Gentlemen, Ladies and Muslims!!!!

by Gill 91 Replies latest social current

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    I just hope there's plenty of antibacterial cleanser and that they clean thoroughly when they are done. Are they only allowed to use one hand to clean? Hopefully women aren't required to do this. It just seems too ridiculous; that it's just a rumour. For what reason would they be required to do this? Would they also copulate this way, or is just about feces. I'm glad I finished my lunch. If this is true then I think for sanitary reasons alone it should be taken seriously.

  • quietlyleaving

    From what I know muslims squat to defecate. It may be that they put their feet on the toilet rim and then squat in which case the new toilets would be sunken ones so that they can then squat to defecate.

    edited to add: I'm prolly completely off beam here Gill - well it won't be the first time

  • 5go

    There is a simular problem with most eastern cultures that have squat toilets back home.

  • Gill

    5go - they are born and bred BRITISH MUSLIMS and do not originate from another country so have always had british toilets.

  • Guest with Questions
  • Gill

    If they are putting their great big dirty engineering boots on the toilet seat even with one foot this is a hygiene problem and still not good in hygiene terms.

  • quietlyleaving


    5go - they are born and bred BRITISH MUSLIMS and do not originate from another country so have always had british toilets.

    It may be that public toilets are considered unclean and thats why they need to squat by standing on the rim. It's next to impossible to maintain a squat position for more than 3 minutes over a normal toilet and not let any part of you touch the toilet seat.

  • katiekitten
    You would insist on a western toilet in their country so why can't they do the same?

    No thats not true. I didnt insist on a western flush toilet when I went to Kenya. I used the 'squatee' because thats what was available.

    I think its bloody ridiculous that we will bend over backwards and spend thousands of pounds to accomodate the defacating preferences of moslems, when they in return arrest and charge a teacher for calling a teddy the wrong name and protest in the street to have her killed for it.

    Surely tolerance should cut both ways??

  • sweetstuff

    Man, it really sucks to be a muslim, lol. God even tells them how to sh.... I mean do the deed. Does anyone else find that mental picture funny? The muslim dad knocking on the door of the bathroom while his teenage son is doing a number 2, "Son are you squatting?", "You better be squatting, you know what Allah requires". ROFLMAO

  • flipper

    O.K. Mr. Flipper here , I think I have a little experience on this subject as I have been self-employed in commercial janitorial for 25 years ! And before all you upper class echelons on the board start dissing my profession as you " often " do as us being dumb as rocks , I'll have you know I had a 3.6 GPA in high school and was not allowed to go to college due to my witness upbringing . So, I have some smarts and a hell of a lot of common sense.

    Good, now that we have the groundwork established here , on with my take ! To think that cultural differences in a more developed land should be tolerated compared to the danger of sacrificing hygeine , cleanliness, spreading of disease in the population, just for the sake of not offending someones culture because they have a messy way of defecating their human waste ? Come on now, that IS pure stupidity !

    WITNESS007- You are a janitor like me, and you said we should be , " More tolerant of other peoples culture . " That is not the point here . It's a matter of hygeine , not spreading disease , staying clean, and showing respect for the next person using the toilet ! Christ ! If it was a customer of mine doing that, and I had to go in and clean that $hit each night, you better believe they would get a phone call from me telling them to either talk with their employees about going to potty training school , or they could get themselves another janitor ! Pretty simple ! It is not a racial, cultural thing ! Whether a persons skin color is white, black, red, yellow, pink, purple or orange, that is NOT the point! It is a matter of health for others, respect for others, and hygeine. Period . I don't know what would cause you as a janitor to lower yourself to cleaning toilets like that ? You could not pay me enough money to clean that up , if a customer is going to turd all over the place !

    DINAH- In answer to your question, " Still trying to figure out how you would go # 2 standing up " ? I would imagine very carefully ! Hey, like anyone hiking in the forest as I do backpacking, you dig a hole, semi-stand and squat, but you really have to spread the legs wide to do it right ! There is no way these morons Gill is talking about can spread their legs WIDE enough standing on top of the pot ! Jeez! I don't care what their culture is, it won't stop the " crap running down the legs " syndrome if they don't spread their legs enough ! There. End of our science class for today ! Class dismissed ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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