Gentlemen, Ladies and Muslims!!!!

by Gill 91 Replies latest social current

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    ha ha how about rotating toilet seats? oh the expense!

  • funkyderek

    This is really nothing to do with Islam. Plenty of Muslims are able to use a normal toilet. It seems however, that the two in Gill's friend's company haven't actually managed this. It doesn't mean they're backwards, just that they come from a backwards culture and haven't been able to assimilate into a more advanced one. Perhaps they'd also like to travel to work on a dirt track rather than a road, or to drink water infected with fecal matter, but they're in a first world country now and should learn how we do things. A remedial class on how to use a toilet shouldn't take more than a few hours, maybe throw in a class about oral hygiene at the same time (as needed).

  • Satanus

    A plastic bucket out back shouldn't cost too much ;)


  • Gill

    PoppyR - The firm's maintenance department had been trying to work out who it was that had been vandalising the toilets and ripping off the seats. They only realised it was the Muslim blokes when they started to demand Muslim toilets!

    FunkyDerek - The thing with these two blokes is they were both born and bred in the UK. Their demanding special toilets is therefore especially bizarre in that they are wanting to go to a more backwards way of doing things and therefore demanding that this country goes backwards with them. This is what happens when you begin to go down the politically correct route and try to please everyone no matter how ludicrous their beliefs and practices.

    Personally, I think a lot of men in this country would be disgusted to think that the public loo they had just been in when caught short had men standing on the seats trying to drop their load in the correct place and probably missing a lot of the time.

    I am not impressed with Islam's backwards treatment of women, children and not so wealthy or powerful men, and yet this totally takes the biscuit in that some of them (certainly not ALL) demand other people to be as backwards as them......and we allow this.

  • Dansk

    Hi Gill,

    Assuming this is true:

    In researching this problem, my friend discovered that the local University had to spend £15,000 on toilets for its Muslim students and these toilets are 'Muslims Only'!

    and assuming also the latest story is true I would strongly suggest you get on to your local newspaper and ask about the former and tell them about the latter.

    I went to college with Pakistani Muslims and asked them if it were true about them having to wash their backsides after every visit to the loo. "Ha Ha Ha, who told you that?!" was the reply. They (the majority) don't do it!!

    Regarding standing up on the toilet seat, I never asked but knowing my Pakistani friends I can't believe that, either! OK, maybe some Muslims do it, but I wouldn't say the majority do here in the UK.

    For what it's worth, I was invited back to a Muslim's house for tea and Indian sweets and we were joined by many friends from college. They were brilliant, friendly and intelligent people who made me feel like one of their own. There is so much Islamaphobia going about - but if there is a GENUINE grievence against Muslims it should be taken up with M.P.s and newspapers.

    I'd no more wish to be Muslim than anyone here, but the reality is a small group of idiots is not indicative of the millions of Muslims worldwide, e.g. look at how two leading Muslims went to the Sudan to help in getting the school teacher released from jail and of how many Muslims here also called for her immediate release!

    I strongly believe that s-l-o-w-l-y and eventually British-born Muslims will integrate far easier and much better than their parents. I had to laugh the other day when Muslims who had emigrated here in the 60s were interviewed about how they felt about the new influx of immigrants coming in. They said: "We don't want them! We've worked hard to make a living here and set up home but most of these immigrants are looking to live off the state!" Sound familiar?!

    For goodness sake, we're all the same but some cultures leave a lot to be desired. However, I am truly optimistic through seeing how many immigrants, Muslims included, are adapting to our way of life. Indeed, look at the Muslim baroness who went to the Sudan to help effect the school teacher's release. She didn't wear a head covering! Many Muslim women are now wearing western clothes and accepting western values. It's been a slow process but many are getting there. There's so much fear (of losing British values) when there's no need to be.


  • Gill


    Funnily enough we were discussing exactly what you are saying yesterday evening and came to the conclusion that Islam will be 'shamed and embarrassed' by the publicity that its extremists get into changing, evolving and perhaps even in another forty odd years disappearing. However, ask yourself this: 'Why is Islam being embarrassed by its extremists?'

    We came to the conclusion that publicity, the media ie newspapers, television, the internet, the radio etc are all responsible for this 'exposure'. Even in Saudi Arabia there has been unhappiness at the 200 lashes sentence handed out to a woman who was gang raped. This is due to bad publicity. The media and the majority of 'normal' people see injustice and are NOT happy about it. But first they had to be informed about it! This took power, and I mean the electricity type of power not just will power of campaigners.

    Now, lets look at the world today and what the future may well hold. Power cuts are predicted to be almost a certainty unless we miraculously come up with some form of power to take over the fossil fuels that we have been using. What does the media require to continue to distribute information? POWER! Electricity, petrol, etc.

    Once we stop communicating with eachother there is a risk that the world will slip backwards from its ever emerging consciousness that it is beginning to feel. Backwards behaviour arrives mainly in backwards cultures. There are certain injustices that the west will not tolerate, at least not tolerate quietly, and yet these are standard in places where communication and education is poor!

    If the world begins to slip backwards with regard to technology it may well begin to slip backwards in its emerging new consciousness of the importance and value of the individual! Where there is no communication, education, law, and accountability anything, absolutely anything bad and abhorrent can happen....which is why we see atrocities in war time.

    Should the world slip backwards due to power shortage, we may well see the ability of fervent extremism to rise to the top of the heap and crush all those underneath its feet!

    This is why extremism, such as Islam, and even pro Christian Cults are so dangerous. They are sleeping beasts waiting to rise and oppress at the slightest opportunity and loss of the majority to keep control through education and communication.

  • quietlyleaving

    Gill your post reminds me of an interesting tour of the British museum's enlightenment department that we attended recently.

    The tutor made an interesting comment after showing us all the artefacts that map our journey from the dark ages to our technological age. He said it took the West hundreds of years to get to where we are now (remember how slops were thrown out the window and old castles where the toilet was basically a hole leading to a moat ) and perhaps the more non-technological backward people of today won't need go through that long process and will will make the jump fairly quickly.

    We have the tools, we have the resources - progress will follow faster in our day.

  • Gill

    Quietlyleaving - Progress SHOULD follow faster in our day as long as nothing stands in its way or accidentally gets in its way. Religion has always been the fore staller of progress.

    Funnily enough, you remind me of something. My grandfather used to own a fortress built around 1100 AD. Upstairs, there was a toilet, which we all used to use in an emergency but ONLY in an emergency, which was basically a hole in the wall leading to a sheer drop outside the castle walls, with a stone seat! There wasn't half a draft round your backside though! We've all moved on from that and for good reason too!

  • quietlyleaving

    Gill, I'll bet they never suffered from piles in those days!

    I would argue that politicans can use religion for their own agenda and hold civilzations back.

  • Gill

    Quietlyleaving - And I would say you are probably right!

    If everyone were to be well educated, intelligent, capable of critical thinking etc, where would the politicians and upper echelons of society get their 'drones' from to do their dirty work!

    The wonderful thing about religion is it helps to keep people terminally ignorant!! It's a fantastic tool of politicians!

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