by rache31 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gringa


    Having been born in - 3rd generation and graduating from high school in 1975, I can't really tell you what it was like then, you wouldn't believe me. Nor, do I need to tell those that have lived it how truly weird it was as you understand.

    Seriously, this is an evil cult, stifling/ruining the lives of millions of people. Why do people so blindly follow? Are they missing something in their lives? Are they so afraid of dying that they can't see all the lies, twists, changes of the borg?

    I don't think I will ever understand it.

  • jaguarbass

    Oh, how many of us heard that we wouldn't make it to graduation or get married in this system? I thought I wouldn't grow up. No one talked about preparing for the future. I didn't think about college, only pioneering, and I didn't save money. Passed up opportunities to advance on my job, turned down overtime because it interfered with meetings. I used to be so angry but now I find myself laughing at all the bs I was told. (maybe a coping mechanism) I'm so thankful that I can move on with my life, seeing that I did grow up after all! And I can teach my sons some practical things about life and living it to the full. Just a thought I was having since I am thinking about going to school... Sounds like my life only I'm 25 years older. Didn't you know the big A came back in 75?

  • Quandry

    I know there are home schools that are for JW's only. I don't know of any actual school building though??

    Yes, don't know how many but in the late 70's or early 80's I know there was one around Daytona, Fl. One of my friends was a "teacher" there. I am sure she finished high school so that must have made her qualified. Some of the kids in the congo went to it. I think it finally fizzled out because with the quality of education they were getting, why bother?

    Also, yes, in Fl. around the same time, homeschooling was all the rage. For most it meant almost no schooling. Field service was said to satisfy some requirement. Can't imagine what.......Also of course, reading the Craptower was "literature study."

    I wonder how these "highly educated" folks are faring now that they are adults? I'm sure they must be washing windows somewhere right now, confident that reading the WT and Awake magazines have given them the "equivalent of a college education."

  • smiddy

    My young boys were in primary school in the late 1960`s and it was common knowledge they were not going to reach high school b4 the new system arrived.Also the person who brought me into the "truth" (ugh ) often said this old system could not last anymore than 5yrs b4 the end came.I wonder if he still says that.

  • daniel-p

    For the first 10 years of my life I was convinced Armaggedon was going to happen in the year 2000. I'm not too sure how I got it into my head, but I guess I deduced it with my budding mathematical skills and all the confusing rhetoric regarding generations and such. Needless to say, I hadn't even considered growing up in this sytem until I left Bethel when I was 21.

  • Gringa

    smiddy - welcome to the board - and yes, shockingly, somehow, someway, they still justify it all...... that is what I can't understand.

  • VoidEater

    Anger and laughing (see OP) both seem appropriate responses to this ludicrous situation - like an old boss of mine used to say, You're either laughing or you're crying! I think I'd rather laugh...

    Why do people so blindly follow? Are they missing something in their lives?

    Yes, sadly. One of the most reported reasons of seeking therapy is to work on "an emptiness inside". Many cults institutions seek to fill that with something. Sadly, what the JWs offer is often false, and can't stand the stress of time without a good dose of desperation.

  • Gringa

    Voideater - I suppose you are sadly right - emptiness is a human condition, IMO. How we deal with it, makes or breaks us. I guess that is why all the religions thrive - on those looking for something more than themselves.

  • aquagirl

    ah,they are STILL saying it..my parents are saying that going to school now,as an adult is a waste of time,cause armageddon is just around the corner..i went to a few meetings last summer{long story} and they were seriously diss'ing higher education,making such foolish statements like"people who has higher education are unhappy,etc"..and you wouldnt believe all of the nodding fools that were agreeing!!!! i do think that a class action suit might be in the future.. those bas++rds....

  • AnnOMaly

    Neither was I.

    Neither were my parents.

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