Part 2:The Elders Return, Made Decision To Disfellowship Us On Grounds Of..

by Lady Liberty 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • sspo

    Great jo.b, i hope the elders will go home and do some serious research and reconsider their own faith in the watchtower

  • Incognito

    Hi Lady Liberty & BlackPearl,

    Although you may have expected this, it still can be a shock when it is reality. How does it make you feel? Are you guys OK?

    Again, as stated previously, the blame is always dumped on you as a R&F member. The Society or the elders never take responsiblity for anything that they did or didn’t do.

    From your original post of December 15/07 (

    I said.."Well regardless, I cannot and will not belong to an organization who harbors pediphiles!!!

    As stated previously by DT – “This sounds like a clear statement of disassociation to me.” I agree. How can they disfellowship if you’ve already disassociated?

    You may want to appeal and push this issue. You might see this as a waste of time but, at the very least, it provides you further opportunity to get more off your chest, inform more of these elders about WT lies and an occasion to record the proceedings. Of course, you’ll most likely take control of the meeting since you have a strong disposition, are better prepared and have factual information readily available.

    A few other items to consider:

    You mention being away from meetings for 3 years. Have you been representing yourselves as Witnesses during this time? I’m told that the Society’s current policy is not to pursue punishing the ‘bad deed's’ of walk-away members who are no longer calling themselves or known as witnesses.

    If the elders were truly Sheppard’s and looking after your wellbeing (as they like to think of themselves as), why did they not notice the Christmas decorations (that were in plain view and a cause for vandalism) last year?

    You may want to contact your local Newspaper regarding a follow-up story to the vandalism of last year. Since you are both known in your community, your neighbors may be interested in how you are currently being treated by the same group who last year vandalized your property.

  • worldtraveller

    For those of you still in the cult, please let these comments be a warning that it is time to get out and spread the word.

    I believe Jesus said I am the way......etc. He did NOT say the Watchtower is the way.

    Bunch of crooks, liars, and barely conscious pond scum.

  • SirNose586

    What weak quislings. Can't even df you with some sort of authority.

    "We're kicking you out because Mommy says we have to."


    Congrats Lady Liberty, and thank you for all your 607 help. I'm sure I'll be outed over the same scandal.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I'm sorry that your family, or anybody, has to go through this. For humans that have free will, to be subjected to this government of men, who say they are from god, is preposterous. These men, should not be able to tell me, that I shouldn't pursue happiness.

    I would have to give myself a Christmas present. I would go to the newspaper, especially now, that it is Christmas, and try to get them to run a story, about being kicked out, for having questions, and celebrating Christs birth, being on Dec. 25, or not.

    If they won't write an article, I would have to at least take out an ad, saying that they want to disfellowship you for this, and you DA, and disfellowship them, for their false beliefs. (and insert a good "clean" website)

    I live in a small town, a business card sized ad, costs $35.00. You can put an ad in the personals, that everybody here reads, for $10.00. Usually the only thing in the personals, are people saying that they will not be responsible for their spouses debts. You would have everybody in town talking.

    And you could add..... Honk as you drive by, if you agree!!!!! That would really tick off your JW neighbors!!

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Great job Lady Liberty!!

    I am happy for you. It is sooo disturbing that the society is hardline on false teaching. They want to DF me, but I will not give them the pleasure. I mentioned to this elder on the phone how there were many changes and what were his feelings about them. He lovingly set up a sheparding call with 3 elders to pay me a visit. They tried to bait me with questions, but I gave the party line. I did not even smile despite the fact I could barely keep a straight face. One was pissed because I quoted scriptures to back up their points. I was even finishing their sentences. Toward the end, I would quote old watchtowers changes from the 80's. (no guns at work for JW's, stop smoking, people of sodom in LF book) They were silent. I was baptized in 1982, long before these wonderful shepards. My wife said you are such an arsehole. I loved it. A confirmation of the obvious!! Now she lovingly turns in my 8 hours a month and they leave me alone.

    Then our PO LIED to him, and said they had been trying to get ahold of us but we would not return their calls. That was an OUTRIGHT LIE! Miraculously, the very next day our PO was able to get ahold of us."

    I was lied on by the body when I was a pioneer. I was with my fiance (wife) in Santa Monica at the beach. At 1 am someone tried to car jack me (boxed me in). I held up a gun which my wife did not see and quickly left. My wife did not know what was occurring and felt slighted. She told her elders she kissed me at the beach one night. One elder told my body I tried to rape her and she escaped with the help of Jehovah. The stories was so detailed, I was almost convience that I did it. I denied it but was privately reproved about loose conduct. We JUST kissed, that was it.

  • babygirl75
    Lady Liberty of the DF'D class!!

    Welcome to the alumni...Lady Liberty & her Hubby, class of 2007...

    I'm so happy for you & your hubby standing your ground the way you did. I'm sure those two elders left there with all that you said on their minds and they will be thinking of it, even if their JW conscience tells them not too.


  • Marjorie

    For those of you still in the cult, please let these comments be a warning that it is time to get out and spread the word.

    I believe Jesus said I am the way......etc. He did NOT say the Watchtower is the way.

    What he said!!! But seriously, the road ahead will be bittersweet, as the SSS (State-Sanctioned-Shunning) begins. Remember, we will all be here for you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Lady and Pearl,

    I hope you are in a state of recovery after all this emotional turmoil. Your courage and straightforwardness were necessary and, I might add, your standing up to them was admirable. It's ironic that, when an ex-JW friend told me about a case of vandalism involving eggs thrown by JWs, I was reminded instantly of your story. I asked him if he read your account on the net. He said NO: it involved people whom he knew (or knew of). The perps were seen, prosecuted and convicted.

    My two questions for you fine folks:

    1) Do JWs typically throw eggs at infidels such as yourself when, in reality, they'd rather throw stones in your general direction?

    2) How go the piano lessons, BP?



  • Bryan

    Lady Liberty,

    I'm not sure how many family you have now lost; I'm sorry. I am happy, though, that you were able to divest a few of your concerns on the elders.



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