" How is it you can disfellowship us because you say Christmas is pagan, when the wedding rings you are both wearing are pagan? The calendar you use is pagan, candles, hearts, wreaths?? Have you read the article on the Pinatas?? The Society acknowledges the Pinata is pagan as well, but it is to be considered a conscience matter, even though it is still used in religious practices in Mexico to this day! If you say one is wrong and pagan, you have to say they all are!" Then my husband said, "Honey, you know its because it the policy of the Watchtower to call Christmas pagan".....The elders both stood there and said.."W e l l............" They had no reply but wwweeelllll.
WAY TO GO, Lady Liberty and Black Pearl!!
I was so impressed that you had the chance to say everything that you did and let it sink into their thick heads. Perhaps they will each personally go home and think about these things in the days to come, and have it sink down into their hearts!
The elders MUST be hearing these same types of things worldwide, and it HAS to be having an impact on some of them! Plus, they are seeing members of their own congregations, leaving in disgust and disappointment at the WTS twisted teachings. I chose to write a letter to explain my departure and to most likely be in a long list of other letters from JWs that were DAing themselves due to the lies they have been told. I cannot even imagine the size of THAT pile, LOL! (I was far too nervous to face them back then too).
hugs to you both,