I Have a Commercial Janitorial Service - And Proud of It !

by flipper 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Flipper may be a toilet scrubber by night. But in the daylight hours.........

    He's an ART-EESTE!!!


    No offense intended Mr. Flipper. I just thought there was way too little jokin' around on this thread.

    Open Mind

    of the, scrubbed plenty of turlets back "in the day", class

  • Finally-Free

    Damn, I thought something smelled fishy in my office today...


  • jaguarbass

    Hello Mr. Flipper, My most affluent friend here in Florida is a janitor. He used to own the World Gym in Largo he had Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and A lot of othe wrestlers in there every day. Arnold even came by when he was just a terminator.

    He said he made more money as a janitor than running the worlds gym, in fact he tried to sell the gym to me.

    He appeared to be doing well he lived on a gulf course and had several rental properties. Everyone at the gym thought he was the bomb.

    He sold his world gym and now just works as a janitor.

    My wife and I did a little office cleaning when we were in the tower. We cleaned for a brother who had an electrical company. We just did it to supplement our day jobs.

    I have to say we werent ambitious, motivated or maybe even smart enough to have our own Janitorial business.

    My life parrales yours in a lot of ways I was married at 19, Got married to have sex and not be in trouble.

    Was strongly influenced that education was bad, I was pioneering full time when I was 20 1972 waiting for The big A in 3 years. 75.

    Like you said being witnesses and not getting educations gave us limited choices of occupations.

    When your in the tower, Theres construction, window washing janitorial, factory work. People have been succussful at all of them.

    I have a bitterness about the limited choices of occupation. When your self employed you have to be really smart ambitious and industrious to get all the benefits that a slacker with an education can get.

    People also put down trashmen, sanitary engineers but those who work for the cities and counties here in Florida have some of the best non skilled jobs with benefits in the state.

    I would suspect people are angry about the limited choices a Wactower education provides and hence they dont know how to appropriatley vent or express their anxiety.

    Also the second most prosperous person I have known was a brother now a born again believer who was a window washer the high rise kind. He ended up buyin the cleaning company. The 2 janitors I know have more wealth than most other people I know.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all your responses ! Lots of good analytical thoughts ! I'll give my response ! Peace.

    MEMARIO- Glad you get paid for your " puppies ". LOL!

    BREAKING AWAY- I agree with you. I think some are bitter about " elders " who claimed to be wise , but they get sarcastically pissed and refer to them as " janitors " to be funny . But I think like LOOSIE said, " they just haven't had the training. I would hope that people don't look down on general labor either. After reading everone's responses I think 99 % of people don't look down on janitors.

    OUTLAW- Thanks for the support and kind words, dude. I'd be glad to come clean your mountain retreat - for the right $$$$$$$$ ! Don't know if you could afford me though ! LOL!

    SEARCHER- I agree with you. But not just " janitors " haven't had training to counsel others. Also, construction workers, roofers, gardeners, real estate agents, insurance agents, office workers. They too, would not be qualified to be good counselors without proper training as well.

    DOGIS GOD- You have not offended me in the least in anyway. I'm just making some observations here, that's all. You are right though- it is better to work for yourself ! More money !

    LLBH- I'm so glad you are doing well too. Great to find another " smart " window cleaner among us. LOL! Good luck to you getting your law degree ! That is great ! I agree with you that as you did with your neighbors- sometimes you just have to ignore people's comments.

    WARLOCK- Hey dude ! Yeah you are right ! I really don't care what people think of me doing janitorial either. Was just putting out things I have observed . It is about the mean green, bro !

    FIFI 40- I agree. I do tend to ignore the critics also, thanks ! I'm quite content and secure with what I do for a living. I'm glad you have done so well as well. I wouldn't go back to working for someone either .

    CANDILYNUTS- I used to have to rush into the kingdom hall before meetings straight from jobs and do my Clark Kent impersonation changing in the restroom before the meeting. It sucked. And i agree with you that not only janitors, but construction workers , roofers, gardeners , insurance agents, and real estate agents would also need counseling taining before becoming Quote, " counselors".

    JAMBON 1- I do laugh about people's views, really. I'm glad you are doing good in your business.

