Part 2:The Elders Return, Made Decision To Disfellowship Us On Grounds Of..

by Lady Liberty 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Friends...

    What would we do without all your love and support??!! Thank you so much!! ((HUGS)))!!!

    Incognito: WELCOME to the forum!! Thank you for your concern. We are doing great. We haven't considered ourselves JWs for 3 years and haven't been to a meeting since 3 years ago in March. But still they come after us!! AMAZING!!

    Compound Complex: Amazing that you heard about egg throwers...I bet they somehow know us. You should PM me what area your friend said it happened. Maybe we are neighbors!!


    Lady Liberty

  • legalchickie

    Wow!! I am very impressed. You showed those elders for what they and the org are all about, lies and more lies.. Great job!!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear LegalChickie,

    WELCOME to the forum!! Thank you for your kind comments!


    Lady Liberty

  • minu

    Marking this so I can read later. Thanks.

  • XOCO

    i enjoyed reading ur story LL, i've noticed w/ all the stories of elders hounding ppl they won't stoop down to anyone's level nor would they provide a reasonable answer 2 ur questions. u also gave me something to think about and to do research on

    How is it you can disfellowship us because you say Christmas is pagan, when the wedding rings you are both wearing are pagan? The calendar you use is pagan, candles, hearts, wreaths?? Have you read the article on the Pinatas?? The Society acknowledges the Pinata is pagan as well, but it is to be considered a conscience matter, even though it is still used in religious practices in Mexico to this day!

    the bottom line is that it is all pagan or its not pagan i.e. birthday=anniversaries /


  • Farkel

    ...Farkel makes a quiet note to never piss off a Lady, especially if her last name is Liberty!

    Great job! You go, girl!

    : If the DA letter will help you, it would be more effective than an appeal.

    I wouldn't advise that for the simple reason your mindset should be that you no longer submit to their authority. A DA letter is playing by their games. Let them know they now have NO power over you and their stupid DF is just a piece of paper scrawled on by window washers and janitors. It has no power over you any longer. Spit on it. If they are not already emasculated, THAT will do it!

  • BluesBrother

    Well done - Lady Liberty

    It seems the elders around your way are no better than the ones around here - they only want to cover their ass and dont give a damn about their flock

    "By their fruits you will know them!"

  • momzcrazy

    Welcome to the bright side!!! I do hope you stirred some logical thinking in the elders' heads. But even if you don't you are free.

    Have happy holidays!


  • flipper

    LADY LIBERTY- You and your husband did a great job standing up to these " alledged counselors " . How can they accuse you and Black Pearl of " playing games ", when you folks have been the most straightforward of anybody in your story ? I found in my dealings with the elders when I fought em' last spring and into June when I won my appeal of their trying to " falsely " DF me, that they are experts at trying to project their anger and negativity onto you, and turn it around and make you feel like you are being the unfair , angry, hostile one! Perverts. They need to go back to their kingdom halls and do more research and find more pedophiles to discipline , spend time on the unfaithful in their ranks who are REALLY doing damage to their " alledged flock " ! Hope you and your hubby can find a semblance of peace now, Take care sis and bro, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Sunspot
    " How is it you can disfellowship us because you say Christmas is pagan, when the wedding rings you are both wearing are pagan? The calendar you use is pagan, candles, hearts, wreaths?? Have you read the article on the Pinatas?? The Society acknowledges the Pinata is pagan as well, but it is to be considered a conscience matter, even though it is still used in religious practices in Mexico to this day! If you say one is wrong and pagan, you have to say they all are!" Then my husband said, "Honey, you know its because it the policy of the Watchtower to call Christmas pagan".....The elders both stood there and said.."W e l l............" They had no reply but wwweeelllll.

    WAY TO GO, Lady Liberty and Black Pearl!!

    I was so impressed that you had the chance to say everything that you did and let it sink into their thick heads. Perhaps they will each personally go home and think about these things in the days to come, and have it sink down into their hearts!

    The elders MUST be hearing these same types of things worldwide, and it HAS to be having an impact on some of them! Plus, they are seeing members of their own congregations, leaving in disgust and disappointment at the WTS twisted teachings. I chose to write a letter to explain my departure and to most likely be in a long list of other letters from JWs that were DAing themselves due to the lies they have been told. I cannot even imagine the size of THAT pile, LOL! (I was far too nervous to face them back then too).

    hugs to you both,


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