Do Most Witnesses know about UN SCANDAL?

by Abandoned 54 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Abandoned

    Thanks everyone for the awesome suggestions and discussion. I stayed out of it, for the most part, as I wanted to get an idea what we're up against and what kind of things we can do help people wake up out of the cult.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    I guarantee my family doesn't know about it. If they have gotten wind of it somehow, they would have just refused to see it for what it really is...they have an excuse for everything.

    Also too, they wouldn't investigate it b/c

    a) they don't have internet to look into the matter further b/c the society cautions against it and,

    b) b/c that would be reading apostate literature to them.

    Since I have been shunned, I have no idea how to let them know!! Not that they would see it for what it really is anyways...


  • moshe

    JW's can forget almost any negative WT revelation in only a month or two.

  • civicsi00

    I can be pretty sure that very, VERY few of the Spanish congregations would know about the UN scandal. Most of the mexican/spanish-speaking JWs don't even have a computer, and the ones that do, don't have the internet, and the ones that do have internet, barely know how to use it. I first heard about the UN scandal when I read it online (I stumbled across it looking for a JW forum). Has there ever been any kind of media coverage on the UN scandal? If not, then I can guarantee that most of the spanish-speaking JWs are missing out. I know that if I tried to show my family about the UN scandal, they would be very skeptical about it, and then probably just brush it off as nothing.

    I personally feel this is HUGE. Why cancel the membership so quick? Why not keep it and say that you're trying to further the interests of the Kingdom? And finally, why didn't they inform all of JW-dom that they were joining as an NGO in 1992?

  • uninformed


    It was actually the Media that broke the story in October 2001----------------Check this board or google for articles from the Guardian, a British Newspaper.

    The US media did not pick up on it at all that I am aware of.


  • civicsi00

    Right, but it wasn't in the U.S. media. Unless it was on Univision (mexican TV station) or Telemundo (another one)....

  • kurtbethel

    The JW who conducts the study with me did not know. When I mentioned it he said it was untrue. So I showed him the Guardian article and DPI letter. He insisted it was slander against the Watchtower, I said that if they had slandered the Watchtower then they would get some of their legions of lawyers and have a massive lawsuit against the news agency and UN, so when was the suit filed?

    Then something strange happened. He started getting in a panic. He said if that were true then what of all the changes he made in his life. I discerned I had stumbled into something and not wanting to cause anguish I put the papers away and said that there was something more important involved here, that I will go along that the papers didn't exist, and that we never had this conversation. He calmed down and I changed the subject to sports, the weather, etc.

    It was a strange experience running into such cognitive dissonance, and I am not an expert on counseling and psychology, so I did not want to push into that area blindly and cause harm.

  • R6Laser

    Which spanish congregations did you attend, civicsi00? The ones I went more than 80% had internet access, and most young people had their own myspace sites. But as far as the UN Scandal, it is only a scandal to a little group here in this forum. I've brought it up many times to elders, family and to them its no big issue. Even mentioning that they withdrew once it was out doesn't sway them. They come back with, well that just shows you the the WTS did good and backed out of it.


    Oompa..You disappoint me..I really thought you could do better..This is a Debate board..You did`nt put up much of a debate.....Monkeys in a cage throw shit at each other..Thats all you did.....Try Again..................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW


    I died a thousand deaths when I found out about it.


    As did I, uninformed, as did I.

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