    CARLA- I appreciate the kind words ! I agree that people from " all " trades would need training to counsel others to give psychological advice to people.

    JUST HUMAN- I agree with you. I never had the chance to develop the rest of my skills either. Thanks for your kindness. I know you understand what I do for a living- having done it 12 years yourself !

    DORKTACULAR- I agree a lot with you. Sometimes people with degrees can't get work, you are right ! And they have to settle for something that pays much less. I too have never worried about what people do for a living !

    UNDECIDED- I'm so sorry your janitor friend died in a car wreck. So sad. I'm glad you got to go fishing with him and be good friends while you could though ! Peace to you friend.

    SOONER 7C- It is amazing the money you can make on like floor stripping jobs also. I have made upwards of $ 100.00 to $150.00 per hour on such jobs at times. Or big money can be made on one time clean up jobs also. I do it all.

    SNOWBIRD- Thanks for the kind words sis ! I love you too. I am proud of you that you have made a real success of your life as well ! The elders tried to discourage my son from going to college as well 6 years ago. He is in Chico St. University in Northern California. Doing well like your daughter ! I am proud of you and your daughter Snowbird ! Educating ourselves and our children is certainly a payback to the cult ! I loved your quote too !

    WANDERLUSTGUY- I hear ya Wanderlustguy. I agree . I love what I'm doing too, I never wanted to be a counselor or elder or tell people how to run their lives. I was content to raise my kids and exist !

    BITE ME- Thanks for the support and kindness . I do like having my own hours. Pretty much- as long as I get the jobs done before they open at 8:00 A.M. in the mornings. I agree it is hard work at times, the hours can be difficult but I get paid well. So, it's worth it.

    TRUTHSEARCHER- Very kind words, thanks ! I have no regrets doing what I do as a janitor- yes the hours are challenging but the money is worth it ! I'm glad you enjoy teaching music ! Great! You can't give that up, because you aren't going to meetings anymore, right ?

    BFD- I do know how you feel BFD. I mean, hey, I am certainly not rich by any stretch of the imagination at all. We do O.K., get by. pay bills have a little extra but not a whole lot. So you aren't alone bro ! We all bought into the " new system " and " paradise " saves us all $hit you know. You are not a fool BFD, but we were all fooled by the Watchtower society about the time of the end. Be kind to yourself friend- we just have to do the best we can do in our own particular situations , Peace.

    PRIMITIVE GENIUS- I agree with you. It was the only type of employment in which a lot of us felt we could make decent money ! Sorry your dad has to work so hard at his age and feel obligated to rush to meetings then to work late at night ! I hope he can get some rest in the future.

    FINALLY FREE- I agree. The one thing about window cleaning is low overhead, with supplies. Chemicals aren't too costly for windows, and you can usually get in and out and knock a job out pretty quick ! And cleaning windows is not as hard on your equipment either , like using buffers, or vacuum cleaners .

    JW DAUGHTER- Shelly, don't worry, you have never said anything to offend me sis ! In answer to your question I would have liked to pursue one of these 4 things :

    Major League Baseball player

    Professional golfer

    Be a singer in a rock n roll or blues band

    A Psychiatrist. What a weird mix of wanna be jobs, eh?

    DANIEL P- I agree , I see the humor in the " janitor " thing too.

    ECLIPSE- Yes, it has been a good income for me over the years. Raised 3 children to become adults with it, help my son to college, and provide for my wife now. But she is a big help too, she is a seamstress and self employed as well, so she understands the self employed thing.

    TINKER- I'm glad you and your husband are doing well ! I agree with you I will probably have to keep working past retirement age too- unless some kind of miracle happens. I'm happy for you and your husband. Don't be too hard on yourself- we all thought the " end " was coming.

    COGNIZANT DISSEDENT- Good post COG! I think you see clearly the important points I was trying to make here and exactly what I was getting at. You hit the nail on the head by saying to , " not displaying judgements or a superior attitude". Thanks.

    OPEN MIND- That is funny ! Good stuff ! I actually do love art ! I have over 100 framed art prints in my wife and my house ! Although I do " suck " at painting. LOL! Always got c's in high school in art ! Maybe that is why I appreciate it so much- I couldn't do it ! LOL!

