, well, they dont like tomato sauce like we do!!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah what's with the question: "Do you except - Other" ____ Tick Yes { } No { }

    WHAT IS "OTHER"? How do I know if I should tick it or we need extra pages! The blood card is nearly A4 size plus you get 2 extra pages of info. in a plastic sleve.....I think next year it will come in a bound volume to explain how to answer "Other." What if other is blood taken from the umbilical cord of a dead fetus. WE NEED MORE PAGES!! I think I will ring my HLC Elder.

  • MsMcDucket

    Labelling or Tagging - Some blood withdrawn mixed with medicine return to body.

    When they tag blood, this means you are losing blood fast internally and they need to find it before you die. This is, usually, only done in emergency situations.

    I asked the doctor why they didn't tag the blood to find my husband's bleed. And that's the answer I got. Blood transfusions have saved my husband's life.

  • MsMcDucket

    Oh yeah! "Pig's blood" is like the gelatin you eat.



    General Description:

    An odorless, tasteless and colorless thickening agent, which when dissolved in hot water and then cooled, forms a jelly. It's useful for many purposes such as jelling molded desserts and salads, thickening cold soups and glazing CHAUD-FROID preparations. Gelatin is pure protein derived from beef and veal bones, cartilage, tendons and other tissue. Much of the commercial gelatin today is a by-product of pig skin. Until the advent of commercial gelatin in the late 19th century, jelled dishes were not very popular because housewives had to make their own jelling agent by laboriously boiling calves' feet or knuckles. Their only alternative was to use either the hard-to-obtain ISINGLASS (gelatin from fish air bladders) or CARRAGEEN (a dried seaweed product). Granulated gelatin is the most common form of unsweetened commercial gelatin on the market. It's packaged in boxes of 1/4-ounce envelopes and is also available in bulk. Generally, 1 envelope of gelatin will jell 2 cups of liquid. It's important to soak gelatin in cold liquid (whatever the recipe directs) for 3 to 5 minutes before dissolving it. This softens and swells the gelatin granules so they will dissolve smoothly when heated. Not as readily available as granulated gelatin is leaf (or sheet) gelatin, which comes in packages of paper-thin sheets. Four sheets of leaf gelatin equal one package of powdered gelatin. Leaf gelatin must be soaked longer than granulated gelatin and is therefore not as popular. This product is often called for in jelled European dessert reci-pes. It can be found in some gourmet and bakery supply shops. Sweetened gelatin dessert mix is also available in various artificial fruit flavors.

    Serving Size Analyzed: 100 grams

    Protein (23 grams per 100 grams )
    Fat (0 grams per 100 grams )
    Carbohydrate (0 grams per 100 grams )

    CHART 1 (ABOVE). Macronutrient Breakdown By Percentage.



    1, Cal1, Mag2, Fol

    GRAPH 2 (ABOVE). Micronutrient breakdown as percentage of Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Serving size: 100 grams .

    Follow Secretor value if you do not know your secretor status.
    TYPE A:

    AVOID: Contains lectin or other agglutinin. Metabolic inhibitor.

    Non Secretor:
    AVOID: Contains lectin or other agglutinin. Metabolic inhibitor.

      TYPE B:

      AVOID: Increases polyamine or indican levels. Metabolic inhibitor. Inhibits proper gastric function or blocks assimilation.

      Non Secretor:
      AVOID: Increases polyamine or indican levels. Metabolic inhibitor. Inhibits proper gastric function or blocks assimilation.

        TYPE AB:

        AVOID: Metabolic inhibitor.

        Non Secretor:
        AVOID: Metabolic inhibitor.

          TYPE O:


          Non Secretor:


            • No data on this food.


            This ingredient is featured in the following website recipes:

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