Hi everyone, I'm Cognac's friend!

by Hypnotic 178 Replies latest jw friends

  • erynw

    Sorry hypnotic.

    I see different IP addresses now.

    Have fun.

    I'm outta here.

  • changeling

    cognac and hypnotic: we have been burned really badly on this site. We are overly cautious because of it. Please forgive us if we are wrong.


  • Odrade

    No need for that kind of bending over, Cognac. There are a number of self-appointed hall monitors here who "investigate" every story that sounds "too" interesting. Ignore them.

  • nomoreguilt

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Cognac's Friend, is MY friend)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



  • Hypnotic

    I can assure you I'm not here to burn anyone

  • cognac

    Seriously, please someone msg me so we can just verify it and move on. It's not a big deal and that way other people won't question it also.

  • Cc81

    cognac, you have a PM.

  • changeling

    Sometimes people come on here and try to mess with our heads. They take advantage of the fact that we've been hurt by the WT Society and are happy to help and welcome kindred spirits.


  • cognac

    No, I don't have a PM.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    cognac and hypnotic...

    I PMd cognac a warning before hypnotic came along...I warned her that this board is a bit hypersensitive to newbies because of previous problems we have had with trolls, JW apologists, and the whole Tgate incident...

    So it takes awhile before people are a bit more trusting...usually it takes actually someone from the board meeting you in person (at an Apostafest) or at least on the phone.... before people accept newbies.... it is fall out from Tgate... C&H....I know you two know nothing about Trevorgate...lets say that it was 1 person pretending to be 2 people (husband and wife) and it went on for 2 years......and "wife" died.....and it tugged at a lot of peoples hearts here.... it was truly heart wrenching....and all a big fat lie....

    Please dont take what people are saying too personally. Give it time.

    You have been lied to by the Watchtower Society. We have been lied to by the Watchtower Society. Trust is at a premium around here right now.

    Please hang around...as you tell more of your story, and people get to know you, trust will grow... If the dubious JWDers are wrong, they will apologize.....

    Snakes ()

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