    JAGUAR BASS- Hey JAGS. Good post ! I too feel like our options were very limited being raised in the org. But you are right, good money can be earned in the janitorial business if a person puts out the effort. So, we make the best with what we have been given, right ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    Good post Flipper - I'm proud of you for everything you've accomplished and for your heart of gold!

  • JK666

    Mr. F.,

    I have taken a while to respond to this post. I hope that I have not offended you in former posts. I agree that the janitor, window washing, elder stereotype gets bashed a lot on this board.

    I think that you have done very well for yourself. I think that starting and being successful in your own business is a long shot, and you should be proud of your accomplishments!

    I think that the real animosity is not against the profession, it is against some of the dicks that are in it. You have elders that are much less articulate than you, espousing a bunch of shite that are in your line of work. They think that they are more educated than doctors when on HLC's. They think they know how to live your life, when they have had no reasonable facsimile of a real one themselves. And most of them are plumb dumb.

    These statements are no reflection on you. It is just angst striking out.

    I know that janitorial work can be very profitable. This is coming from someone with a Bachelors degree that is struggling right now.

    Love, and Godspeed,


  • tinker

    wow Flipper, that was really Really nice of you to reply to all of us. I wrote early this morning, just home from work,7am. Here it is 8pm and shocked this thread is still up. I'm usually a thread killer so your reply really means alot.

    I'll never feel alone again as I go about my daily cleaning routine knowing Mr Flipper is out there too.

  • KenseiShimonzu

    I don't knock anyone's hustle,you gotta do what you gotta do to get the money you need to make it..point blank.

    In my short life,i've already worn many hats,but never found the right fit until recently with current career,one day though,my ultimate goal is to own my own business as well,as i've been managing other people's,and taking hefty responsibilities in them since i was about 19 when i was first assigned as Crew Leader over 2 other guys.

    Lately though my responsibilities involve a lot more liability,but i can also pretty much name my price because i have a natural talent for what i do,and because i was supposed to be an Engineer,i can usually pretty much figure out most jobs,and improve efficiency to a marginal degree in order to set the pace for that raise i'll be getting later. When i have to work with other people,i look at things much differently than most,even when i was a "Laborer"..I looked at myself as a commodity,The Talent,as a contractor providing a service for a price,and as such i always have a price that i must get before i'll even agree to get started with a job...I used to jokingly tell my mom,if i hadn't become a dub,i would have probably been a Hitman,lmao..she didn't think it was funny though:P

    But all in all Flip,you do what works for you man..the bills will only come in your name,not the names of any detractors who might try and trash what you do for a living,lol-KS

  • flipper

    AWAKE & WATCHING- Thanks for the kind words sis ! I think you are the bomb too ! In a good way.

    JK- Hey Zappa man. Miss talkin' dude. Tried calling you, left a message, I'll call tomorrow ! Hope thing are a little better for ya . You have never offended me in any way , you funny guy. You are a crack up to be around , not offensive. I agree with you that some janitors who have been witnesses have sullied my long and storied historical profession by their overt stupidity . But as you say, can't paint us all with the same brush- and that is true in every profession !I know your situation will work out guy, you have a good head on your shoulders and are smart, so keep your chin up. I feel that whatever a person chooses to do , if they put hard work and effort into it- they will prosper eventually. Peace, bud.

    TINKER- I like responding individually to people , as it shows them I've read their takes on things they send me. Also, I think it's more personal. It encourages more open discussion.

    KENSEI- Thanks for the kind words. I get the sense that you have a good " business" head on your shoulders. I'm sure you too, will be quite successful in any venture you pursue. I can just sense it from how you come across in a positive way

  • searcher
    SEARCHER- I agree with you. But not just " janitors " haven't had training to counsel others. Also, construction workers, roofers, gardeners, real estate agents, insurance agents, office workers. They too, would not be qualified to be good counselors without proper training as well.

    Exactly so, this is my big problem with the JW’s, apart fro the Paedophile thing.

    Untrained people giving life advice to persons with problems.

    It even comes into the paedophile problem, a trained councillor would KNOW that councillors HAVE to report when a person comes to them and says “I have been abused”……..even in non-reporting states, the non –reporting is for a CONFESSION.

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