Gentlemen, Ladies and Muslims!!!!

by Gill 91 Replies latest social current

  • delilah
    "Be careful of the 3 cursed things, urinating, defecating, (and flatulating) and spitting (with phlegm) in any sources (rivers, seas, oceans, wells etc) and in the middle of the road (where people walk) and from under the shade."Abu Dawood 26, Ibn Majah 328

    I remember years ago, an uncle of mine, whose job it was to travel worldwide, was in a country, where a man, fully robed, suddenly stopped in front of my uncle, lifted his robes, and defecated, right on the sidewalk. Needless to say, my uncle feared imprisonment or worse if he said something, so he quietly gagged and walked the other way. How disgusting!!

    I think I can safely say, "Now I've heard it all?"

  • nelly136

    these would probably fix the problem and with less moving parts than your average toilet

    they'd probably be cheaper to maintain, though in order of fairness they should be open to anyone who wants to use

    them and not just a select few. (thats if anyone else doesnt mind the splash backs or slush puppies if they get it wrong)

    and thankyou for the reminder not to shake hands with anyone offering from the left.

  • Dansk


    Ian, I have never met you, but I would love to do so.

    Maybe one day I will attend an apostofest.

    How about Edinburgh next April?


  • Gilberto

    How about Edinburgh next April?


    Maybe, it is the other end of the country from us though. But we have never been there and it would make a nice break. But we do have a little one to think of, and we would him to come with us.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    You know what I find repellant, people who try to find ways to justify behaviours for some folks but not for others. I find stoning repellant, lashing a woman for being raped, Shariah law, death threats for a God dam cartoon etc. I also find it repellant that the youth in France would go on a crusade and burn cars and stop buses in the public transit system beating people up. I find it repellant that there are so many radical nuts in some areas of Europe that they will not even allow the police to enter these areas. I find it repellant that we have to watch not to say Merry Christmas so that we don't offend anyone. Seasons greetings is more politically correct. Since when did any other minority group of immigrant get this special consideration. We have all tried to intergrate. My fathers an immigrant for Christ sake.

    Don't call me a rasist either, I dated a Belly dancer from Damascus who would literally kiss the televison set when Saddam Hussein would come on. Enough is enough.

    Growing up as a Jehovahs Witness no one gave a God dam that I was the only one that had to leave the class when the Lords prayer was said. No one gave a shit that I had no fun at Christmas or any other holiday. No one gave a crap, that on Valentines day everyone's desk was full of valentines cards and mine wasn't. Now we all have to be sensitve. Why is that? Are you scared? If there were less of them here, and there were no problems in the Middle East would you still give this kind of consideration? I think not. Despite what our forefathers died for, Majority rules! Despite the fact that many may indeed be moderate, the hidden agenda has not changed, and integration is not on that agenda. Just study the history of Islam. Check out whats happening in the Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Palestine etc. Acommodating is not part of their vocabulary.

    Just as i can't stand the majority of Witnesses' I know there are some good folks in Islam. Does this mean I will change my behaviour to suit them. It might, if there was a great deal more of them, and they made open public threats such as the demonstrations they have held in England.

    If you pulled that kind of shit in their countries they would barbecue your testicles. In Dubai just giving someone the finger is enough to send you to prison!

    If someone is nice to me I will be nice to them, but I refuse to change who I am.

    Scotsman with all due respect, you have a good Muslim freind there. Mahmoud Amadinijad recently gave a lecture in New York stating that this Phenomemon of homosexuality does not exist in Iran. The audience laughed, but he was being dead serious. You know why that is. Cuz in Iran if you are caught, you will get a bullet between the eyes. Thats a sobering reminder of why we must place more value on our rights instead of going off the deep end to accommodate thinking from the 7th century. Keep in mind this clown has openly stated he wishes to wipe Israel off the map and tried to disprove the holocaust.

    With all due respect to decent Muslims. It is my understanding that to leave a harmful religion and the brainwashing you get from birth I still find it hard to shake off my witness ways. Islam has been mixed with politics, and is being used as a powerful tool to control the masses. It has even more power than regular bonafide politics because it is not just a political force, it is a beleif system that that uses fear coerscion and tradition.

    You want to say Christianity has done the same thing . Yes, you are right. But give that argument to someone else. That is why I am not religious.

  • Elsewhere
    Muslims are required to stand when defecating

    Sounds like a personal problem to me.

  • Gill

    I suspect the men we started this thread with do NOT have squattee loos at home. Tell me why they want to enforce this at work?

    As a woman, I have good reason to fear Islam. Scotsman - Your friends would not tolerate you if this was a Muslim country. They would probably kill you. This is a Christian / secular country and that's why you are protected as you SHOULD be!

    Someone screams racist! and everyone goes 'No! Not me! I love Muslims!'

    OK! So suddenly you all Love muslims and are 'best friends with Muslims' but only because Islam cannot do to you in this country what it can in other countrys.

    If you are a woman, you would probably have to or be pressured to wear a veil! You might be flogged if you are sexually assaulted. You might not be allowed to drive.etc.

    If you are a gay man, you would be killed post haste!

    Now, start gibbering that you love the Islamic faith!

    I say you are a coward if you do, because you fear someone screaming racist at you when all you really want is to be free in our secular and protected state where even Muslims WANT to be!

    There is much to fear from the Islamic faith. They want everyone to be a Muslim and all women to be in substandard positions and all gays dead.

    If you don't like the word 'they' then you don't understand that Islam is an all consuming 'faith / cult' in the same way that the JWs are all consuming and expecting to take over the world.

    A tolerant state such as the UK can easily become a victim to religions and to minorities because it is so tolerant. But the people it tolerates are not tolerant!

  • scotsman
    If you don't like the word 'they' then you don't understand that Islam is an all consuming 'faith / cult' in the same way that the JWs are all consuming and expecting to take over the world.

    absolute tosh. And it's this level of ignorance that makes debate on here worthless.

    I'm well aware of the abuses perpetrated in Islamic countries across the globe and have been involved in campaigns against injustices and abuses in a number of them. It's because of these abuses that I cannot get stirred up about people breaking toilet seats. I've visited 3 Islamic countries and the application of Islam by the state varied widely just as it varied widely in the people I met which is why I cannot accept blanket statements such as the above. If you are apalled by human rights abuses I hope you do more than moan about them on here and that you lobby your MP and write letters for Amnesty International at the very least.

    None of my posts on this thread have defended Islam, none of my posts have agreed that special lavatories should be provided for anyone.

    Xenophobia is not racism (and I'm not sure why you mentioned genetics Gill) , it's a fear of the other, the foreigner and when I read this thread, that's what comes across froma lot of posters - the Islamic boogie man that threatens "our" Christian or secular civilization. (that's interesting in itself, is the drift from Christian nation to secular bad? Discuss!)

    There's no point in me commenting further because I guess I'm a wet liberal pansy.

  • wanderlustguy

    Thier requirements make just as much sense as digging a hole with a stick did when it was written. Obviously if the same hand you used for eating wasn't used for toilet duty, it would help keep infection and disease down. But now, a lot has changed.

    Muslims use cars now, not animals for transportation, but I would imagine there is nothing in the Koran about cars. Same for sitting down while doing your doody.

    To be so intelligent people can be incredibly dense.

  • katiekitten
    I guess I'm a wet liberal pansy.


    And im not a homophobe. Im not scared of me house. (OK, I pinched that from Peter Kay, but it still makes me laugh!)

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